Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Chronology Article 67 Published 2/2/22; OVER 5.7 MILLION PEOPLE DEAD FROM COVID-19 WORLDWIDE; OVER 914K AMERICANS DEAD FROM CHINA FLU; US Wave 6 is on the Downside with 17 US States Recovering Quickly and 33 Others Peaking with Daily New Cases; B11529 Omicron Variant Wave Moving Quickly Around the World; BA2 Omicron Subvariant in 57 Countries and Half the US States but Not Posing Serious Threat; Johns-Hopkins Study Says Lockdowns Have Little or No Impact on COVID-19, Create Great Harm and Should Be Rejected Out of Hand in the Future; Beijing Olympics Drama; Canada's “Freedom Convoy” Protests Continue and Truckers Worldwide Join In Seeking an End to Mandates; Americans and the World Are Getting On With Life; Spotify Pressured to Remove Joe Rogan Podcast for Not Conforming to Whitehouse and CDC COVID-19 Narrative; States Begin Lifting Mask Mandates Despite CDC Guidelines; 100% of US Cases are Omicron Variant; US Hospitalizations Drop Below 90K; WORLDWIDE TOTAL COVID-19 INFECTIONS EXCEED 400 MILLION; Prince Charles Tests Positive for Coronavirus; GSK Sotrovimab Monoclonal Antibody Treatment Works on BA2 Omicron Subvariant; Free 'Made In China' COVID-19 Test Kits Arrive 31 Days After Ordering


By K E Stone (Keystone)

Happy Groundhog Day. Greetings from Gobbler’s Knob in southwestern Pennsylvania, in Keystone’s backyard, where the world-famous groundhog (woodchuck) Punxsutawney Phil, prognosticator of prognosticators, seers of seers, forecasts if six more weeks of winter is on tap. At daybreak, if Punxsutawney Phil sees his shadow, six more weeks of winter it will be, but if the rodent does not see his shadow, spring is around the corner and all will dance with glee.

Punxsutawney Phil is taken from his tree stump house by the handlers and he sees his shadow so, for all of thee, six more weeks of winter it will be. The thousands attending the event give off a massive groan in unison. Too bad Phil cannot predict whether the pandemic will last six more weeks, or not.

The Botswana/South Africa B11529 Omicron Variant wave is moving quickly around the world. The Omicron Variant accounts for over 93% of the world’s cases over the last 4 weeks. The world’s daily new cases chart is shown above with yesterday’s cases at 3.0 million well off the peak high for the world at 3.8 million cases on 1/20/22 which is in the rearview mirror for almost 2 weeks.

The 7-day MA for the world’s daily new cases has rolled over to 3.1 million cases per day and dropping. The world is on the mend. The news is positive although there are several hotspots remaining around the globe.

The world’s deaths are not a positive picture as shown in the chart above. Earthlings continue dropping like flies. The planet reports 11,386 deaths from China Flu yesterday a horrible number after 2 long years of this misery. The 11.4K deaths compares back to August a half year ago (red line and circles).

The 7-day MA trend line continues higher at 9.7K deaths in the world per day. The joy and jubilation experienced a few weeks ago when the 7-day MA for the world’s deaths came down to levels not seen since 2020, is now a distant memory (green line). Coronavirus keeps picking-off the elderly and obese.

Japan’s daily new cases chart is shown above.  It is a nasty mess. Japan reports 85K daily new cases on Sunday the most ever and yesterday is at 62K cases. Perhaps the peak in daily cases is occurring for the island nation in real-time. The 7-day MA trend line continues its rocket launch higher at 73.4K daily new cases.

Japan blames the spread on American service men not following covid guidelines. The men will blame it on the beautiful Japanese women that are just too darn pretty. The Japanese men at the Geisha houses are likely doing their fair share of spreading virus as well. No one has halo’s hanging above their heads.

Denmark is a case study for the new BA2 Omicron Subvariant. There are many mutations after the B11529 variant raised its ugly face at the Botswana/South Africa border in November. BA.1 and BA.1.1, shortened to BA1 for the chronology, is the initial B11529 Botswana/South Africa variant called Omicron Variant and BA2 is the new Omicron Subvariant which is also called the Stealth Variant and the Sister Variant. Of course, this terminology is greatly simplified for the international audience. Eggheads and intellectuals can read white papers to dive deeper into the scientific details.

The new BA2 Omicron Subvariant is identified in 57 countries. About 200 BA2 cases are identified in 26 US states. BA2 may be more transmissible than BA1 but the immunity from a BA1 infection and vaccinations are holding up well against the subvariant.

Denmark and the UK have the best information and data on BA2 thus far. Philippines, Nepal, Qatar and India are also dealing with elevated BA2 cases that can provide insight into the seriousness of the new variant which currently does not appear to pose much of an additional threat compared to BA1.

Denmark reports 42.9K daily new cases yesterday, 2/1/22, an elevated number but it is below the peak at 50.4K cases on 1/28/22. Over one-half the new cases in Denmark are the new BA2 Omicron Subvariant so the world is watching to see if it poses a serious threat.

The Denmark chart shows the zig and zag of the Omicron Variant infecting the Danes, then subsiding, but then the cases go exponential with the majority of the infections the BA2 subvariant. Denmark’s conclusion is that both the BA1 and BA2 omicron bugs do not pose a serious threat to a population that is highly vaccinated or has natural immunities due to prior infection. Denmark lifts all covid restrictions. Whoopie! Party time!

Doctors and scientists cringe at the news from Denmark when looking at the chart above but the natives are getting restless and it is time to get on with life. Hospital admissions in Denmark keep dropping despite the rocket launch in cases and fewer elderly folks are getting sick. Denmark gives credit to the vaccinations.

The UK lifted its covid restrictions last week and is moving towards eliminating all measures imposed on the public in the coming days and few weeks. Each earthling must decide for themselves if it is safe to come out from under the bed. Much of the world is deciding that it is time to get on with life.

South Korea’s daily new cases chart is shown above and it is a Nightmare on Elm Street. South Korea reports 18.3K daily new cases yesterday, 2/1/22, the most ever. It is horrific with the 7-day MA parabolic at 16.3K cases per day. On the positive side, deaths are not rising.

South Korea’s active cases, however, are over a quarter-of-a-million which taxes the healthcare system. As South Korea deals with the covid misery, North Korea’s tin-pot Dictator Kim Jong-un is firing missiles off every couple days.

Brazil’s daily new cases chart is shown above. Brazil reports over 257K daily new cases on 1/28/22 a horrendous number; one quarter-of-a-million cases in one day! Cases drop to 171K yesterday, 2/1/22, a good sign and the 7-day MA is rolling over at 184K cases per day so there is reason for hope. Brazilian deaths are pushing towards 800 per day a 4-month high.

Russia’s daily new cases chart is shown above. Russia is a covid Hell hole on earth reporting over 126K daily new cases yesterday, 2/1/22, and a 7-day MA trend line that is parabolic at 107K cases per day. Dictator Putin is playing a high-stakes poker game with the Ukraine, supported by the West, and both sides have a losing hand.

Mutha Russia reports 1.4 million active cases which means 1 in every 100 Ruskies are under a doctor’s care for China Flu. Russia is a covid disaster zone over the last half year. Ruskies do not trust the vaccines so there is likely a lot of unvaccinated folks getting sick.

Turkey’s daily new cases chart is shown above. Turkey reports 103K daily new cases the most ever. The 7-day MA is parabolic at 90.3K daily cases. The Turkey deaths are rising; their goose is cooked. Turkey’s up move in daily cases occurs in two segments like Denmark so perhaps BA2 is at play?

Indonesia’s daily new cases chart is shown above. Indonesia reports over 16K daily new cases, the highest for the current omicron wave. The 7-day MA trend line is parabolic at 11K cases per day.  Indonesia knew the trouble was coming for over a week so preparations should be in place. Fortunately, Indonesian deaths remain nil.

The United States daily new cases chart is shown above. The US reports 265K daily new cases yesterday and the 7-day MA is down to 411K cases per day dropping like a rock. Americans can throw confetti and sing happysongs if so inclined. The daily cases, hospital admissions and hospitalizations are heading lower but the active cases and deaths are only now showing potential peaks.

The ‘Modeling the US COVID-19 Pandemic’ table above shows the days where the peaks in daily new cases, hospitalizations, active cases and deaths occurred. The data can be refined in the future, perhaps by a grad student, and the peaks in the 7-day MA’s also analyzed. Hospitalizations peak a few days or week or so after the daily new cases peak and it is 11 days for wave 6.

The US active cases peak, on average, 26.3 days after the peak in daily new cases. The Keystone Model uses 28 days for the last 2 years which turns out to be a good number. It is always better to be lucky than smart. Adding 28 days to the 1/7/22 and 1/14/22 peaks in daily new cases projects 2/4/22 and 2/11/22 as the target dates for the peak in US active cases. We are there. The US active cases curve should flatten and roll over to the downside in the days ahead which will be cheered by America’s healthcare workers that need a break.

The US deaths peak 11 days on average after hospitalizations peak. People that test positive for covid are told to go home and monitor their oxygen and temperature and only call the hospital if they get real sick. Of course they do, and they end up in the hospital with a vent stuck down their piehole and then they croak 11 days later. If you test positive for COVID-19, seek EARLY TREATMENT; do not sit around and  wait until you get real sick.

These following links will help you locate help if you become sick. Discuss the information with your doctors so you can receive treatments and therapies as soon as possible if you test positive for COVID-19. Time is of the essence. Be proactive. Do not wait for someone to come to you, because that will only result in a red carpet ride on a gurney to the ICU.

Therapeutics Locator. Therapeutics Distribution. Some folks are being refused therapeutic treatments if you can believe that in America. It is happening in this new third world USA. Don’t give up. There are some outfits that charge you $1,000 for a monoclonal antibody infusion if the hospitals turn you down. You have to research each place to see if they are reputable and then discuss with your doctor. Preventive and EARLY TREATMENT is the key to handling  COVID-19 and these techniques, treatments and therapies will ward off flu and other viruses as well.

For wave 6, using the 11 days from hospitalizations to deaths, would be 11 added to 1/18/22 which is 1/29/22 for the target date of when deaths would peak. US deaths may have peaked 1/26/22 which would be in 8 days and good news for America. The US may finally be getting a handle on deaths now and that will only leave active cases which should roll over this week. Things are looking up, kiddo.

Budding virologists and epidemiologists can take the modeling a lot further than this elementary analysis. The modeling is key since it will help prepare the United States for a future pandemic. Knowing how a virus spreads helps the planning of logistics and supplies. For example, the southern US states need more help as cases rise in July and August while northern states need more help as their cases rise in October and November.

The US active cases chart is shown above. The omicron and waning vaccine efficacy wave 6 is a nasty bugger. It is starting to slowdown in its drive higher so a flattening and reversal should be on the come. Whoa. Check that.

Over the last day, the United States drops down from the record 29.1 million active cases to 29.0 million active cases. You need a magnifying glass to see it on the US active cases chart but it is there. One day does not make a trend but it is very encouraging that a pullback day finally occurs after non-stop up days in active cases since early November. This is big news. Sing Uptown Funk Halleluiah for the unexpected joy.

After the review above, the United States daily new cases, hospital admissions, hospitalizations, active cases and deaths are all moving lower although active cases and deaths are only a one-day move so far. That has to put a smile on your face despite Punxsutawney Phil declaring 6 more weeks of winter.

The US daily deaths chart is shown above. 2.8K Americans croak yesterday another terrible number but it remains below the peak in deaths on 1/26/22. Let’s keep that going. Since the peak was a week ago, the 7-day MA rolls over lower to 2.3K deaths per day. It is a horrible number but it is going down and that is what matters.

There would not be as many dead bodies if President Biden, the CDC and others would have promoted pretreatment and EARLY TREATMENT options but that does not fit the vaccine only narrative. Less folks would have perished if Biden would have pushed the production of the GlaxoSmithKline (Glaxo; GSK) monoclonal antibodies that work against omicron but that does not fit the vaccine only narrative.

Less Americans would be in caskets if the production of Pfizer’s Paxlovid anti-viral oral pills could have been spearheaded faster but that did not fit the vaccine only narrative. Sleepy Joe was sleeping. The counterfactuals can never be proven just as vaccine proponents say 200K or 300K lives would have been saved if everyone would have dutifully took the vaccine. However, Biden was hired to do one job only; fix the pandemic. He blew it.

There are other voices beating the drum of truth. The Jewish Journal publishes an article by David Suissa titled, “Why Was There No WarpSpeed for Therapeutics?” Suissa is pro-vaccine and triple vaccinated (as many anti-mandate and pro freedom and pro liberty people are) but questions why the shots receive the attention while therapeutics are pushed away. It is an important question that will require investigation to get ready for the next pandemic.

Suissa ponders why, for some folks, the vaccines create the idea of an intoxicating utopia. For some, the vaccination is a siren song that carries them to a perfect nirvana that in the real world never exists. Perhaps this topic can be better explored at length with other open minds at the local pub, church basement or meeting hall.

It is Day 22 since Keystone ordered test kits off the website; over 3 weeks ago! The test kits remain MIA. Biden’s choice of shippers were UPS, FedEx or Pony Express. Not known for his great decision-making abilities, Biden chose Pony Express.

As per the CDC COVID Data Tracker, the US hospitaladmissions and hospitalizations are rolling over nicely and have been for a couple weeks or more. The US hospitalization chart is shown above. The 6 waves of the US charts are color-coded to correlate to the modeling data.

Do not believe a lot of the doom, gloom and fear-mongering on television. Many Americans are starting to get on with life no longer permitting the virus, or the US government, to control them.

Kentucky’s daily new cases chart is shown above and getting smacked around these days. The daily cases peak and are dropping and the 7-day MA has rolled over to the downside so things are looking up and if Kentucky is getting towards the end of its omicron wave, so is the country.

The orange boxes on the Kentucky chart highlight the surge in cases that starts in the southern states in the June-July time frame, typically after the July 4th parties when a lot of hugging and kissing is going on. It is likely a safe bet that another surge of some magnitude will start in the South in early July which is only 5 months away. Is Sleepy Joe planning for this outcome or is he sleeping? The Whitehouse needs to be proactive instead of reactive.

The USA has the greatest number of total coronavirus cases in the world at 76.5 million. India is next with 41.6 million total virus cases. Brazil, France, UK, Russia, Turkey, Italy, Germany, Spain, Argentina and Iran round out the top dozen on the ugly list. Germany worsens leapfrogging Spain.

COVID-19 has infected 382 million people worldwide. 5.7 million people are dead from the China Flu. 303 million global citizens have recovered from China Flu. 79% (303/382) of the people that become infected with COVID-19 recover in a reasonable time frame. This percentage has been at 90% to 92% for many months, until the last 6 weeks where it has dropped 11 percentage points. What is going on?

