Thursday, June 20, 2024

SPX S&P 500 5-Minute and Weekly Charts; S&P 500 (US Stock Market) Prints Above 5,500 for First Time in History; SPX Gains +800% Since 2009 When Federal Reserve Started Printing Money Like Madmen

The SPX prints above 5.5K for the first time in history today, 6/20/24, but then falls on its sword stumbling lower to close the day at 5473.

The long-term chart shows the last 15 years of uncontrolled money-printing and fiscal largess so obscene it would make Caligula blush. That is crony capitalism on full display. Just think, the soulless people that ran government and the Federal Reserve for the last 15 years, every single one of them, knew that one-half of Americans do not own one single share of stock. They did not care. They spit on the faces of common folks to make themselves, their friends, and the investment bankers they lie in bed with, filthy rich.

These corrupt souls goosed the stock market higher with their bureaucratic powers to feed their own greed and that of their cronies. They gain vast wealth effortlessly, without any real work since they rig the game. They build family and generational wealth with their thumb on the scale. Such is life in crony America. What filth; and stupid people wonder what happened to society. It is fascinating to watch. Cue the drum roll. Eve of Destruction. It's just like the good ole days. This information is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Do not invest based on anything you read or view here. Consult your financial advisor before making any investment decision.

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