Saturday, August 8, 2020

KODK Eastman Kodak

In late July, trash company Kodak catapults higher from 2 bucks to 60, +2,900%, on news that the government rewards the company a $765 million loan to begin production of pharmaceutical drug ingredients. A few traders luckily happened to buy shares just before the big spike higher. Yeah right. Wall Street is a crooked casino. There are 1,000 crooked deals a day occurring on Wall Street. Do you actually think that those guys walk around in $4,000 custom-tailored Armani suits because they are great stock pickers? Of course not, they're thieves, they deal in insider information daily.

The SEC opens an investigation to look into who made money on the big KODK spike. It appears that several executives were awarded stock options the day before the public announcement. The information that King Trump was picking winners and losers, and Kodak was lined up for the loan and new business direction, was supposed to be private information. The public should be told at the same time as everyone else. Obviously a band of merry men knew the outcome of the game before it happened. Comically, a president picking winners and losers now, like Emperor Obama did during his reign, and the alleged insider trading in KODK that rapes the financial system, is called capitalism.

America is best described as a faux free market crony capitalism financial system that is on its last legs. It will likely go through a transition period over the next decade or so and morph into a combination capitalism/socialism model like the Nordic states. The current crony capitalism system is rigged for the wealthy class and has destroyed the middle class over the last five decades. The riots and protests will increase in the months and years ahead morphing into a class war since a middle class no longer exists; it was the fabric and glue that used to hold the country together, through thick or thin. It's gone. 30 million Americans screwed the other 300 million huddled masses since 1980 and it is payback time during the years ahead.

Kodak was a once great company and now only a shell of itself. Most folks do not know that the majority of patents on digital photography are Kodak's. Humorously, they laid the ground work for the entire digital photography industry but always stayed in conventional photography and then it was too late to catch up. Poor management. It looks like the courts will have to sort out this latest crony capitalism mess. It's just another day at the crooked Wall Street casino. This information is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Do not invest based on anything you read or view here. Consult your financial advisor before making any investment decision.

Note Added Monday Morning, 8/10/20: The US contract to KODK is placed on hold due to the nefarious stock and option dealings surrounding the announcement. The SEC is on the job investigating this insider trading as 999 other shady dealings on the same day went unnoticed and will not be prosecuted. KODK crashes -40% in the pre-market.

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