People are not recovering as fast from COVID-19 as one year ago. The recovery percentage is worsening despite all the vaccines available around the world. About 20% of the people that contract coronavirus (1 in 5) have lingering health effects such as long-covid or die.

Worldwide, 1.5% (5.7/382) of the people that are infected with covid die; 1 in 67. This number sat at 2.1%-2.2% for many months but trends lower for the last 3 months to 1.5%. The vaccinations and natural immunities are helping to lower the world’s death rate albeit by small increments. If people are not dying as much and taking longer to recover, if they recover, it hints that long-covid cases may be increasing.

5.0% (382/7670) of the world’s population of 7.67 billion people have been infected with coronavirus; 1 in every 20 people on earth. This was 1 in every 24 people only 3 weeks ago! Will it be 1 in every 15 people next week? This behavior verifies the contagiousness of the Omicron variant.

0.07% of the world’s population (5.7/7670) died from the pandemic; 1 in every 1,346 people on earth died due to the likely Wuhan Lab leak.

In the United States, 76.5 million people are infected with covid. 914K Americans are dead. 46.6 million Americans have recovered from coronavirus. This equates to 61% (46.6/76.5) of US citizens recovering after becoming infected with COVID-19. The recovery percentage has been between 76% and 84% for much of last year but over the last 3 months drops to 61%. What is going on? The recovery percentage is also dropping for the world as shown above. Vaccines have not improved the recovery percentage.

America’s rampant obesity problem has greatly added to deaths, hospitalizations and long-covid problems. If you are overweight or obese, and unvaccinated, call your doctor. For the last 2 years, people have put off medical procedures so their bodies are weaker.

In the US, 1.2% (914/76500) of the people infected with COVID-19 die. This number was sticky at 1.6% to 1.8% for many months but has sagged to 1.2% over the last 3 months. 1 in every 84 US citizens that are infected with coronavirus die. 0.28% (914/330000) of Americans have died from COVID-19 which is 1 in every 361 Americans.

23.2% (76.5/330) of the American population of 330 million people, call it 23%, have been infected with covid; 1 in every 4.3 Americans. The minority communities are impacted disproportionately. The 23% that now have natural immunities solidly contribute towards developing herd immunity.  The numbers for natural immunity are likely far higher than reported. Many Americans had covid at home and never saw a doctor or reported the illness and they have some level of natural antibody protection.

The United States has 20% (76.5/382) of the COVID-19 cases in the world. 1 in 5 people that become infected with covid on planet earth are Americans. The US vaccination program made an impact month’s ago, but not so much in recent weeks and months. This percentage was 22% about 11 months ago so it is flatlining for a long time.

The US accounts for 16% (914/5700) of the China Flu deaths in the world. 1 in 6 people that die from COVID-19 around the world are Americans. 8 months ago, it was 1 in 5. The numbers are stalled at the same level for the last few months.

The Keystone Speculator Coronavirus Infection Rate Model, the Keystone Model for short, is a simple model that predicts when the active cases chart curves will flatten-out and roll-over lower. The active cases chart is the ‘flatten the curve’ chart that represents the maximum stress and strain on the medical system and healthcare workers. Once the active cases chart rolls over forming the bell shape, the virus is being defeated and healthcare workers can breathe easier.

The Keystone Model uses the peak in the daily new cases to forecast the peak and flattening of the active cases curve. The ‘flattening of the curve’ only pertains to the active cases chart. For communist nations where the populations must do what they are told or they receive a bullet in their heads (China), and for smaller authoritarian nations (Eastern European countries, Africa and Middle East nations), and many Asian nations where citizens follow government rules without questioning authority (South Korea, Japan, Singapore, Australia), the active cases curve will peak, on average, 11 days after the peak in daily new cases.

For the Western countries, such as the US and European nations, the so-called free societies, the active cases curve will peak, on average, 28 days after the peak in new cases. It takes about 2 weeks longer for a free society to tamp down a virus wave than a communist or authoritarian state because lockdowns are not strictly followed or enforced.

All projections below for countries and the US states continue to use the 11 and 28-day periods for forecasting for consistency. When the peak in daily new cases occurs, if a subsequent day is within 8% of that peak top, it is identified as the peak in daily new cases day in reference to the Keystone Model.

The peak in the daily new cases is easily seen on the bar charts provided by Worldometer, the CDC and Johns-Hopkins. The daily new cases bar charts are shown on television news channels with a 7-day moving average (MA) line which is a smoothing mechanism that identifies the trend.

An update for The Keystone Model is provided since another 10-day period passes, actually 11 days this time, and more data and information become available to push the Wuhan Flu story forward. The Coronavirus Chronology identifies the real-time hotspots occurring around the world and within the United States. The chronology serves as a historical document that will be referenced for decades to come by those that want to experience the entire pandemic as it unfolds in real-time.

The Coronavirus Chronology compilation of articles will be published in the future by Amazon and others and distributed internationally. This is Article 67 in the Coronavirus Chronology that provides real-time information for historians, teachers, students, journalists, economists, market participants, corporate executives, financial managers, Wall Street, doctors, nurses, medical personnel, first responders, researchers, public officials, news organizations, traders, investors and politicians studying the COVID-19 pandemic both domestically (USA) and internationally.

This sixty-seventh article is published on Wednesday, 2/2/22, Groundhog Day. The Coronavirus Chronology series of articles are the only real-time source of information available continuously chronicling the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic from early 2020 into 2022; it is the China Virus Bible.

Readers live and breathe the pandemic, the worst in a century, as it occurs in real-time, experiencing the daily virus zeitgeist, good or bad, devoid of political correctness. This is not revisionist history-telling. It is the raw pandemic truth and human emotion occurring, recorded and chronicled in real time, without any allegiance to political parties or media sources. The information is direct and unapologetic. A chronology can be written no other way.

All 67 Coronavirus Chronology articles are archived on The Keystone Speculator blog. The last couple articles are linked below if you want to come up to speed with the never-ending COVID-19 saga.

The sixty-fifth article is the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Chronology Article 65 Published 1/12/22; Fast-Moving Omicron Variant Cascades Around the World Displaying Skinny Inverted (Upside-Down) V Pattern (Ice Pick) for Daily Cases; 1 American Dies from COVID-19 Every Minute; All 50 US States Battling Omicron Wave; Worst Global Hotspots Include Israel, Turkey, Central and Western Europe, Nordic States, UK, Ireland, Iceland, North, Central and South America, India and Philippines; China Dealing with Worst Outbreak of Pandemic with Beijing Olympics On Tap; WORLD REPORTS OVER 3 MILLION DAILY CASES MOST EVER; Breakthrough Cases Increasing; US Testing Debacle Continues; Inflation Soaring; Airline Travel Nightmare Continues; President Biden and CDC Credibility Questioned; CDC/FDA Say Most Americans Will Become  Infected with Omicron; SCOTUS Blocks President Biden’s Unconstitutional OSHA Vaccine Mandate but Not for Healthcare Facilities Taking Government Funding; Free COVID-19 Tests Available from US Government Website Starting 1/19/22; Omicron Parties; WHO Approves Baricitnib Arthritis Drug and Sotrovimab Antibody Treatment for Treating COVID-19; Beijing Cases Rise with Olympics Only Days Away; “Partygate”; Israel Says 4th Shot (Booster-Booster) Ineffective Against Omicron; ”Unvaccinated Apartheid”; Website for Ordering 4 Covid Tests Goes Online 1 Day Early 1/18/22: Hong Kong Culling 2,000 Hamsters and Imposing Lockdowns; More Americans Die from China Flu Under President Biden than Former President Trump; Texas Judge Blocks Biden’s Executive Order that Mandates Vaccines for Federal Workers

The sixty-sixth article is the Coronavirus (COVID-19)Chronology Article 66 Published 1/22/22; WORLD REPORTS OVER 3.7 MILLION DAILYNEW CASES THE MOST EVER; Fast-Moving Omicron Variant Wreaking Havoc in Europe,Russia, India, Latin America and United States; One-Fourth of All China FluCases in the US Occur During the Last Month; Waning Vaccine Efficacy; WaningInterest in Vaccine Boosters; Breakthrough Cases Common; CDC “Pivots theLanguage” from ‘Fully Vaccinated’ to ‘Up to Date’; 2 Years Since First OfficialUS Coronavirus Infection; China Outbreaks Continue as Olympic Athletes Arrivein Beijing; “BA2 Omicron Subvariant” Dubbed “Stealth Omicron” and “SisterOmicron” Identified in 49 Countries; Over 10 Billion Vaccine Doses AdministeredGlobally; US Cases, Hospital Admissions and Hospitalizations Dropping butDeaths Rising; Documents Show Fauci and Others Involved in Downplaying WuhanLab Leak Theory in 2020; OVER 900K AMERICANS DEAD FROM CHINA VIRUS; CanadianTruckers Drive to Ottawa in “Freedom Convoy” Protesting PM Trudeau’s TyrannicalRule; Japan Study Proves Ivermectin Effective Against Omicron; Spotify RevisesPodcast Rules on COVID-19 Misinformation

The Worldometer web site tracks coronavirus (COVID-19) around the world and its link is provided. Many charts in the coronavirus series of articles are provided courtesy of Worldometer and annotated by Keystone. TheCDC COVID Data Tracker is another excellent source of information. The Worldometer, Johns-Hopkins and CDC data track each other well with the Worldometer data ahead of the Johns-Hopkins and CDC data by a few days. The Worldometer data is far superior for forecasting since it is updated more reliably in real-time.

The countries with rising active cases charts are highlighted below with the worst nations at the bottom. The peaks in daily new cases are shown and the projected peaks for active cases are based on the Keystone Model. The peak and flattening of the active cases curves are extremely important since it represents the maximum stress on healthcare workers and the medical systems.

It will take longer for the active cases charts to roll over to form the bell shape for the troubled nations at the bottom of the list (they are still experiencing highs and peaks in their daily new cases). Hospitalizations lag the daily cases by a week or two and deaths lag hospitalizations by a week or two.

United States (Sixth Wave)
1/14/22 New Case Peak Date
2/11/22 Projected Active Case Peak Date (based on 28 days) (turned down for first day on 2/1/22)
Finland (Continuous Wave Higher/Fifth Wave)
1/25/22 New Case Peak Date
2/22/22 Projected Active Case Peak Date (based on 28 days)
France (Fifth Wave)
1/25/22 New Case Peak Date
2/5/22 Projected Active Case Peak Date (based on 11 days) (turning down now give it a few days)
Switzerland (Fifth Wave)
1/25/22 New Case Peak Date
2/5/22 Projected Active Case Peak Date (based on 11 days)
Serbia (Sixth Wave)
1/25/22 New Case Peak Date
2/5/22 Projected Active Case Peak Date (based on 11 days)
Austria (Sixth Wave)
1/27/22 New Case Peak Date
2/7/22 Projected Active Case Peak Date (based on 11 days)
Czechia (Sixth Wave)
1/27/22 New Case Peak Date
2/7/22 Projected Active Case Peak Date (based on 11 days)
Sweden (Sixth Wave)
1/27/22 New Case Peak Date
2/7/22 Projected Active Case Peak Date (based on 11 days)
Denmark (Eighth Wave)
1/28/22 New Case Peak Date
2/8/22 Projected Active Case Peak Date (based on 11 days)
Brazil (Sixth Wave)
1/28/22 New Case Peak Date
2/8/22 Projected Active Case Peak Date (based on 11 days)
Bangladesh (Fifth Wave)
1/28/22 New Case Peak Date
2/8/22 Projected Active Case Peak Date (based on 11 days)
Poland (Sixth Wave)
1/28/22 New Case Peak Date
2/8/22 Projected Active Case Peak Date (based on 11 days)
Portugal (Sixth Wave)
1/28/22 New Case Peak Date
2/8/22 Projected Active Case Peak Date (based on 11 days)
Belgium (Seventh Wave)
1/28/22 New Case Peak Date
2/8/22 Projected Active Case Peak Date (based on 11 days)
Costa Rica (Sixth Wave)
1/28/22 New Case Peak Date
2/8/22 Projected Active Case Peak Date (based on 11 days)
Ukraine (Sixth Wave)
1/29/22 New Case Peak Date
2/9/22 Projected Active Case Peak Date (based on 11 days)
Pakistan (Fifth Wave)
1/30/22 New Case Peak Date
2/10/22 Projected Active Case Peak Date (based on 11 days)
Netherlands (Eighth Wave)
1/31/22 New Case Peak Date
2/11/22 Projected Active Case Peak Date (based on 11 days)
Japan (Sixth Wave)
1/31/22 New Case Peak Date
2/11/22 Projected Active Case Peak Date (based on 11 days)

South Korea (Sixth Wave)
1/31/22 New Case Peak Date
2/11/22 Projected Active Case Peak Date (based on 11 days)
Chile (Seventh Wave)
1/31/22 New Case Peak Date
2/11/22 Projected Active Case Peak Date (based on 11 days)
Paraguay (Sixth Wave)
1/31/22 New Case Peak Date
2/11/22 Projected Active Case Peak Date (based on 11 days)
Norway (Continuous/Seventh Wave)
2/1/22 New Case Peak Date
2/12/22 Projected Active Case Peak Date (based on 11 days)
Romania (Sixth Wave)
2/1/22 New Case Peak Date
2/12/22 Projected Active Case Peak Date (based on 11 days)
Germany (Sixth Wave)
2/1/22 New Case Peak Date
2/12/22 Projected Active Case Peak Date (based on 11 days)
Iraq (Fourth Wave)
2/1/22 New Case Peak Date
2/12/22 Projected Active Case Peak Date (based on 11 days)
Turkey (Fifth Wave)
2/1/22 New Case Peak Date
2/12/22 Projected Active Case Peak Date (based on 11 days)
Russia (Fifth Wave)
2/1/22 New Case Peak Date (highest daily cases ever)
2/12/22 Projected Active Case Peak Date (based on 11 days)

16 countries are removed from the bad list. It is great that countries are disappearing off the list making it smaller. Hopefully the list will completely disappear in a few weeks.

The nations that are happily displaying active cases curves that are rolling over and dropping are Ireland, Spain, Australia, Argentina, Colombia, Bolivia, Philippines, Iceland, Italy, Mexico, Israel, Uruguay, Panama, Peru, India and Kazakhstan. The healthcare workers in these nations are doing cartwheels in the ICU’s as caseloads diminish. These countries are on the mend. Peru’s deaths are elevated so that needs watched.

The world is improving nicely although there are several trouble spots. The Russia, western Asia, Eastern Europe, northern central Europe and Nordic states region remains a covid Hell hole (Russia, Turkey, Ukraine, Romania, Czechia, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, etc…). Denmark is the poster child for the new BA2 Subvariant so this mutation may be in greater circulation in this hot zone than realized.

