Sunday, May 16, 2021

Coronavirus Chronology Article 41 Censored and Deleted by Google and the Blogger Platform (and likely the US Government; Whitehouse) on 5/15/21

By K E Stone (Keystone)

Coronavirus Chronology Article 42 is on the writing docket this weekend but Keystone is bewildered, discombobulated and redirected because of the censorship by Google and the Blogger platform (likely in collusion with the United States government; Whitehouse) targeting and deleting Article 41 of the popular pandemic series.

Cancel culture is a shocking experience and the mind needs time to absorb the obscene violation of free speech. Perhaps it was only a matter of time before they came for Keystone since he is one of the few remaining Americans that speak truth to power.

Censorship violates. It is rape. The Coronavirus Chronology is censored by Google et al who now become the modern-day book-burners. An author spends limitless hours putting pen to paper. After many rough drafts, an embryonic outline becomes a fully-grown written work. It is giving birth thus, when the work is taken away through censorship, it is rape.

Content is destroyed in America in 2021 because it does not fit a political or government narrative espoused by the current people in power. The US is a long way along the Primrose Path. The final throes of crony capitalism are playing out in plain sight. Democrat and republican tribal loyalties supersede the loyalty to America and the Constitution.

Article 41 must have rubbed someone the wrong way. The cowards will not tell you what they feel is questionable content. The last few updates to Article 41 include the comedian video imitating Dr Fauci and the article also explains the Capitol Hill hearings where Senator Rand Paul tries to label Fauci as a ‘gain-of-function’ proponent.

Other possibilities for the censorship of Article 41 may have been Biden’s decree that Americans are in two camps; those that are vaccinated and those that will be vaccinated. Such bravado talk is counterproductive. Folks do not respond well to ultimatums. In fact, they usually cement people’s attitudes. In general, the article explains the political games occurring under Biden just as the same was explained with Trump. No wonder Keystone’s invitation to the Whitehouse Christmas party always seems to get lost in the mail.

Article 41 also discusses the vaccine hesitancy, vaccine shaming, vaccine wall and vaccine passports dramas. Have you noticed that people are adding vaccine in front of any word nowadays to make a point or describe a new cultural phenomenon? The article was also critical of New York Mayor de Blasio that looked like an idiot, talking while eating, on camera, telling folks to get vaccinated because you get a free hamburger. All these folks have thin skins.

The Whitehouse wants all Americans to be vaccinated by hook or by crook. Sleepy Joe Biden is using a carrot and stick approach. The carrot (positive incentive) is the relaxed mask regulations from the CDC that the officials hope will encourage people to become vaccinated while the stick (negative incentive) is the limiting of travel and entertainment options. In other words, provide ‘your vaccination papers please’ if you want to attend a concert or sporting event. America splits into a two-tiered society if the universal vaccination diatribe continues. If people do not want vaccinated, leave them alone, that is the way it goes.

The vaccine shaming is out of hand and the never-ending brow-beating of people that do not want vaccinated is reaching sick levels. This may be the reason for the censorship and deletion of Coronavirus Chronology Article 41 since it did not goose-step in time with the current powers cheerleading the big push to get the entire country vaccinated.

Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna are going to want their paydays in the future for all this pandemic jazz and the road to riches is paved with the mRNA vaccine in people’s arms. Big pharma wants to make their dough on the back end so a yearly flu and covid shot is on tap that uses the mRNA technology injected. Ka-ching, ka-ching. Always follow the money if you ever want answers. The more people vaccinated equals more money for big pharma as people are hounded each Fall to come in for their shots.

Fortunately, Keystone’s back-up computer systems saved Article 41 in its entirety including the updates. It is reposted so everyone can look and see what caused such controversy. If you can figure out why Article 41 was banned from the internet, let Keystone know. Folks must have tissue-paper thin skin nowadays. America is a land of sensitive adult babies.

Coronavirus Chronology Article 41 is banished from the Google and Blogger media platforms. The mortal enemy of censorship is maintaining several back-up copies of documents in different locations. That way the work will never be lost due to the whims of an internet flunkie.

Keystone recovers from the shock of censorship but no one ever recovers from rape. Word rape. Writer rape. It is a portion of the soul forever torn from the physical body and mind. A violation of the creative process.

The Coronavirus Chronology articles will continue as planned as the pandemic exhausts itself over the coming weeks. The United States is in great shape but Southeast Asia, parts of Europe, western Asia, Middle East, Africa and South America remain as hotspots. India is a historic tragedy of epic proportions.

Despite the censorship of Article 41 throwing a wrench (spanner) into the works this weekend, Article 42 will proceed forward. Medical officials, politicians, internet flunkies and media moguls can try to derail the Coronavirus Chronology train but the solid factual information presented in the pandemic series for over one year running, and expert charts, will continue down the tracks to the herd immunity station.

All the articles in the Coronavirus Chronology, truly a historic document recording the daily pandemic zeitgeist in real-time the covid bible if you will, will be published by Amazon and made available internationally in the future.

Censorship can be liberating. As a writer, you know you have arrived on the big stage when a nation state, in this case the good ole USA, and companies, such as Google, censor your writing.  Keystone proudly wears the scarlet letter C upon his chest with pride. It stands for the United States ‘Censorship of the Coronavirus Chronology’. It is a Badge of Honor to be censored in America and recognized as one of the few remaining middle-of-the-road truth-tellers of society. There is power in censorship but not for the oppressor but for the oppressed.  It is a Brave New World.

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