It is fun watching this market behavior that is one for the record books. Despite the one-month selloff in stocks, it is as if it never happened, traders and investors remain bigtime bullish ready to buy any dip. It is hilarious . Human greed knows no bounds. The bull party is never-ending as the low put/calls verify. It is midnight and the band has to wrap things up but the crowd will not stop groovin'. Million Miles Away. The chicks are swinging and dancing to the beat and do not want the stock market fun to end.
This bull party continues with traders buying any stock with a heartbeat singing and dancing despite the -7% drop in the SPX and loss of -10% and more in the Nazzy indexes. This is when everyone is too liquored-up and the haymakers start flying.
Since the complacency and fearlessness will not subside, the pain level is going to be turned up to 11, a la Spinal Tap. You dummies will have to pay with more stock market losses until you feel panic in your mind and heart. Keystone loves to see the panic and fear in the eyes as he takes the shares away and delivers the heads on a platter. It is fun. People need taught a lesson and brought to heel because they remain too complacent about the stock market; the selling pressure will continue.
In the prior CPC put/call ratio charts when Keystone was calling the top in February, a 200 to 800-point drawdown was expected and it was about 650 points (so far); not too shabby. The bag holders are still shocked they lost -30% of their money over the last month. One idiot said everyone on television said to buy in late February; he did and got hosed. It was a pump and dump, moron. The institutions were distributing shares to you, the sucka, so you can hold the bag. Keystone told the losers to go home and ask Mommy and Daddy for more money and come back and play again. Sucka's. Every stock market needs sucka's.
The last tradeable bottom was November and that low in the SPX was not breached until 10 days ago. The green circles show the bottoms; only one measly bottom due to panic and fear. Those other bottoms occurred due to euphoric bullish traders anxious to buy dips. We may have to go down another 650 points before you are taught a lesson. Would you like that? Well, we are going to go down due to the complacency it is only a question of how much.
Watch the SPX weekly chart. It will form positive divergence over the coming weeks and enable you to call the bottom. It will be interesting to see if it is a tradeable bottom like November with rampant fear and panic (when you want to buy) or if it is another cheesy bottom like the garbage shown above.
The red circles show the tops for the stock market due to the rampant fearlessness and euphoria. Traders must pay with their hides until they kneel in fear and panic, and then a true relief rally with legs will occur. The SPX weekly chart may potentially set up with possie d in 2 to 3 weeks. You do not have to guess; simply watch the chart and it will set up with positive divergence going forward and you can call the bottom on the weekly basis. This information is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Do not invest based on anything you read or view here. Consult your financial advisor before making any investment decision.
Note Added Tuesday Morning, 3/25/25, at 5:12 AM EST: Wheee! Whoopie! The bulls refuse to stop partying. Everyday is fun and frolic with zero worries that the stock market can ever go down again. It is fun to watch. The put/calls drop like rocks as the SPX catapults 100 points higher after King Donnie proclaims that the tariffs will be lessened. The orange head balked with all his bravado tariff and trade talk over the last couple months. The charts verify that the minute he was elected, commodities ran higher, this is goods inflation, that accounted for the overall inflation buoyancy over the last 4 months. The current on-month data shows inflation subsiding a hair; of course it is because commodities, goods inflation, is pulling back after the 4-month run higher from November. Look at a chart, idiots. Service inflation is bumping along flat so the behavior in goods (commodities) dictates the path of overall inflation going forward. The orange light bulb went off in Donnie's head finally realizing it is the Trump Trade and Tariff War that causes the inflation. Donnie waters down the tariff talk and voila, the stock market rallies and talk of inflation subsides. The CPC drops to 0.76, and CPCE is down to 0.48, on the big up day for equities yesterday with traders and investors becoming MORE complacent and fearless about the stock market. Par-tay! Rock n Roll All Nite and party every day. You folks really need taught a harsh lesson, don't you? This is epic behavior hinting that we are in a major top (the long term SPX monthly chart is topped-out or will be within 2 months) probably far more significant than the dotom bubble of 1999-2002 or the Great Recession of 2007-2009. Perhaps King Donnie, donning his paper crown he got with his Burger King meal, will provide a twofer, becoming the modern-day Neville Chamberlain (World War III) and modern-day Herbert Hoover (Great Depression redux)? It is fascinating watching the final throes of America's crony capitalism system. The next decade will be nutso.