Turkey and Iraq hint at trouble brewing in the Middle East. Japan and South Korea are a mess in Asia. Ditto China that is hosting the Olympics in Beijing starting in 2 days. The athletes are going to prison in the communist bubble for a month but hopefully a medal will make it worthwhile.

There are about 8,000 people inside the Olympic bubble about 3K athletes and 5K coaches and support people. About 3% of the 8K has tested positive and these couple hundred folks are remaining isolated. The jury is out as to how the Games will go. The communists know that some of the public relations and media coverage is negative so the USA is already being blamed.

Like the Tokyo Games, however, and prior Olympics, once the athletes begin competing, the focus is on them and the other drama will fade into the background. People decided decades ago to lie in bed with the dirty CCP communists, so they should not complain that they are now covered in mud. They did it for money.

The next list shows the US states that are struggling, which is all 50 of them, with the worst states at the bottom. Omicron has or is peaking in all the US states.

The peak in daily new cases and projections for the peaks in active cases are provided as per the Keystone Model. The flattening and roll over of the active cases curve forming the bell shape indicates the virus is being defeated and the caseload on healthcare workers will quickly improve.

Maine (Second Wave/Continuous)
12/10/21 New Case Peak Date
1/7/22 Projected Active Case Peak Date (chart continues higher)
Rhode Island (Sixth Wave/Continuous)
1/7/22 New Case Peak Date
2/4/22 Projected Active Case Peak Date (starting to flatten)
Massachusetts (Fourth Wave)
1/7/22 New Case Peak Date
2/4/22 Projected Active Case Peak Date
New Jersey (Fifth Wave)
1/7/22 New Case Peak Date
2/4/22 Projected Active Case Peak Date (flattening nicely give it a couple more days)
Virginia (Sixth Wave/Continuous Wave)
1/8/22 New Case Peak Date
2/5/22 Projected Active Case Peak Date
New York (Fifth Wave)
1/8/22 New Case Peak Date
2/5/22 Projected Active Case Peak Date (flattening nicely give it a couple more days)
Colorado (Sixth Wave)
1/9/22 New Case Peak Date
2/6/22 Projected Active Case Peak Date
Maryland (Sixth Wave/Continuous Wave)
1/9/22 New Case Peak Date
2/6/22 Projected Active Case Peak Date
Louisiana (Fifth Wave/Consecutive Wave)
1/12/22 New Case Peak Date
2/9/22 Projected Active Case Peak Date
New Mexico (Sixth Wave)
1/12/22 New Case Peak Date
2/9/22 Projected Active Case Peak Date
Florida (Sixth Wave)
1/12/22 New Case Peak Date
2/9/22 Projected Active Case Peak Date
Nevada (Fifth Wave)
1/13/22 New Case Peak Date
2/10/22 Projected Active Case Peak Date
Michigan (Fifth Wave)
1/14/22 New Case Peak Date
2/11/22 Projected Active Case Peak Date
Texas (Fifth Wave)
1/15/22 New Case Peak Date
2/12/22 Projected Active Case Peak Date
South Carolina (Fifth Wave)
1/16/22 New Case Peak Date
2/13/22 Projected Active Case Peak Date
Pennsylvania (Sixth Wave)
1/16/22 New Case Peak Date
2/13/22 Projected Active Case Peak Date
Wisconsin (Sixth Wave)
1/17/22 New Case Peak Date
2/14/22 Projected Active Case Peak Date
Nebraska (Fifth Wave)
1/17/22 New Case Peak Date
2/14/22 Projected Active Case Peak Date
Montana (Fourth Wave)
1/18/22 New Case Peak Date
2/15/22 Projected Active Case Peak Date (coming down give it a couple more days)
Georgia (Fifth Wave)
1/19/22 New Case Peak Date
2/16/22 Projected Active Case Peak Date
Idaho (Fifth Wave/Continuous)
1/19/22 New Case Peak Date
2/16/22 Projected Active Case Peak Date
Missouri (Sixth Wave)
1/20/22 New Case Peak Date
2/17/22 Projected Active Case Peak Date
Alabama (Fifth Wave/ Continuous Wave)
1/20/22 New Case Peak Date
2/17/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date
Hawaii (Fifth Wave/Continuous Wave)
1/20/22 New Case Peak Date
2/17/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date
Washington (Sixth Wave)
1/20/22 New Case Peak Date
2/17/22 Projected Active Case Peak Date
Oregon (Sixth Wave)
1/21/22 New Case Peak Date
2/18/22 Projected Active Case Peak Date
Kansas (Fifth Wave)
1/21/22 New Case Peak Date
2/18/22 Projected Active Case Peak Date
Alaska (Fifth Wave)
1/21/22 New Case Peak Date
2/18/22 Projected Active Case Peak Date
Oklahoma (Sixth Wave)
1/21/22 New Case Peak Date
2/18/22 Projected Active Case Peak Date (trying to flatten)
California (Continuous/Fifth Wave)
1/21/22 New Case Peak Date
2/18/22 Projected Active Case Peak Date
Tennessee Carolina (Sixth Wave)
1/21/22 New Case Peak Date
2/18/22 Projected Active Case Peak Date
Arizona (Fourth Wave)
1/22/22 New Case Peak Date
2/19/22 Projected Active Case Peak Date
Kentucky (Continuous Wave)
1/28/22 New Case Peak Date
2/25/22 Projected Active Case Peak Date

Fantastic news. 17 US states are removed from the bad list. The 17 lucky states that are rolling their active cases curves over to the downside to form the coveted bell shape are Vermont, Connecticut, Iowa, Utah, Delaware, North Carolina, Mississippi, Ohio, New Hampshire, Wyoming, Arkansas, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, West Virginia, Illinois and Indiana.

The healthcare workers in these states are throwing confetti from the hospital roofs. Nurse Goodbody can finally schedule vacation days for the end of this month and the HR Department is in a positive mood for a change.

America has the Omicron Variant on the run. The BA2 Omicron Subvariant is in one-half the states but looking at the charts, it is not making itself distinguishable from regular ole omicron. There are another 5 or 6 states that show active cases curves ready to roll over that can be pulled off the bad list over the next couple days.

For now, 33 US states are left on the list and every state has already placed a peak in daily cases. It is now a waiting game for the active cases charts to roll over because only then do the healthcare workers catch a break. February will be a good month.

A Johns-Hopkins article on lockdown is creating a major stir across the nation. The article is titled, “Lockdowns Had ‘Little to No’ Benefit On Public Health, AnalysisFinds.” Wow. Jaw-dropping. Americans suffered through the lockdown garbage and a detailed scientific study says it was all for naught. Lord Fauci and King Donnie Trump imposed the useless lockdowns on the public.

Where’s Fauci the proponent of lockdowns? He just fell backwards onto the sofa in the lobby of the Lamborghini dealer. The back of Fauci’s hand touches his clammy forehead as he declares that he is having a case of the vapors. Paraphrasing what Rickytold Lucy, ‘Fauci, you got some splain’ to do’. Trump will blame Fauci even though he was the orange-headed clown in charge.

The J-H study is very shocking since mainstream media has been muzzling similar articles and information for the last 2 years. The report says lockdowns do not reduce COVID-19 and instead creates devastating harm to the economy and mental health. The study decrees, “Lockdowns should be rejected out of hand” as a covid instrument. What will Dr Fauci say? Fauci needs to face the music and explain why he is a cheerleader for worthless lockdowns.

The study reports that 97% of US teachers report learning losses in children which brings a tear to everyone’s eye even if you do not have kids. Common sense tells you this is not good for society. 99.8% of the COVID-19 deaths would have occurred regardless of whether lockdowns were imposed, or not. It is jaw-dropping  stuff.

The lockdowns were a Trump and Fauci blunder in early 2020. Why would anyone listen to Fauci again? He claims the lockdowns saved millions of lives but everyone claims the counterfactuals all day long to reinforce their flimsy narratives. Fauci should retire. The country needs someone better. Blanket lockdowns are not the path forward for any future pandemic.

Another big story these days is Canada’s “Freedom Convoy” of truckers that are parked in Ottawa. Prime Minister Trudeau says he supports some protests such as BLM events (which lean Marxist) but he will not support the honest patriotic truckers. It makes no sense. He is a king gone mad in his castle from being completely out of touch with his subjects. It is scary to hear Trudeau speak.

The truckers say other groups are trying to infiltrate their protest but they are keeping themselves separate. The Canadian government stages photos of Nazi flags and trouble-making protesters but this stuff has nothing to do with the trucker’s convoy. The Government is trying to paint the truckers in a bad light but the citizens know what is going on and it appears the majority of the country support them.

Facebook removes the social internet content of the Canadian truckers. Everyone wants to be a tyrannical king nowadays. King Trudeau remains in hiding. He is cowering in the corner grasping his family jewels.

The Joe Rogan controversy continues in this new sickening woke nation with adult babies moaning daily. The Joe Rogan Experience is a podcast that interviews interesting people. The US government keeps promoting the vaccine only agenda but Rogan had Dr Robert Malone on as a guest. Malone is the pioneer in the development of the mRNA technology that led to the Pfizer/BioNtech and Moderna vaccines.

Malone is of course pro vaccine but he thinks the roll should be slowed on these new vaccines. He is in agreement to vaccinate folks over 65 years old and those with comorbidities but does not believe it should be used on the rest of the population and young children should not take the vaccine. Hopefully, Malone’s viewpoint was not butchered-up too bad, but as soon as the Whitehouse and CDC got wind of the interview, heavens to Betsy, they claim there is medical blasphemy occurring across American airwaves.

Neil Young the musician then decrees to Spotify to remove Rogan’s content or his so they tell him bye-bye. Rogan’s interviews bring in 11 million viewers a pop. He is the cash cow. Joni Mitchell also removes her music. Rogan apologizes and bends to power saying he will seek balance but this will never be good enough for the woke people. It devolves into more of a mess daily.

Some woke people are asking superstar Taylor Swift to remove her music from Spotify but why would she be that dumb? Pandemics turn humans into whacko’s.

UK Prime Minister Johnson remains under fire for the Partygate scandal. Party-boy Boris was boozing and laughing with his staff at a dozen parties during the nation’s lockdowns. It is a case of rules for thee and not for me and do as I day not as I do but Johnson is fighting like mad to keep his job. The police investigation into the parties continues and will be instrumental in the parliament deciding if he should stay or go as the Clash would sing.

Boris is trying to mend his ways. He is on the wagon being serious in Ukraine trying to help avoid a conflict with Russia but at the same time misdirect the Brit’s and hope that they give his drunken butt one more chance.

Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Costa, fresh off an election win two days ago, tests positive for COVID-19.  It must have been all those hands he was shaking and babies he was kissing. In the US, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer tests positive. Washington, DC, is a covid-infected nest. Hoyer is vaccinated and boosted and 82 years old and experiencing mild symptoms.

The anti-vax police officer that was fired from his job a few months ago for not taking the vaccine has died of COVID-19. Robert LaMay, 50, in his sendoff from the patrol car last Fall, told Governor Jay Inslee to “kiss my *ss.” It is a shame that he died. LaMay came from an old farming family that did things a different way and he did not want to take the shots. The bashing and dancing on his grave by pro-vaccine folks is sickening. Why would a human joyously cheer the death of another human? Especially over a vaccine?

The US military says it is ready to start enforcing the vaccine mandates. The US Army says it will begin separating soldiers from the service that are not vaccinated. Such stupidity by the Army. President Biden is sending troops to Europe due to the potential Russia/Ukraine conflict and at the same time giving thousands of troops a pink slip because they did not kneel to take the vaccine. It is ignorance, mismanagement and poor leadership on an epic scale. Leave those great men and women soldiers alone.

King Biden demands that you shut your mouth, kneel at his feet and take an mRNA shot every 5 months until Sleepy Joe decrees stop. Vaccines are Biden’s religion; the syringe is his staff of control. It is a sick cult of medical tyranny.

Virus, schmirus. Pandemic, schmemic. Americans are getting on with life. So are the people around the world.

Note Added Thursday Morning, 2/3/22, at 3:00 AM EST: The world reports over 12K deaths yesterday from China Flu the most since last May. The world's 7-day MA trend line of deaths is at 9.9K per day continuing higher (see chart above). France shows a one-day drop in its active cases chart an encouraging sign but that needs to keep moving lower to signal the all-clear. The UK Partygate scandal continues for PM Boris Johnson as the UK reports 112K daily new cases the most since 1/22/22. A 12-day high in daily cases sounds an alarm. Hopefully, the BA2 subvariant bug is not at play in the UK, but maybe it is. Boris has his hands full as he orders liquor and party favors for the next gettogether on Downing Street. Russia flies completely off the covid rails with daily new cases exploding into the stratosphere at 142K the most ever. Is Russia going to war with Ukraine when 150K Ruskies per day are testing positive for coronavirus and seeking help? Turkey is crispy-fried reporting a massive 111K daily new cases yesterday another record high. Is BA2 sneaking around wreaking havoc? Turkey deaths are over 200 per day the most in 2 months. Germany is a mess with another new record high in daily cases at over 223K. Almost a quarter-of-a-million Germans are getting sick with covid per day. Upon hearing the news, the pretty waitress in the dirndl dress drops a tray of beer steins spilling the sticky liquid over the bartenders lederhosen. Germany's hospitals are handling 2.4 million ongoing active COVID-19 cases. The Netherlands remains a mess. Belgium may have a top in for daily cases. Denmark reports over 52K daily new cases as the BA2 subvariant smacks the Danes silly. Danish deaths are small at 20 souls per day but the trend in deaths is steadily higher for the last 3 months. Cases are on the rise in Indonesia and Malaysia. Japan and South Korea remain disasters with their daily cases continuing to set records and the spikes higher in the charts appear more serious than other nations have experienced. Why? In Beijing, the number of cases rise to 300 inside the Olympics bubble but that is what the filthy CCP tells the world. You never know if it is true or not. 300 out of the 8K inside the bubble is 3.8% call it 4%. A week ago, China bragged  that there were zero cases in the Olympic bubble. Two days ago, 3% of the athletes and support staff inside the bubble had tested positive. Today, the number climbs to 4%. Some events have started even though the opening ceremony is tomorrow. Russia Dictator Putin plans on attending the ceremony with his chum, Chinese Dictator Xi, that promises a "safe and splendid" Olympics.

Note Added Thursday Morning, 2/3/22, at 4:00 AM EST: The US reports 302K daily new cases yesterday with the 7-day MA down to 383K cases per day. The US active cases chart (see chart above) is now lower for 2 days in a row but the moves are tiny. This is great since the acrive cases curve has to flatten a couple days before it starts dropping. America is in good shape for February so the party stores will be busy as plans are made for Valentine's Day. 3K Americans die from COVID-19 yesterday which is daily bad news, and preventable if the United States had properly handled the GSK monoclonal antibody treatments and the Pfizer Paxlovid pills. The Biden gang did not handle the needed treatments properly so there is not enough to go around for everyone. However, there are pallets, boxes and crates stuffed full of vaccine doses and the Whitehouse promises to be ready to shoot-up youngsters under 4 years old in a month or two. Biden has his vaccine only blinders on but he backed the wrong horse. He did not care about the people unwilling to be vaccinated. Instead, they are berated, ridiculed and abused for their beliefs and told to take the vaccine or nothing. This is the new America. On the positive side, the 7-day MA for US deaths is now down for 2 days running at 2.3K deaths per day. This needs to keep dropping. The US daily new cases, hospital admissions, hospitalizations, active cases and deaths are all heading lower (albeit the active cases and deaths have only now peaked and begun to roll over) so Americans can put a smile on their faces as they enjoy a wicked winter ice storm crossing the country from west to east.

Note Added Thursday Morning, 2/3/22, at 5:00 AM EST: The Spotify drama continues with musicians Crosby, Stills and Nash, joining their old bandmate Neil Young, in removing their content from the platform in protest of the Joe Rogan podcasts that discuss the pandemic. The  stuff is so ridiculous it makes you laugh out loud. Several has-been artists are coming out of the woodwork, ditching their 5 viewers on Spotify, and instead proclaiming that they are taking a stand. Look at me, look at me, I need free, publicity. Young and the gang used to sing righteous songs about four dead in Ohio, now they are washed-up geriatrics trying to end free speech. Go figure.

Note Added Thursday Morning, 2/3/22, at 11:00 AM EST: The trucker's "Freedom Convoy 2022" in Canada receives 10.1 million Canadian dollars ($7.9 million US dollars) in donations but GoFundMe suspends the page halting future donations. Some donations are returned to donors and others are frozen. Canada is considering using the military to help break-up the protest. King Trudeau needs to ditch the mandates and normal life will immediately resume across Canada but, like any tyrant, he refuses to yield and demands that his Canuck subjects kneel at his feet. Taking in $8 million in support in only a couple days is impressive and should tell Trudeau loud and clear that Canadians want the mandates lifted. Will he listen?

Note Added Thursday Afternoon, 2/3/22: It is Day 23 on the covid test kit watch but there are no test kits in the mailbox. Perhaps the test kits will come on Day 24? "O test kits, O test kits, Wherefore art thou test kits?" Whitehouse spokesperson Psaki mistakenly calls Spotify "spotafly." Psaki stupidly says she wants to pressure companies and social media platforms to remove covid misinformation (what she perceives as COVID-19 misinformation?). It makes you want to vomit. The US government, straight from the Whitehouse podium, is telling companies to censor Americans. The country is lost. It is Our Destiny.

Note Added Thursday Evening, 2/3/22: In one fell swoop, Los Angeles, California, Mayor Eric Garcetti destroys the credibility of officials providing guidance concerning the coronavirus pandemic. Many politicians and the elite class are spotted routinely ignoring mask and other rules that they decree. It is rules for thee, not for me. UK PM Johnson is under pressure to resign because he was partying while imposing lockdowns on the Brit's. A reporter takes LA Mayor Garcetti to task for not following the mask rules. Garcetti makes such a jackass statement that it is plastered all over cable news, even democrat-run media, and social media, and he becomes a laughing stock form the West Coast to the East Coast. Garcetti tells the reporter that he was following the rules because WHEN HE REMOVES THE MASK HE HOLDS HIS BREATH. It gets better as if that is not enough misinformation, Garcetti then proclaims that WHEN HE TAKES OFF HIS MASK AND HOLDS HIS BREATH, "THERE IS 0% CHANCE" OF GETTING COVID-19. Does he really think Americans are that stupid where they will believe whatever garbage they are told? Apparently yes, from Garcetti's viewpoint. This misinformation by an official in the US government only serves to further damage credibility. Doctors and medical pundits on television this evening are saying Garcetti's comments are silly and misinformed; most everyone knew that when he opened his mouth. Americans no longer believe what Fauci and Walensky are peddling because they have been wrong too much and never admit when they are wrong. Now people like Garcetti are talking pure rubbish. This is why double vaccinated people are saying to heck with the booster jab. The vaccines were 'bait and switch' and people do not like to be sucka's. The 'vaccine' was supposed to prevent covid and stop the spread of the virus but in truth, the multiple jabs are a 'shot series' that prevents death from COVID-19. When Keystone and the chronology stated that vaccinated folks can become infected and spread the disease, he is labeled as a conspiracy theorist, ridiculed, shadow-banned and still shunned, but was correct. It's all part of the fun. People no longer trust the folks in charge. When asked why Americans do not want the booster shot, Lord Fauci opines, "I don't have an easy explanation for that." Everyone else does. You suck. No one believes you. Tony, it is time for you to take the gold watch and rubber chicken retirement luncheon. It is the best way to help Americans. Fauci needs to retire and go hire himself a good lawyer. It is silly that the CDC, Whitehouse and NIH, the biggest purveyors of covid misinformation, believe they are actually the righteous truth-teller's that will dictate what is misinformation hence forward. It is laughable. Americans are not listening anymore; they are too busy getting on with life.

Note Added Friday Morning, 2/4/22, at 5:00 AM EST: The world reports 3.1 million daily new cases lingering at this 3 million cases per day level for a few days. The 7-day MA is dropping at 2.96 million cases per day. The hotspots around the globe are keeping the world's cases elevated. The world's deaths are over 11K per day for the 3 days of February thus far with the 7-day MA above 10K deaths per day for the planet. Trouble continues for party-boy Boris Johnson trying to hold on to his job. Four top aides resign from Downing Street a crushing blow. They took the punchbowl when they left this morning so Boris will not be partying with those cohorts anytime soon. The UK reports 88K daily new cases well off  the 111K on Tuesday. The UK is improving but needs to move the daily cases lower that are instead starting to line-out sideways. So far, the UK 3-day MA trend line for daily cases is printing lower lows and lower highs maintaining the down direction. The UK will see pandemic trouble reemerge if the 3-day MA makes a higher low or higher high. 534 Brit's die on Tuesday the most since February one year ago. People continue dying from COVID-19 around the world. Germany reports over 240K daily new cases another huge spike and record high. New Chancellor Scholz is missing in action. Where's Scholz? Bueller? Scholz? He is probably on the phone shouting at former Chancellor Merkel for leaving him with a covid-infected nest. France Health Minister Olivier Veran says the worst of the COVID-19 fifth wave is over. The Pfizer Paxlovid pills are now available in France increasing the positivity along with the daily cases chart topping out on 1/25/22. France's active cases chart has now reversed to the downside a great sight. The active cases curve will drop to form the coveted bell shape that verifies the virus is being defeated. The French are super excited since now they will meet in cafes again for wine, baguette ad cigarettes. Veran relaxes covid measures in France and says the vaccine pass may be scrapped by summer time. Nations around the globe remain mixed in their covid measures. Countries such as Sweden, the UK and France are ditching the covid rules while other nations such as Austria maintain the draconian controls on their people. Austria begins mandating vaccines for all adults today. Kneel, b*tches. In Beijing, China, the Olympics bubble has 308 Wuhan Flu infections; it is a covid-infected nest. Athletes are most concerned about catching covid due to the restrictions of the bubble. China receives criticism for human rights violations against the Uyghurs in the concentration camps, but the world participates in the Games anyway. The thugs, dictators and autocrats from around the globe attend the Olympics ceremony. It looks like a reunion of Dick Tracy characters. Dictators Xi and Putin are rubbing cheeks. Humans are greedy animals willing to sell their souls so China's inhumanity is swept under the Olympic carpet. The communists exploit this American fault; they know that people will sell their souls for money, power, fame and greed. The CCP sticks it in everyone's face referring to Taiwan as Chinese Tapei during the opening ceremony and then forcing a Uyghur to carry the final torch up the stairs to light the games. Filthy communists. China throws the Uyghur symbolism in America's face figuratively telling the US that it is no better than China. The CCP also lets the world know, figuratively, that it does not care what anyone thinks and will do what it pleases in the years ahead.

Note Added Friday Morning, 2/4/22, at 6:00 AM EST: The UNITED STATES CROSSES 920K DEATHS FROM CHINA FLU. Thankfully, however, the 7-day MA of daily US deaths is heading lower (see chart above) at 2.25K deaths per day. A recent study estimates that over 200K Americans died at nursing homes. This is terrible news and a major lesson for a future pandemic. There has to be a greater focus on the elderly and folks with comorbidities. Protect the most vulnerable rather than worry about skinny healthy people that jog every morning and eat a granola bar for lunch. Florida had some success in focusing the elderly in part because there are a lot of old retired folks in the Sunshine State. The US daily cases continue dropping and the US active cases curve is flattening and starting to roll over. It's all good. Iowa is dropping its covid mandates statewide. Iowan farmers are kissing hogs and tossing ears of corn in the air in celebration. Kentucky and Alabama are improving with daily cases dropping so whatever was nasty in that pocket of the country, also with Tennessee, is subsiding. Montana's active cases curve has reversed and is coming down fast so they are on the mend. America is looking good and defeating the omicron and waning vaccine efficacy wave 6.

Note Added Friday Morning, 2/4/22, at 11:00 AM EST: It is Day 24 of the ongoing covid test kits vigil. A walk down the long snowy driveway for naught. No test kits. Maybe they will show up tomorrow on Day 25. It is almost a month since they were ordered and Keystone is at the front of the line so any of you that ordered tests will likely not see them for at least 24 days as well. Humorously, you will probably die from COVID-19 before you know you have it. The CDC scientists are finding success in detecting coronavirus in wastewater samples and using that as a forecasting tool. It sounds like a great idea but the trend in the wastewater data will need charted against the daily new cases to see how they correlate and track one another. Also, rural America has septic systems and is not tied into a central sewer collection system like the big cities and developed neighborhoods so the wastewater tool may only be applicable for populated areas with large wastewater systems. Sounds like a great graduate student project. The CDC adds the wastewater data to the COVID-19 Data Tracker web site. The map shows data for Wisconsin, Missouri, Ohio, Virginia and North Carolina. The method likely needs lots more work because the wastewater map shows red dots, where the wastewater contains the highest percent of covid, directly next to dark blue dots, which are the least percent of covid. This would create more confusion than help.

Note Added Friday Afternoon, 2/4/22: The trucker's Freedom Convoy protest continues in Ottawa, Canada, for Day 7. Tomorrow is Day 8 and a huge convoy is set to roll into Toronto. Also a new surge of from 100 to 200 truckers are going to come into Ottawa. Counter protests are planned which may lead to trouble but everything has been peaceful so far. The provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan have had enough of the trucker situation and supply shortages and say that most or all of the covid restrictions can be taken away and an announcement will occur next week. It is a win for the truckers, however, King Trudeau must come down from his throne and venture out of his castle to connect to average people and ditch his tyrannical covid rules and mandates. Pretty-boy Trudeau can end the protest immediately if he wants. The CDC follows the FDA recommendation and votes 13-0 to officially approve the Moderna vaccine for everyone over 18 years old. The CDC releases a study indicating that myocarditis is a rare side effect of vaccination but the risk is higher in the second dose of Moderna as compared to Pfizer/BioNTech, especially for 18 to 39 year old's. The scientists at HHS says there is greater risk of developing myocarditis from an infection rather than vaccines but this would be assuming the infection occurs. If the person never contracts coronavirus, but is triple or quadruple vaccinated, the risk would be greater that the person develops myocarditis due to the shots; it is all about how you want to align the data and narrative.

Note Added Friday Evening, 2/4/22: President Biden acknowledges the 900K US deaths grim milestone. Unfortunately, Sleepy Joe uses the opportunity to tout his single-minded vaccine only strategy. Biden decrees, "We now have more tools than ever before to save lives and fight this virus--with vaccines remaining out most important tool. Vaccines and boosters have proven incredibly effective, and offer the highest level of protection." It takes Biden a year to finally acknowledge the "other tools" that he conveniently does not mention in detail, instead, he says vaccines are the most important treatment. It is debatable. With the milder omicron, and if you are a healthy individual, there is little or no risk of dying. And the GSK monoclonal antibody treatments and Pfizer Paxlovid anti-viral oral pills are available if a positive test occurs. Thus, is it a better strategy to take 3, maybe 4, shots of the new mRNA serum, or simply live life and if you do become sick, there are therapies available. Like stock trading and investing, everyone has a different level of risk where they feel comfortable. Some folks want to live hiding under the bed only coming out for their fifth and sixth jabs while others live carefree going wherever the wind takes them. Of course, both are correct in their approach living life on their own terms. Biden blew it solely focusing on vaccinations. An integrated medicine approach should be used to handle a pandemic with all treatments and therapies on the table. If Sleepy Joey would have focused on the research and production of monoclonal antibody treatments over the last year, instead of trying to convince people to take vaccine shots that told you at the start of the pandemic they would never take the jabs, hundreds of thousands of lives would have been saved. The Whitehouse and CDC continue to peddle vaccines as the only solution to the pandemic. Repeating the vaccination and booster narrative 24/7 to Americans that have stopped listening is insanity, or incompetence. The vaccines do not do what was originally promised so some Americans are balking at taking the booster shots due to the bait and switch tactics of the US government, Whitehouse, CDC, NIH and FDA.

Note Added Saturday Morning, 2/5/22, at 2:00 AM EST: The US reports 281K daily new cases a great number since it is Friday when the data is typically the highest. America's daily cases continue falling sharply the 7-day MA is down to 313K cases per day. The US active cases curve is flattening and rolling over indicating that the US healthcare workers are going to see big daily improvements in caseloads going forward; the pandemic will become noticeably easier to handle. 2.6K Americans die from China Flu yesterday and the 7-day MA maintains a downward bias at 2.4K deaths per day but the daily numbers need to be below 2.4K per day to keep pulling the 7-day MA lower. The Worldometer data is approaching 925K Americans dead from COVID-19. Johns-Hopkins is at 901,391 Americans dead. The cable news network are running the 900K deaths headline all weekend long. The California active cases chart is flattening for 4 days so it should begin rolling over signaling improving conditions in the Golden State. The Texas and Arizona active cases charts have also topped. Florida exceeds 66K deaths a grim milestone. The US is beating wave 6 down and the future looks bright.

Note Added Saturday Morning, 2/5/22, at 3:00 AM EST: The world's cases linger around 3.0 million per day an elevated number but remaining below the 3.8 million peak on 1/20/22. The world's 7-day MA death rate continues higher at 10.3K souls per day but this should be peaking-out now and rolling over to the downside. Over 10K earthlings are dying per day, every day, after 2 years of a never-ending once in a century pandemic. Brazil's daily new cases remain elevated and out of control with deaths over 1K per day the most since August. Over 10% of the world's deaths occurring from COVID-19 each day are in Brazil. 23% of the deaths on planet earth each day are Americans. Brazil and the US are accounting for about one-third of the coronavirus deaths every day around the world. Russia reports over 168K daily new cases yesterday; it is off the charts. Russia is supposed to invade Ukraine when nearly 200K Ruskies are contracting covid per day? The US said the Russia threat to Ukraine was imminent probably because of the new moon the darkest time of the month. Every Russian soldier likely has state of the art night vision goggles, gun sights and equipment, so obviously, the best time to carry out a raid or begin a war is the darkest time of the month. The enemy stumbles around in the dark as they are picked off like ducks in a barrel. The new moon peaks 3/2/22 so Dictator Putin is likely eyeing the 2/28/22 through 3/7/22 window for an offensive. Dirtbag Putin will enjoy the Western leaders lining up to kiss his shoes and flabby butt over the next 3 weeks but Vlad will likely make his decision about potential war with Ukraine on 2/27/22. Turkey remains at record daily case levels at 111K per day and total cases cross the 12 million milestone. Turkey deaths are up to 250 per day testing 5-month highs. Germany cannot catch a break with 236K daily new cases another record. Fortunately, German deaths remain below a couple hundred per day. Boom. Japan reports 103K daily new cases another record. Japan reports 90 deaths yesterday the most since June. South Korea is a covid disaster zone with daily new cases exploding higher to 27.4K cases. Fortunately, deaths remain low. The chronology has been warning Indonesia to get ready over the last 2 weeks. Boom. Indonesia reports 32.2K daily new cases a huge spike higher the country takes a terrible turn for the worse but hopefully they are prepared. Malaysia's daily new cases pop above 7.2K per day ready to go parabolic. Philippines is on the mend in good shape now but the omicron infection wave moves to the other island nations Indonesia and Malaysia. Young men paddle across the waves vying for attention from the beautiful island girls and the Omicron Variant goes along for the ride. It is impossible to stop a virus since humans seek affection and love from one another, as it should be.

Note Added Saturday Morning, 2/5/22, at 6:00 AM EST: The mask controversy surrounding the pandemic for the last 2 years continues with many opinions for and against. It is common sense, especially with children, that the masks do not stay on the face. Even adults are picking their nose or scratching an itch which blows any scientific study on masks out of the water. Mask proponents love the studies that use masked manikins under ideal conditions. That is not real life and is the reason that masks are not effective. Many doctors say the cloth masks are nothing more than face decorations. Doctors and surgeons wear N95 masks but that is to stop their droplets from contaminating a patient. The City Journal organization publishes an article titled, "Kids Full of Life, Adults Obsessed with Death," by Jeffrey H Anderson. The statistics, from the CDC, are enlightening with one-half the covid cases in Americans over 75 years old! One-half of those cases are over 85 years old! Obviously, COVID-19 loves old people. Concerning masking in schools, the CDC's own information says child deaths from covid are negligible. Why are kids being tortured with masks, and their development stifled, when 99.999% of the kids will not die from COVID-19? Why?! Parents, and especially school administrators, need educated on the facts. People are in a mass hysteria not thinking calmly or logically. Only 2 kids have died in Oregon and 1 kid in Idaho. Setting those 3 deaths aside, the death rate is basically nil for kids in both states. Oregon has strict mask laws; some people wear five masks. Idaho, however, is lax with mask rules. If you want to wear a mask, fine, if not, that is okay, too. What more do people need to see? There are nil childhood deaths from covid in two neighboring US states one mandating masks and the other laissez-faire about masks. Mask wearing does not make a difference in childhood deaths. Perhaps it is time to let the kids be kids and go maskless. The folks in Idaho appear a lot happier.

Note Added Saturday Afternoon, 2/25/22: It is Day 25 on the covid test kits watch. Keystone ordered the tests from the website on 1/11/22. The Whitehouse should call it the 'Covid Tests by Godot' website. Hopefully, the covid test order is not stamped, "Return to Sender." After the trek down the long driveway on this cold winter day, the mailbox is opened, and it is empty again. No test kits. Tomorrow is Sunday so perhaps the test kits will arrive on the 27th day on Monday? Keystone is waiting for Godot who is delivering the test kits. The odd pandemic stories continue. University of Cambridge scientists in the UK say pulling a section of cut pantyhose over a mask improves the fit and protection. Don't these folks have better things to do? If people with mask fetishes are going to start pulling pantyhose over their heads, they better not walk into a bank or liquor store.

Note Added Saturday Afternoon, 2/25/22: The Joe Rogan and Spotify saga continues. The Whitehouse and CDC want to cancel Rogan since he interviews pro-vaccine doctors that are not completely aligned with the government's sole COVID-19 mantra of 'get vaccinated'. Since Rogan has been at the interview game for many years, a detractor goes back into archives and pulls all the clips where Rogan said the word n*gg*r the most offensive word to the black community. In America's society of adult babies, if you disagree with someone and they are losing the argument, they will call you a racist and storm away. It is generally accepted in US society nowadays that only blacks can say the n-word to each other but others are not supposed to use it. If it is that offensive, the blacks should not use it on one another, right? Their continued use of the word perpetuates the negativity. Words are powerful; you become what you say. Dave Chappelle has a priceless skit from a few years ago that addresses the n-word with humor (caution; some folks may be offended by the skit but Chappelle is a comedian that simply wants you to laugh and in so doing think in more depth about the racism topic and your own thoughts, that may be warped). Spotify pulls 100 of Rogan's shows. The people that want to destroy Rogan because he provided different viewpoints on how to handle the pandemic (Whitehouse, CDC, and the democrat-run media; CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, NPR, PBS, New York Times, Washington Post, etc...) are succeeding. Rogan grovels apologizing for using the n-word in past interviews. America is the land of cancel culture and sick adult babies running the store. Spotify is likely damaging its branding and the controversy is not helping the SPOT stock price crashing -25% over the last 2 weeks that has already suffered over the last 3 months. Podcasters India Arie, Brene Brown and Roxane Gay, most Americans do not know who these people are and will not miss them, remove their content from Spotify in protest to Rogan not toeing the line on the government's China Flu narrative. The republican-run media (Fox News, Newsmax, OANN, AM talk radio, Breitbart, New York Post, etc....) supports the Rogan perspective. What nonsense it all is stemming from President Biden's failed pandemic policy that vaccines are the only solution to stopping the virus; a stupid strategy. Less Americans are listening to the Whitehouse and CDC dribble each day, their credibility is shattered, and instead figuring things out on their own and with other like minds, as they should.

Note Added Saturday Evening, 2/5/22: The Beijing Olympics is off and stumbling. Over 350 athletes and support people test positive for covid inside the Olympics bubble. The athletes and others in quarantine are complaining about the sub standard food and lack of information. The Olympics has the taint of communism ever present and the mistreatment of the Uyghurs hangs over the Games like a dark cloud. However, Western companies and greedy humans love money so the atrocities in China are ignored for the all mighty buck. The money spends the same even though it is stained with drips of blood. The WHO says it discussed the origin of COVID-19 with Dictator Xi. What a joke this is. Sure you did, *ssholes. The WHO lies in bed with red China and helped the communists control the spread of coronavirus within the country (no domestic flights were permitted to fly in or out of Wuhan after the (likely) lab leak occurred) while placing infected people on airplanes sending the pathogen to the United States, Europe and around the world. China can never be forgiven for such a grave action against humanity and must pay reparations to every nation on earth once the pandemic is defeated. China obviously feared the pandemic and wanted the rest of the world to be in the same sick shape as them; the actions verify the sick CCP minds led by dirtbag Xi. Never trust a filthy communist (CCP). Canadian PM Trudeau remains defiant against the "Freedom Convoy" of truckers camped-out in Ottawa. Residents are angry because the big rigs are blaring horns all day and night. Trudeau can stop the mess immediately by simply stopping the draconian covid mandates. People want their freedom back from tyrannical King Trudeau. CNN media (that supports the Biden and CDC agenda) is attacking the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) doctors that have prevented hospitalizations and saved millions of lives over the last 2 years. America's Frontline doctors at AFLDS also endure unnecessary and ignorant attacks by pro vaccine zealots shouting down all other covid treatments. These are the great pro-vaccine doctors in the trenches for 2 years that know what works and what does not work. Would you trust advice from doctors on the front line treating patients daily, or from doctors that pontificate on television and tell you that vaccines are the only treatment? CNN is likely trying to divert attention from the network's head Jeff Zucker resigning in disgrace. CNN ratings are in the toilet after 2 years of covid misinformation; few consider it an actual news network  anymore and they only have themselves to blame. Polls show the majority of Americans do not trust the media. The CNN hit piece on the noble FLCCC doctors is led by Brian Stelter that may be in legal jeopardy as coworkers and news articles say he was Zucker's lackey boy. News stories may not only be manipulated concerning coronavirus. There may be trouble surfacing with the way CNN was handling the Cuomo brothers scandals. But hey, you can take their word for it when they claim that caring doctors are no good charlatans; can you? 

Note Added Sunday Morning, 2/6/22, at 3:00 AM EST: The world reports the 7-day MA trend in deaths slipping for the first time in a month down from 10.3K deaths per day to 10.2K. It is a tiny increment lower but all reversals have to first start with a flattening so the news is positive. The death rate needs to drop back down to the 6K per day area where it was at before the omicron and waning vaccine efficacy wave slapped the planet. India is on the mend but crosses the 502K deaths grim milestone. 1.4 million of the 5.7 million global deaths from China Flu are in the US and India; 25%. in other words, 1 in every 4 earthlings that died from COVID-19 are either American or Indian. The UK daily new cases are starting to move lower again a welcome sight since things were looking dicey last week. The UK daily cases pop to 111K on 2/1/22 so the 2/8/22 number, Tuesday, is key (a Tuesday on Tuesday comparison) to make sure it is nowhere near the 111K daily cases (which it should not be). The UK 7-day MA for daily cases continues lower and the active cases curve is dropping so the Brit's are in good shape. Russia is a covid Hell hole with another big spike higher in daily cases above 177K per day. The Ruskies are dropping face down in their borscht. Russia deaths are moving higher to 714 souls yesterday the most in 3 weeks. Russia is a covid mess as Dictator Putin beats on a toy war drum in the decadent dining room of palace number two. Turkey sets another record high in daily cases, active cases break out to a new high, and deaths pop to 248 souls the most since September. Turkey dirtbag Dictator Erdogan tests positive for COVID-19 so the virus penetrates the palace walls. Germany reports 236K daily new cases finally a tiny pullback from the record high at 240K cases the day before. Netherlands, Belgium, Norway, Sweden and Denmark are reporting lower daily cases off the peaks so this pullback will create less cases for the world. Brazil's daily new cases peak on Thursday at 287K so it would be a big plus for the world's numbers if this top holds. Cases leap higher in Indonesia and Malaysia so it is their turn in the omicron pickle barrel. The majority of the world is through their peaks in the omicron wave daily cases with some exceptions above like Indonesia, Malaysia, Russia and Turkey. Japan and South Korea also remain in horrible shape.

Note Added Sunday Morning, 2/6/22, at 4:00 AM EST: The US reports 303K daily new cases and the 7-day MA drops to 275K cases per day. Cases continue dropping but the daily numbers need to be sub 275K cases in the week ahead to keep pulling the 7-day MA south. 1,051 Americans die yesterday and the 7-day MA drops to 2.2K American deaths per day. America is on the mend but the Volunteer State is stinking up the joint. Tennessee reports 22K daily new cases teasing record levels and the active cases sky rocket. Tennessee needs some medical help pronto. What is going on in Tennessee? A new variant? Perhaps the BA2 Omicron Subvariant? Kentucky has had a tough go of it and it is Tennessee's northern neighbor. Oh no. Mississippi, directly south of Tennessee, reports a spike in cases to 7.8K not a record but an elevated number out of the blue. Alabama and Georgia are also southern neighbors of Tennessee but thankfully, both states show daily cases continuing to drop unimpeded. Arkansas is to the west and in great shape. Ditto Missouri and Illinois with cases dropping. It is shocking to see Mississippi cases pop so perhaps BA2 is sneaking around in the bushes in southwestern Tennessee and northern Mississippi and that means Memphis is singing the blues. America is in great shape going forward but keep an eye on that southern cluster area of Kentucky, Tennessee and Mississippi and make sure the other surrounding states stay on the happy trail. It would be great to see Mississippi's daily cases drop like a rock this week which would hint that the spike in cases may be a one-off.

Note Added Sunday Morning, 2/6/22, at 11:00 AM EST: The CDC is considering extending the time between the first two shots of the Moderna and Pfizer/BioNTech vaccines to 8 weeks to reduce the risk of myocarditis. If this is true, why does the CDC say myocarditis is extremely rare and nothing to worry about; they are obviously worried about it. The Moderna vaccine is given 4 weeks after the first dose while the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine is given 3 weeks after the first dose. The myocarditis is the highest threat to males between 18 and 29 years old and the second shot has a more elevated risk. The incidents of myocarditis occur more with the Moderna vaccine than Pfizer/BioNTech. Americans serve as guinea pigs for the development of the new mRNA technology. Ottawa, Canada, declares a state of emergency due to the Freedom Convoy of truckers occupying the city for 9 days. The government claims the situation is out of control but videos show a tame crowd. Sometimes governments will send in people to stir up trouble to create the negative narrative to win the public relations battle. Is this occurring in Ottawa? Probably, considering King Trudeau's tyrannical rule. The jaw-dropping report by Johns-Hopkins that concludes that lockdowns are not effective in reducing mortality is ignored by the democrat-run media including CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, AP and Axios which speaks volumes about the information flow during the pandemic.

Note Added Monday Morning, 2/7/22, at 3:00 AM EST: The world reports 1.9 million new COVID-19 cases a sub 2 million number with the planet headed in the right direction. The 7-day MA is dropping sharply at 2.7 million cases per day. The Nordic states are improving quickly with the active cases curves for Denmark and Sweden rolling over to the downside signaling far better times ahead. Brazil's daily new cases may have peaked a couple days ago. Central America continues struggling to contain omicron. Costa Rica cases remain elevated. The disaster that is Russia worsens with over 180K daily new cases yesterday. Russia continues to amass troops on the Ukraine border threatening war an interesting backdrop as nearly 200K Ruskies take sick from China Flu each day. Indonesia, Malaysia, Japan and South Korea report record daily case as their omicron parabolic waves gather momentum to the upside. Israel reports 54K daily new cases continuing to come off the peak at 84K on 1/23/22 but remaining stubbornly elevated. Shooting 3 and 4 mRNA vaccines into Israeli bodies results in no difference in case behavior compared to other nations. The omicron waves are the same whether a nation is highly vaccinated or not. It is troubling to see Vietnam cases rising again. Thailand cases are moving higher. Asian nations are next on the list to deal with the omicron surge. Australia is on the mend and plans to open its border to fully vaccinated foreign travelers in 2 weeks. Dirtbag Aussie cops interrupt a Catholic church service to check to see if everyone is wearing masks. It is sick. The cops did not remove their hats in the house of worship and treated the situation as if they were walking into a delicatessen. What is wrong with society? The pandemic is turning folks into screwballs. What could possibly be gained from stopping a church service? More perplexing is the Aussies, that used to be known for the macho adventures of Steve Irwin and Crocodile Dundee, 'that's not a knife, this is a knife', are now compliant little lackeys kneeling and bowing on every command from the government.

Note Added Monday Morning, 2/7/22, at 3:30 AM EST: China cases continue higher as the Beijing Olympics games are underway. Baise, a city in the Guangxi province, locks down the 4 million residents as 98 cases are reported yesterday. Mass testing is underway. No wonder cases are rising again in Vietnam; it is the southern neighbor of Baise and the Guangxi province. Vietnam likely infected southern China with the communists now returning the favor. 600 cases are reported in Hong Kong with cases doubling every 3 days. They are likely in the omicron parabolic phase for daily new cases. China is imposing new restriction on Hong Kong to try and curb the spread. Hong Kong folks, unhappy that they are now part of the Chinese communist system, may be walking around licking door knobs hoping that the pandemic spreads throughout greater China. When you screw people, they screw you back. Wouldn't it be Ironic if Hong Kong, that was ruthlessly taken over by the CCP during the pandemic, infects the entire commie nation with coronavirus? Karma works in mysterious ways.

Note Added Monday Morning, 2/7/22, at 4:00 AM EST: The US crosses the 78 million total China Virus cases milestone. 24% of Americans, 1 in 4, have been infected with COVID-19 and the number is likely higher. These folks have some level of natural immunity. 926K Americans are dead from coronavirus. California hovers around 5.2 million active cases at record levels but this level has been steady for the last couple weeks. California's active cases chart should roll over in the days ahead painting a rosy picture for the US. The Freedom Convoy protest continues in Ottawa, Canada, for the tenth day now called an 'occupation'. King Trudeau can fix it in a heartbeat if he would come out from under the bed and remove the covid regulations. The GoFundMe website that helps people and companies raise money for worthy causes, froze the donations for the Freedom Convoy. Now GoFundMe is in hot water for fraud with US politicians planning to investigate the company (no doubt the Canadian government put pressure on GoFundMe alleging a story that the funds were not for the truckers but for nefarious bad doers). Western governments move more towards socialism, communism and/or authoritarianism each day; a sad commentary on the world. The expectation over the last few decades was that communist governments and dictatorships  would Westernize but the opposite is happening. Everyone wants authority or, as Cartman puts it, "Authoritah."

Note Added Monday Morning, 2/7/22, at 5:00 AM EST: The coronavirus mask hypocrisy parade continues with Georgia activist and political operative Stacey Abrams leading the way. Abrams, a huge proponent of masks, poses maskless for a photograph with 30 children around her all forced to wear masks some looking miserable. Rules for thee, not for me, or, as the republican tribe says, rules for thee, not for D (democrat tribe). Abrams deletes the photograph but if she needs a copy she can tune in to the republican-run news outlets because they are plastering it over television screens every 10 minutes. Former President Obama also goes maskless around construction workers, all masked, building his Hawaii vacation home. Americans are revolting against masks because the frauds decreeing the mask edicts are not following their own proclamations. New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy is lifting the mask mandate on schools next month. Ditto Delaware. 15 US states and Washington, DC, are lifting mask mandates and many more will follow. Americans are a hardy bunch and it is time to move on and stop listening to talking heads that are often wrong, but never in doubt.

Note Added Monday Afternoon, 2/7/22, at 1:00 PM EST: It is Day 27 of the covid test kit watch but the mailbox is empty. Perhaps the test kits, that  Keystone ordered on 1/11/22, will arrive tomorrow on the 28th day? The trucker's Freedom Convoy was screwed by GoFundMe where the donations remain in limbo so a new donation site is set up on GiveSendGo. Bingo. In only one day, donations explode to over $5 million (6.3 CAD; Canadian dollar; loonie) and the support for freedom increases each minute. The goal amount is $16 million so the donations are 31% of the way there. Hopefully, GiveSendGo  does not play games like GoFundMe. There are thousands of Canadians in the streets of Ottawa, Toronto, Vancouver and elsewhere. King Trudeau needs to come out of hiding and ditch the vaccine mandate garbage. Canadian authorities threaten to track anyone donating to the truckers and charge them with supporting sedition. This is crazy stupid stuff. King Trudeau needs to stop the jackass mandates and the trucker demonstrations would end immediately.

Note Added Monday Afternoon, 2/7/22, at 3:00 PM EST: It is the 2-year anniversary since the brave and honorable Chinese eye doctor and scientist Li Wenliang, the Wuhan Whistleblower, that tried to warn the world about COVID-19 starting in December 2019, died. The filthy CCP discredited his statements saying he was "spreading rumors" and "making false statements." Then he went missing as often happens in communist China if you go against the filthy CCP. Next, he shows up in the hospital taking his last breath on 2/7/20. Who knows what else the filthy CCP injected into him? The doctor remains a hero in China and around the world for trying to warn everyone of the danger coming. Li Wenliang's parents should be honored and proud for raising such a noble son, larger than life, that had a mission on earth. Li Wenliang made the ultimate sacrifice for all of humanity and will always be honored as a hero of the pandemic. 

Note Added Monday Evening, 2/7/22: Congress holds a moment of silence to respect the 900K American deaths from China Flu. Many of the republicans stupidly back former President Trump in his claim that he won the election and idiotically call the Capitol Hill riot a "legitimate political discourse," so any actions Congress takes, such as a vigil, is sullied by this sick backdrop. Hollow words and actions by corrupt lawmakers. Both Trump and Biden have bungled the pandemic. Humorously, republicans are set up for a major landslide victory in the November elections but if they back the cry-baby Trump show (the republicans are now the party of Trump; right-wing), things will not work out as well as they hope. Americans, except for the right-wing base, have moved on from the orange-headed bloviating carnival clown. King Donnie should never see the inside of the Oval Office again for not stopping the Capitol Hill riot on 1/6/21. A president is supposed to protect Americans not encourage them to harm one another. Trump's lack of action to stop the violence on 1/6/21 cannot be forgiven and nullifies a reelection bid. The dude already lost a presidential election; the republicans are stupid to back a loser. They would be better served to put Donnie's jackass reality television show in the rearview mirror. The pandemic was King Trump's Waterloo. Dr Eric Lander, a top science adviser to President Biden and Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy, resigns after an internal investigation into his disrespectful treatment of OSTP employees. Sleepy Joe blows it again allowing the disgraced science leader to remain on the job but that quickly changed to a resignation once social media, radio and television ran the story. Was Lander 'following the science' as he brow-beat his workers?

Note Added Tuesday Morning, 2/8/22, at 3:00 AM EST: The world reports 1.9 million daily new cases 2 days at or below 2 million per day, a far cry from the 1/20/22 peak at 3.8 million cases per day. The world's daily cases are now one-half of the peak cases in less than 3 weeks time. Great news that needs to keep going in the right direction. The world's deaths remain stubbornly high at 10.4K souls perishing per day from the China Virus, however, it is 8 less bodies than the day before so perhaps this is the high rate in deaths for this cycle. Indonesia and Malaysia are at the leading edge of the omicron infections in Asia. Cases spike in Vietnam in November through January and likely infected southern China. The infections are now rippling back at Vietnam again. The tragedy that is South Korea continues reporting 39K daily new cases the most ever. Ditto Japan at 106K daily new cases yesterday the most ever. Thailand infections increase. Asia is the new covid hot zone as cases subside in Europe, the Nordic states and South America. Russia and Turkey daily covid cases remain at record highs. Iran is now in the omicron wave reporting 40K daily cases near record levels. The B11529 Botswana/South Africa variant (omicron) makes its way around the world at breakneck speed.

Note Added Tuesday Morning, 2/8/22, at 4:00 AM EST: The United States reports 156K daily new cases a great number for a Monday when cases would be expected to jump higher for the week ahead. America is in great shape. The 7-day MA trend line for US daily new cases is dropping like a stone at 247K cases per day. The best news is the US active cases chart that is definitely flattening and about to roll over lower forming the coveted bell shape. It will signal that the virus is being defeated and the healthcare workers have far easier days ahead. California's active cases curve is also flattening which piles on more good news. Kentucky is improving quickly a far cry from the terrible situation only a few days ago. Tennessee is not updating their data the last few days. Mississippi cases slip lower which is great news since the region around Memphis was looking bleak. February will be a good month in the battle against COVID-19. It provides time for the Biden administration to catch-up on production of the GSK Sotrovimab monoclonal antibody treatments and Pfizer Paxlovid pills. Wake up Sleepy Joe; don't blow it a second time. 1.3K Americans die yesterday. The 7-day MA for US deaths keeps moving lower at 2.3K deaths per day but it can never move lower fast enough. The 3-day MA trend line prints a lower low which is good news since it maintains the downward direction in US deaths.

Note Added Tuesday Morning, 2/8/22, at 5:00 AM EST: California is the latest state to announce plans to lift the mask mandates (for the vaccinated). Oregon is lifting its mask mandate next month. Ditto Connecticut. New York Governor Hochul is planning to announce changes to its mask mandates. All US states will push back on mandates since the democrat-led states, such as California, Oregon, Connecticut and New York are now buckling. Politicians are not stupid; they see the Freedom Convoy in Canada and do not want the same drama occurring in their backyards so they will likely speed-up an end to the mask and other draconian mandates. The CDC and Whitehouse recommends masking in schools because they are beholding to the teacher's unions. Many teacher's want the easy life, sitting at home eating bonbons while providing instruction to bored uninspired students. The teacher's unions in the US provide lots of money for the democrat political campaigns so the Whitehouse performs the quid pro quo for the unions imposing masks on children (so teachers can sit home). This is the way the sick and rigged crony capitalism system works. Be glad that it is in its last throes. Dr Tom Frieden says it is too early to stop the mask mandates while Dr Leana Wen says it is time to move in that direction. Dr Paul Offit says masks should stay for a few more weeks to make sure omicron is beaten down. The CDC needs to use the county map on the COVID Data Tracker site to guide the country into lifting restrictions by region. This instruction also trains the public for future pandemics by teaching them to reference the US county chart. The shame about the masking in schools situation is that a huge number of teachers want desperately to get back into the classroom providing hands-on instruction to the kids but they have to follow the union's lead. These are the great teachers that have a calling for the profession but are unfortunately painted with the same negative brush as teachers that want masks forever and to stay home forever or until their sorry arses retire. Alice sings "School's Out" forever.

Note Added Tuesday Morning, 2/8/22, at 11:00 AM EST: Keystone is busy this morning setting out luminaries along the rural driveway before Mary the mail lady arrives. There are 28 brown bags with sand in the bottom and a lighted candle inside illuminating the bag for the 28-day covid test kits vigil. Keystone ordered the kits on 1/11/22 and waiting for the test kits to arrive is like waiting for Godot. The website is all show and no go. The ordering information is easy enough to enter but then they send the test kits out via stagecoach and Pony Express; they should have used FedEx. Comically, a person can die from covid, receive a well-deserved funeral, get buried at the local cemetery, and grass is coming up on their grave; by the time the covid test kits arrive. Along Comes Mary and, there goes Mary. No covid test kits again. Maybe the test kits will arrive on the 29th day tomorrow? Keystone has to prepare another luminary for the 29-day vigil for the covid test kits.

Note Added Tuesday Afternoon, 2/8/22, at 1:00 PM EST: US hospitalizations go sub 100K! America reports 93K hospitalizations for Friday, 2/4/22. The CDC data is always slow so the numbers have to be even better as hospital admissions also plummet. The 7-day MA trend for hospitalizations is down to 105K and will go sub 100K any day forward. Hospitalizations peak at 149K on 1/18/22 as fear ran rampant with pundits proclaiming that 200K was on the come. Nope. Only 3 weeks later, the United States retreats below 100K hospitalizations and is heading lower from here. Politicians need to back off the draconian covid rules because conditions are improving quickly and the natives are getting restless. The Superbowl is on Sunday, 2/13/22, only days away, at SoFi  Stadium in Los Angeles, California, when the Los Angeles Rams and Cincinnati Bengals will battle for the NFL championship determining the best American football team in the land. It will be interesting to see how the mask rule in a crowded setting is embraced, or shunned. No one is listening anymore and once fans have a belly full of beer sloshing around in their stomach, masks will be tossed aside and not contain the cheering and flying sputum. Will the Superbowl be a superspreader event? Probably not judging from other major events over the last few months that have shown success in not causing substantive increases in cases. Proof of vaccination or a negative test must be provided when entering SoFi Stadium and masks are available. There will be lots of Superbowl house parties this weekend. The medical pundits will tell everyone how to be safe and wear masks but at the par-tay the wine will be flowing like water, the music blaring, and masks and other clothing articles will be optional.

Note Added Tuesday Afternoon, 2/9/22, at 2:00 PM EST: The trucker's protests continue in Canada as King Trudeau continues hiding under the bed coming out occasionally to accuse the peaceful demonstrators of being Nazi's or transphobic. Many people do not know what transphobic means; the internet says it is the fear, hate and mistrust of people who are transgender. Many people do not know what transgender means but if you try to figure it out you fall down a rabbit hole of gender descriptions. Trudeau needs to come out of the castle and talk to the trucker's about everyday problems, the economy and earning a living, and work out a solution to the Ottawa occupation now in its eleventh day. The truckers block the Ambassador Bridge a major cross-border connection linking Detroit and Windsor. This action will create controversy although the traffic is flowing out of Canada into the United States. A left-wing radical Antifa rioter crashes his car into the trucker's protest hurting four people. Trudeau's government paints the truckers at fault for the crime but media outlets report the truth that it was an Antifa radical. Four out of 10 Canadian provinces now plan to remove mandates. The truckers are slowly winning. 30% of Canadians support the Freedom Convoy and the truckers which is bigtime since the country is a 4-party system. King Trudeau has his hands full because a major portion of the country is peacefully revolting; it is not a fringe element as the idiot leader said the other day. The Canadian government has a judge step in preventing the truckers from honking horns through the night so instead, the smart road warriors are revving their engines all night long. A man walks by television cameras with a sign; "If I cannot blow my horn, you can kiss my *ss." Some stores only have a 3-day supply of food and other essentials available to the public. Some big trouble is going to go down on the weekend unless Trudeau puts his big boy pants on and stops his draconian mandates. Shamefully, a crazed Canadian cop strongarms an elderly man, dragging him from his car for honking his horn. The cop twists the man's arm behind his back and places him in handcuffs. The old man is only one-half as tall as the officer and obviously poses zero threat. It is sickening. Do Canadians embrace this type of society?

Note Added Wednesday Morning, 2/9/22, at 3:00 AM EST: The WORLD REPORTS 401,500,941 TOTAL COVID-19 CASES EXCEEDING THE 400K MILESTONE. 5.8 MILLION EARTHLINGS ARE DEAD FROM THE CHINA VIRUS. 5.2%, or 1 in every 19 humans on the planet, have been infected by China Flu. 0.08%, or 1 in every 1,322 people on earth have died from the Wuhan Virus. The world's death rate is trying to crest at 10.6K bodies per day but 12.5K global citizens losing their lives to COVID-19 yesterday does not help. Russia's daily new cases may be peaking at 160K to 180K infections per day a horrific level. Turkey reports 111K daily new cases another record. Where's dirtbag Dictator Erdogan? There are almost 800K active covid cases in Turkey which is 1% of the 84 million population. 1 in every 105 Turkish citizens are under doctor's care for an Omicron Variant infection. Almost 250 Turks are dying per day from coronavirus. Iran remains at 40K cases per day at record levels. Oh no. Vietnam reports 22K daily new cases the most ever; the spike higher is off the charts. The outbreak in Baise, China, which is Vietnam's next door neighbor, is increasing so this cross border relationship cannot be ignored. This entire section of southern China and northern Vietnam is likely in serious trouble going forward. Chinese officials admit the Baise cases are in the fast-rising phase (parabolic). The Chinese government was slow to respond to the area since the outbreak went unnoticed for a while but the problem is the people in the area have visited many other places over the last couple weeks likely spreading infection. China may have to reconsider its zero-covid policy going forward. The Beijing Olympics continues but the viewership is way down in the United States with many citizens calling the Games the Genocide Olympics due to the CCP's mistreatment of the Uyghurs. Hong Kong, now a possession of dirtbag mainland China, continues reporting record infection levels. Since the communists took over Hong Kong destroying people's lives, perhaps some citizens are happy to spread virus and hope they infect entire mainland China. Payback's a b*tch. Dirtbag Carrie Lam was installed as Hong Kong's chief executive to set up the communist takeover; she is a puppet of the CCP. Lam visits Beijing once per month but never needs a hotel room since she spends the entire time underneath dirtbag Dictator Xi's desk. Indonesia reports 37.5K daily new cases another record high for the current omicron wave. Malaysia reports 14K daily new cases with its chart going parabolic. Japan daily new cases may be peaking at the 100K cases per day level now backing away for 2 days. South Korea remains a mess with daily new cases above 37K at record levels. It is amazing that South Korea was the poster child for how to properly handle the pandemic in 2020. They had excellent medical teams that would track and trace any outbreaks and the world was envious of their professional expertise. Fast forward 18 months, and South Korea is in shambles, running around like chickens with their heads cut off, hospitals overrun, and the Omicron Variant spreading like wildfire. Viruses are like Mother Nature; they slap you around now and then just to make sure you understand who's boss.

Note Added Wednesday Morning, 2/9/22, at 4:00 AM EST: The CDC says there are no new Delta Variant cases over the last week in the United States. 100% of US cases are the Omicron Variant. The US is approaching the 80 million total COVID-19 cases milestone. The US active cases chart is rolling over forecasting a happy road ahead. Ditto California. 2.8K Americans die yesterday but the 7-day MA trend in US deaths continues drifting lower at 2.3K deaths per day. Kentucky, Tennessee and Mississippi cases move lower so America is looking good. People want to ditch the mask and other mandates. The natives are getting restless. The Whitehouse and CDC would be wise to not fight the trend of the country in this direction. Instead, they should jump on the bandwagon. Otherwise, a Canadian-style protest will occur in the United States. The CDC COVID-19 Data Tracker reports 86K hospitalizations on 2/6/22 the latest data which is always slow. It is shameful that the CDC will not provide real-time data to the public especially when Queen Walensky and the gang are looking at it. Nonetheless, hospitalizations are sub 90K now and likely already sub 80K but the CDC data is too slow. The US is already at one-half the hospitalizations of the peak about 3 weeks ago. After 2 years, Americans are ready to be maskless Shiny Happy People again.

Note Added Wednesday Morning, 2/9/22, at 11:00 AM EST: CDC Director Dr Walensky and NIAID Director Dr Fauci provide a coordinated response to the mask issue on different news outlets. The two double-mask-wearing zealots say it is too early to stop using masks. Walensky proclaims that the CDC county map for the United States remains red in the high transmission category. There are a few counties that are low and moderate transmission so Walensky should take another look at the map and telling those folks to ditch their masks and instruct them on the new plan, if there is one, and there is probably not one. Since the US daily new cases chart for the omicron wave is characterized by the ice pick pattern, or skinny inverted (upside-down) V pattern is another way to describe it, the cases and transmission rates should continue dropping like a stone. In fact, the US county map may flip to the lower transmission colors (blue and yellow) in a big way any day ahead. Walensky needs to be telling everyone right now about the new mask guidelines. Many US states, democrat-led states, are saying to heck with the CDC's indecision and are forging ahead ditching the indoor mask rules and/or masking for children in schools not waiting for new guidance. New York democrat Governor Hochul buckles under the pressure and drops the mask mandate on businesses but remains hesitant on masking in schools (because the teacher's unions donate to the democrat election campaigns). Illinois is going to remove mask mandates. Since the US county map is, and should be the center of attention now, and for future pandemics, Keystone needs to highlight the map's shortcomings. The county map cannot be used in its present form that only updates once per week; this is garbage. How do you use the map to make decisions about masks and other covid restrictions when the data is a week old? The transmission rates shown today are from 2/1/22 through 2/7/22. THE US COUNTY MAP NEEDS TO USE DAILY, NOT WEEKLY, DATA AND BE UPDATED IN REAL-TIME TO BE OF USE NOW AND IN THE FUTURE. If the CDC data analysts and scientists cannot handle it, hire consultants that can. The US county map may not update until next Tuesday; that's garbage. No wonder Walensky is hesitant with revising mask guidelines; she is driving the covid bus while looking in the rearview mirror. Keystone discussed in a prior article about the color coding on the US county map. Four colors are too many. Make it three like a traffic light. People can connect to this approach easier. Use red, yellow, green for the colors. The low transmission rate (blue) of less than 10 cases per 100,000 persons is a good goal although it should be on a daily basis in real-time not per week. The high transmission rate (red) is 100 infections per 100,000 persons and that is what the bulk of the map currently displays. Again, the CDC may be shocked at how fast the US map flips to low transmission (blue and yellow) and considering that the natives are extremely restless, Dr Walensky would be well advised to provide the new mask-ditching plan immediately. The counties with low transmission on the map could already be without masks and serving as the tip of the spear going forward to see if there is any wild increase in infections which no one expects. Americans need new mask guidance now! Chop, chop. Americans are going to toss the mouth diapers into the trash going forward no matter what the CDC recommends. Both Walensky and Fauci are saying many decisions on masking and other matters will fall into the laps of local officials. Sounds like they ae sloughing off responsibility to others.

Note Added Wednesday Afternoon, 2/9/22, at 1:00 PM EST: It is Day 29 of the covid tests vigil. Keystone ordered the covid tests from the government website on 1/11/22 and has grown a beard since then looking like Rip Van Winkle. The web site says tests will  ship in 7 to 12 days so adding 3 or 4 days is 16 days maximum. Liars. The Whitehouse needs to revise that claim of shipping covid tests in 7 to 12 days since it is a lie. Mary the mail lady should be coming down the road anytime so for good luck Keystone ties 29 yellow ribbons 'round the ole oak tree representing each day he awaits the arrival of the covid tests. Here comes Mary, and there goes Mary. No test kits. It makes you wonder if the tests will show up at all? Maybe the test kits will arrive tomorrow 30 days after ordering?

Note Added Wednesday Afternoon, 2/9/22, at 2:00 PM EST: 100% of the new coronavirus cases are omicron. There are 460 cases of the BA2 Omicron Subvariant that is present in most US states. Doctors continue complaining about short supplies of the GlaxoSmithKline Sotrovimab monoclonal antibody treatments and Pfizer Paxlovid anti-viral oral pills. Where's Sleepy Joe Biden? Sleeping? Lots of Americans are taking dirt naps because of the mishandling of the virus by the Biden administration that promotes vaccines only while dissing, denigrating and downplaying EARLY TREATMENT of COVID-19, which is the key to surviving the illness, with monoclonal antibodies and other treatments and therapies. The vaccination rate is falling off a cliff trailing lower since early December now down to about 500K shots per day as per the 7-day MA trend line. This low 500K per day rate compares back to July; 7 months ago. Americans have lost confidence in the vaccines. Only 23% of the 5 to 11 year old children (1 in every 4 kids) are vaccinated and only 57% of the 12 to 17 year old's have taken the jabs (3 out of every 5 kids). Many American teens were forced to take the mRNA injections to attend school or university or to play sports.

Note Added Wednesday Evening, 2/9/22: The GlaxoSmithKine/Vir Biotechnology Sotrovimab monoclonal antibody treatment works on the BA2 Omicron Subvariant; this is fantastic news. Nearly all US states have been maskless or are going maskless. Nevada will likely ditch masks tomorrow. The democrat states have buckled and are removing mask mandates. Americans are moving on from COVID-19 so folks can either jump on the bandwagon or get run over. Humorously, all of America is now accepting masks as an option while Lord Fauci and Queen Walensky are in a back room at the CDC still trying to develop the new mask guidance. The people have already decided. The Whitehouse and CDC will have to comply with America's decision to ditch mask mandates. If you want to wear a mask, wear one, many folks still will, so the Whitehouse and CDC are being too protective and are probably more worried about political fallout if they do something wrong. Politics corrupt human's decisions. Americans are confused if they should follow the state telling them masks are not needed or the Whitehouse and CDC that want folks to wear chin thongs forever. Should Americans follow their state's science or the CDC science? The pandemic is a chaotic and confusing mess for 2 years because of the same old reason; everyone is in charge but no one is in charge. Medical pundits provide advice all day long on cable news outlets. Fauci has never seen a camera he did not like. President's Trump and Biden interject themselves into the covid narrative when it suits them politically. Everyone is spewing advice and direction but no one is in charge so when things go wrong no one is blamed. This is no way to run a pandemic. The lack of a single point person in charge of handling the pandemic is a major failing of Trump and Biden and it creates the never-ending disorganization and confusing messaging that now leaves Americans twisted into knots.

Note Added Thursday Morning, 2/10/22, at 3:00 AM EST: Hong Kong is a mess with nearly 1K cases yesterday. The Hong Kong hospitals are overrun so hotels are used to treat China Flu patients. Two Hong Kong folks die; the first deaths in 5 months. One person dies that had been vaccinated with two doses of the Sinovac vaccine and the other was unvaccinated. The Omicron Variant defeating the Sinovac vaccine is a horrific omen for mainland China. The Beijing Olympics continue in controversy as foreign athletes testing positive for covid are placed into quarantine, fed garbage food and not provided access to exercise equipment hurting their chances at winning a medal. Such is communist China. The filthy CCP rules the lives of all humans that stand on China soil.

Note Added Thursday Morning, 2/10/22, at 3:30 AM EST: The Wuhan Lab Leak theory gets a boost from new findings by Hungarian scientists as reported by the Daily Mail. The researchers say soil samples hint that coronavirus did not start naturally. They find traces of genetic material from Chinese hamsters and green monkeys in samples suggesting that Chinese scientists may have been messing with the viruses. China refuses to cooperate with investigations into the origin of coronavirus and has destroyed valuable initial laboratory data, samples and evidence; not something that would be done if the natural evolution process was to be believed. The virus likely leaked from the Wuhan Labs and the CCP refuses to acknowledge their error because they want their biowarfare and bioweapons programs to remain hidden, China does not want to be labeled as a country that has created a massive crime against humanity, and they do not want to pay reparations to 200 other countries on earth for murdering 5.8 million people by their nefarious deeds. Such is life on earth in 2022.

Note Added Thursday Morning, 2/10/22, at 4:00 AM EST: The world's daily cases continue dropping but deaths remain at 10.5K per day. Brazil has turned the corner and now headed in the right direction. The UK cases continue dropping so the scare about a week ago with an elevated case number was a one-off. The UK is on the mend and dropping covid restrictions.  Prime Minister Boris Johnson refuses to resign due to the Partygate scandal. Russia cannot catch a break reporting 183K daily new cases the most ever. Is Russia going to start a war with the hospitals completely overwhelmed from omicron? Perhaps divine intervention is occurring? Turkey and Iran report another day of record cases. Ditto Indonesia, Malaysia and Vietnam where cases explode to 24K per day a huge spike higher. Southern China should become extremely worried by the explosion of infections in Vietnam. South Korea is a major covid disaster zone with daily cases rocket launching to 50K infections per day. Japan remains a mess.

Note Added Thursday Morning, 2/10/22, at 4:00 AM EST: The United States continues in the right direction with daily cases down to 221K per day and dropping. The US active cases chart is curling over to form the coveted bell shape. 2.8K Americans croak yesterday a terrible number but the 7-day MA trend continues lower at 2.2K deaths per day. Deaths are directly correlated to the supply and distribution of the GSK Sotrovimab monoclonal antibody treatments and Pfizer Paxlovid anti-viral oral pills. Sleepy Joe Biden fell asleep on the job failing to spearhead efforts into these two life-saving treatments. Doctors complain of tight supplies and the unavailability of these treatments, so people die. That's the way it works. Both Trump and Biden have pandemic blood on their hands. If more GSK mAb treatments and Paxlovid pills are made available, less people will die. It's not brain surgery. Biden failed because he put all his eggs in the vaccination basket when he should have embraced and cheered all treatments and therapies for COVID-19 in addition to vaccinations. Former President Trump almost died of coronavirus in Fall 2020 before the election and was only saved by the regimen of Regeneron monoclonal antibodies (mAb; that was experimental at the time and not approved for public use; King Donnie was likely on his death bed and told the doc's to shoot it to me; the Regeneron saved Trumps' life), vitamin therapy, other antibiotics and Remdesivir. The answer to the pandemic was loud and clear. Continue pursuing vaccines and vaccinations but at the same time develop mAb treatments more extensively. In addition, flood the country with vitamins C, D-3, and zinc, and educate them on prevention and early treatment. No siree. Instead, Biden backed vaccinations only a terrible strategy likely resulting in at least a couple hundred thousand lost lives that would have been saved by mAb. Remdesivir is shown to be not that effective in handling COVID-19 and there are investigations occurring into how Fauci may be benefitting monetarily from the use and promotion of the drug in hospitals. The nurses jokingly call it "Rem-death-is-near." 20% of Americans said they would not take the vaccines before they were developed and my oh my, 20% of Americans now say they will not take the jabs. Who would have thunk it? There are idiots in charge of the asylum. To not plan for what was clearly expected is another failure of Trump and Biden; Tweedledumb and Tweedledumber. The pandemic is a chaotic and confusing mess under both inept leaders. Tennessee, Kentucky, Mississippi and Washington state cases are way down off their peaks so the good news for America continues. The mask saga will be the major news story today. Dr Walensky is going to have to provide commentary on masks. The US county map on the CDC COVID-19 Data Tracker website is already showing low transmission counties so these folks should be told to ditch the masks. Walensky highlighted the county map a few months ago using the high transmission zones (orange and red) to dictate mask use so it makes sense that the masks need to be ditched as the county-based infections drop like rocks (blue and yellow counties). Biden, Walensky and Fauci are on the wrong side of history, leading from behind, as Americans ditch the masks and are getting on with life. No one is listening to them anymore.

Note Added Thursday Morning, 2/10/22, at 7:30 AM EST: Prince Charles tests positive for coronavirus. His Royal Hiney is self-isolating, resting his hiney, and rescheduling events. HRH is triple vaccinated so it is another breakthrough case where vaccines could not hold back the Omicron Variant. There is concern about when Prince Charles last had contact with Queen Elizabeth. In the US, nine states are ditching mask mandates; New York, Delaware, Rhode Island, California, Illinois, Massachusetts, New Jersey and Oregon. Nevada will be number 10 today. Most other states did not implement mask mandates. The Whitehouse and CDC are feeling pressure about changing the mask guidelines and the day is barely underway. The Academy Awards gala where the movie stars hand out Oscar trophies to one another along with token air kisses on each cheek, is going maskless this year. The awards show has gone downhill for two decades, losing viewers, due to its phoniness and boring presentations. Other awards shows are maintaining mandates. The Academy Awards said the employees and staff are under stricter guidelines and must provide a negative test. The death of comedian Bob Saget last month remains shrouded in mystery. The coroner says Saget died from head trauma although he had COVID-19, was on anti-depressants and had an enlarged heart that was 95% blocked on one side. Rumors circulate in social media that Saget may have croaked from his booster shot that he received in December (enlarged heart) but the US misinformation police have a conniption blocking and cancelling anyone that dares question the standard authoritarian narrative. 

Note Added Thursday Afternoon, 2/10/22: Keystone ordered the covid test kits 30 days ago. Will the tests arrive today? Confidence is lost after one month but who knows, maybe today is the day? No, it is not. The deliveries come and go and there are no sign of the covid tests. Fauci says the pandemic restrictions may end "soon." Buddy, everyone is moving on without you. Comically, the only three people that will be wearing a mask a month from now will be Fauci, Walensky and Biden. Lord Fauci proclaims that the US is "certainly heading out of" the "full-blown pandemic phase of COVID-19." Fauci has devolved into background noise. The US inflation reading comes in at 7.5% year on year the highest in 40 years. Many of you were not alive in the mid and late 1970's into the early 1980's when inflation ran rampant and Ronnie Ray-gun was elected president to right the ship after Jimmy Carter. The consensus is that inflation takes off like crazy from here but the crowd is typically wrong. Keystone's Inflation-Deflation Indicator explains the current inflation conditions in the United States. The excessive government stimulus, 12 years of Federal Reserve money-printing, and shutdown of worldwide and domestic shipping lines due to the pandemic, create the rise in prices for all goods and services. A CNN poll, which would be expected to be democrat-friendly, reports that 6 in 10 Americans disapprove of Biden's job performance. Ouch. Biden was hired to handle the pandemic and not touch anything else and he did the opposite bungling the pandemic. No wonder confidence is lost in his leadership.

Note Added Thursday Evening, 2/10/22: The Freedom Convoy in Canada is going worldwide. New Zealand joins the trucker protests. Also some Aussies. Perhaps there is some hope for the land Down Under after all. Ditto countries in Europe. Other US/Canada border crossings are blocked in addition to the Ambassador Bridge. Ford, General Motors and other automobile-associated companies are halting operations due to the unavailability of parts and supplies. King Trudeau has created a huge mess in Canada, the United States and worldwide. Jackass Trudeau needs to end the movement by simply stopping the mandates. It is easy but he will not comply; he is the boy king. Trudeau is trying to prohibit food adn gasoline deliveries to the truckers; so much for a free country. Police begin arresting anyone carrying a gasoline can. Comically, athletic young folks are now walking the Ottawa streets with gas cans hanging around their necks simply to get the cops to chase them making the police look like fools. That is hilarious. You cannot make the stuff up. The pandemic is turning some people nutso. The Ottawa occupation is in Day 13. It started on Saturday, 1/29/22, although some trucks were in the city the day before. The third week of the occupation begins on Saturday on Day 15. The Ottawa protests are very peaceful as everyone would think to be the case considering that Canadians are known for their calm and friendly demeanor. Trudeau and his henchmen keep painting the demonstrators as violent folks waving Nazi flags but the videos show the complete opposite. These claims are lies and only fed to the public by the complicit media to bolster support for Trudeau. US officials are whipping up fear saying truckers may disrupt the Superbowl on Sunday. US and Canadian governments do not allow anyone to question their edicts.  Humorously, if you ask questions, you are labeled as a conspiracy theorist, racist or insurrectionist.

Note Added Friday Morning, 2/11/22, at 3:30 AM EST: 407 million earthlings have been infected with China Virus and 5.8 million are dead. The world's daily deaths over the last 3 days are 10.7K, 10.7K and 10.5K. A day or two does not make a trend but the world's deaths are likely topping-out now which is great news. It is the last piece of the covid puzzle that needs to fall into place. Russia reports 197K daily new cases. Wow! 200K Ruskies are getting sick with omicron per day. 701 Russians die face down in their borscht testing one-month highs. New Zealand reports 334 daily new cases the most ever. Say bye-bye to zero-covid folks. The Omicron Variant continues its trek around the globe and is now focusing on countries in Asia and the South Pacific, and China, since there are plenty of fresh virgin host bodies ready to be infected. New Zealand is likely headed for a tough couple months and it is bad timing since the natives are restless and want the draconian mandates and restrictions lifted. Protesters and police scuffle in New Zealand with 120 people arrested. Authorities are blaming the Canadian trucker's protest for causing unrest in their nation. Little baby King Trudeau is bringing the world to its knees because of his immature refusal to not end his draconian and tyrannical mandates. Trudeau can stop the trouble in Canada and the burden on the US auto manufacturers immediately if he chooses to; but his ego and little privileged rich boy mentality will not permit him to do the right thing. Ditch the mandates, jackass.

Note Added Friday Morning, 2/11/22, at 4:00 AM EST: 465 COVID-19 cases are inside the Olympics bubble if you can believe the filthy communists (the CCP lies about everything). There are about 8K people in the Beijing bubble so 6% of the folks are infected with COVID-19. Hong Kong reports 1,325 daily new cases and 1,500 preliminary cases whatever that is; call it 3K cases per day and trouble for China's zero-covid strategy. Vietnam cases explode above 26K per day the most ever so southern China, Nam's neighbor, is in a heap of trouble. The Eastern world, it is explodin', with covid, to paraphrase Barry McGuire. Indonesia crosses the 4.7 million total infections milestone and reports 47K daily new cases the most for the omicron wave that is now parabolic and teasing record case levels. The chronology warned Indonesia a month ago that this would happen. Malaysia's cases are in the parabolic phase now jumping above 19K per day heading higher. Japan daily cases may be peaking but 155 Japanese die yesterday the most ever except for 5/19/21 when 227 folks died. Oh my. South Korea is a disaster reporting over 54K daily new cases rocket launching into the stratosphere. Hospitals are overrun. South Korea, the shining star for handling the pandemic in 2020, is now dealing with the China Flu spinning out of control in 2022 and they have no solution as yet.

Note Added Friday Morning, 2/11/22, at 5:00 AM EST: The US crosses the 79 million total infections milestone obviously nothing to celebrate. Over 939K Americans are dead from China Virus. The 7-day MA trend line for US daily cases is at 200K cases per day and dropping. The 7-day MA for US deaths continue dropping in February now below 2.2K deaths per day. America is over the omicron hump and people can feel it so they want the mask mandates and other rules to go away. President Biden opines, "It's probably premature (to lift the mask mandates), but it's a tough call." He says he relies on the CDC so this confirms the belief that the blind truly follow the blind. The wishy-washy reply from Sleepy Joe proves that the pandemic remains a confusing and chaotic mess. There was never a single point person in charge. Everyone is in charge but no one is in charge. Even the president is clueless and says maybe the CDC will figure it out. The medical industry and America's incompetent and aging political system have lost mountains of credibility over the last 2 years. Since the states are struggling with the decisions to lift mask mandates despite the CDC recommending otherwise, a set of consistent guidelines for assessing the pandemic and placing and removing restrictions is desperately needed. Case counts are important but several states are saying the lower hospitalizations are key to removing restrictions. Other states say vaccination rates play a role in setting covid guidelines. The CDC prefers the community transmission rate which accounts for new cases and test positivity rates a solid approach although the 4 colors should be reduced to 3 and perhaps the various numeric levels can be tweaked one way or the other depending on how omicron works out. Thus, new cases, test positivity rates, hospitalizations and vaccination rates are placed on the table as key metrics for determining mask and other guidelines. The CDC has a decent approach to assessing community transmission with the new cases and positivity rates. Hospitalizations are a lagging indicator although this does not negate the metric from providing guidance on when masks should be ditched. Hospital admissions lead hospitalizations by about 4 days. Vaccination rates is a hokey indicator. Other countries have used this as a guide but they end up with the same infection waves as everyone else. Look at Israel. The northeastern US states had their chests puffed-out bragging about their high vaccination rates when the southern states were suffering in the late summertime, but then karma hit them with the omicron waves just as bad or worse in these highly vaccinated states. A lot of good the double, triple and booster jabs did them. Vaccination rate is a stupid metric for determining covid guidelines. For masks, which many studies now show are not all that useful, the idea is to stop the sputum and droplets in close proximity to others, whether giving or receiving the pathogen, so test positivity rates have merit. An entire county should not be wearing masks if there are only a handful of people that test positive, or if the number of positive tests are very small in relation to a huge number of people tested. The scientists will have a lot to think about in the future when the data is tabulated in its final form. Data analysts will be able to determine which metrics are best in helping politicians set public guidelines. A major problem that kills any desire to develop a great system is the slow data feed with the CDC. They must provide real-time data on the COVID-19 Data Tracker site not like now where numbers are from 3 days to a week old. How would you like to always eat yesterday's stale bread, brown bananas and a 3-day old slice of cold pizza stuck to the cardboard box? Even now, Dr Walensky opines about how the US county map remains covered in red. Yes, it does, because that map data is a week old. That is your job as a director. If the map was in real-time, perhaps one-half the country would already be shown as low transmission and this would allow the tossing of masks. The important US county map which should be highlighted more by the medical pundits so people can assess their own conditions in real-time (cough) and be trained for future pandemics. For now, calling balls and strikes during the entire pandemic, the mask mandates should be ditched. People can still wear them if they want; no biggie. It is prudent to ditch the masks since the majority of Americans are either vaccinated, had covid, or are dead, and the variants coming down the pike appear less lethal. Tell folks that things may change in the future but for now it would be best to be on the side of history, maintain peace, and let society ditch the masks.

Note Added Friday Morning, 2/11/22, at 10:51 AM EST: Ontario, Canada, declares a state of emergency due to the trucker's peaceful demonstrations. What are they afraid of? That they will be attacked by kindness?

Note Added Friday Morning, 2/11/22, at 11:00 AM EST: 3,000 New York City workers are going to be canned today because of the stupid vaccine mandate garbage. Will the government destroy these common people's lives today? Will America become a dirtbag authoritarian nation? Newly installed NYC Mayor Adams plans to oust the workers and says they are "quitting." Why are so many jackasses in political power these days? Adams will be tossing these people into the street because they did not want to inject serum into their bodies by decree. Adams is discriminating against unvaccinated people. These folks need to show up for work and keep performing their jobs and remain professional with their bosses. Let the managers usher you out the door and prevent you from working. Then walk down the street into a lawyer's office and file a discrimination lawsuit. He is violating labor laws. Adams is likely canning older workers that he did not want on the payroll because they are paid too much which is age discrimination. NYC deserves thousands of lawsuits that will then cost the city millions to defend as well as the payouts to people that are screwed by the draconian mandates. If this is the America everyone wants, bring it on, shove it down everyone's throats until they gag on it. If you destroy someone's life, especially over something like a stupid vaccine, do you actually think they are going to go gentle into that good night, to paraphrase Dylan Thomas?

Note Added Friday Afternoon, 2/11/22, at 1:00 PM EST: The European Medicines Agency, Europe's regulator, begins an investigation into menstrual issues of women receiving vaccinations. Other studies have suggested a link between vaccinations and menstrual changes such as heavy bleeding or skipping cycles. The mRNA vaccines are only a year old. Many young ladies worry about the vaccines impacting fertility but the experts keep saying trust us, no problemo, don't worry about it, go for it. Today is Day 31 of the covid test kits watch. Keystone ordered the test kits from the website on 1/11/22 but has been sitting and waiting so long there are cobwebs attached to each leg. With criminals freely looting stores and robbing railcars under Biden's new easy on crime policies, Keystone's test kits are probably lying in a crumpled-up cardboard box on the side of the tracks in a railyard somewhere. Here comes Mary the mail lady along the country road. Keystone is walking down the long drive and sees Mary wildly waving a package out of the window of the Jeep. Wow! Wonders never cease! After 31 days, the COVID-19 test kits finally arrive! It's Christmas in February. The 4 free tests are shipped out of Topeka, Kansas, to southwestern Pennsylvania. Some folks say the tests were frozen stiff due to the frigid weather but the tests arrive fine in a bubble wrap package free of any damage. They are the Flowflex COVID-19 Antigen Home Test by ACON Labs out of San Diego, USA, however, the manufacturers lot number sticker and code on the side of the box is clearly stamped...... wait for it........ no, wait a bit longer for it .......... 'Made in China'. Isn't it Ironic that the country of origin of the lethal COVID-19 virus and pandemic now makes money on test kits? The US government gave China a $1.28 billion contract for test kits. Nonetheless, Keystone successfully receives the free test kits 31 days after ordering. The Wuhan Flu test kits arrive on a slow boat from China. Thank goodness they sent the nasal swabs and not the anal ones.

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