Saturday, March 22, 2025

CPC Put/Call Ratio Daily Chart; Traders Remain Complacent, Euphoric and Fearless Despite Stock Market Selloff; More Pain On the Way

It is fun watching this market behavior that is one for the record books. Despite the one-month selloff in stocks, it is as if it never happened, traders and investors remain bigtime bullish ready to buy any dip. It is hilarious . Human greed knows no bounds. The bull party is never-ending as the low put/calls verify. It is midnight and the band has to wrap things up but the crowd will not stop groovin'. Million Miles Away. The chicks are swinging and dancing to the beat and do not want the stock market fun to end.

This bull party continues with traders buying any stock with a heartbeat singing and dancing despite the -7% drop in the SPX and loss of -10% and more in the Nazzy indexes. This is when everyone is too liquored-up and the haymakers start flying.

Since the complacency and fearlessness will not subside, the pain level is going to be turned up to 11, a la Spinal Tap. You dummies will have to pay with more stock market losses until you feel panic in your mind and heart. Keystone loves to see the panic and fear in the eyes as he takes the shares away and delivers the heads on a platter. It is fun. People need taught a lesson and brought to heel because they remain too complacent about the stock market; the selling pressure will continue.

In the prior CPC put/call ratio charts when Keystone was calling the top in February, a 200 to 800-point drawdown was expected and it was about 650 points (so far); not too shabby. The bag holders are still shocked they lost -30% of their money over the last month. One idiot said everyone on television said to buy in late February; he did and got hosed. It was a pump and dump, moron. The institutions were distributing shares to you, the sucka, so you can hold the bag. Keystone told the losers to go home and ask Mommy and Daddy for more money and come back and play again. Sucka's. Every stock market needs sucka's.

The last tradeable bottom was November and that low in the SPX was not breached until 10 days ago. The green circles show the bottoms; only one measly bottom due to panic and fear. Those other bottoms occurred due to euphoric bullish traders anxious to buy dips. We may have to go down another 650 points before you are taught a lesson. Would you like that? Well, we are going to go down due to the complacency it is only a question of how much.

Watch the SPX weekly chart. It will form positive divergence over the coming weeks and enable you to call the bottom. It will be interesting to see if it is a tradeable bottom like November with rampant fear and panic (when you want to buy) or if it is another cheesy bottom like the garbage shown above.

The red circles show the tops for the stock market due to the rampant fearlessness and euphoria. Traders must pay with their hides until they kneel in fear and panic, and then a true relief rally with legs will occur. The SPX weekly chart may potentially set up with possie d in 2 to 3 weeks. You do not have to guess; simply watch the chart and it will set up with positive divergence going forward and you can call the bottom on the weekly basis. This information is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Do not invest based on anything you read or view here. Consult your financial advisor before making any investment decision.

NVDA NVIDIA Daily Chart; Death Cross

The NVDA death cross was all the rage yesterday on business television and the internet. A death cross! Oh no! Hide the women and children! Anything but the death cross! All hope is lost! Calm down.
Don't panic. The death cross is only one arrow in the technical quiver.

The death cross occurs when the 50-day moving average (MA) crosses down through the 200-day MA forecasting troubling bearish times and destruction ahead. Conversely, the golden cross is when the 50 pierces up through the 200 to signal happy days and rainbows and puppy dogs ahead. Neither is quite the case because the media does not understand the behavior of the crosses.

When a death cross occurs, it comes after many weeks and months of soggy prices that must roll the 50-day MA over and to the downside to set its sights on the 200. This takes time so typically when the death cross occurs, price bounces. The key is whether price remains below the 50 because, by definition, the 50 can only be dragged lower, and continue its slope lower, if price remains below the 50.

Thus, mathematicians say thus a lot, that is why we are never invited to parties, NVDA already begins bouncing before the death cross occurs. It makes sense since price is trending down for this year after those November and early-year highs. Price is stumbling sideways trying to regain its footing after the beat-down from Valentine's Day to early March. Talk about a jilted lover. Paul at Hyde.

The 50-day MA is 127 and dropping. Both the 50 and 200-day MA's are important so back kisses would be expected going forward. Very simply, when price comes up to back test the downward-falling 50-day MA, probably around 122-125, it will have to make a bounce or die decision. If price continues below the 50-day MA, the death cross remains valid and NVDA will be sick for many weeks forward. If NVDA pops back above the 50-day MA, the stock will stabilize, and then you can watch to see if the golden cross occurs in a few weeks to steer the chip ship around.

The daily chart hints that some additional upward buoyancy will occur with price perhaps to 122-125-ish. The weekly chart hints at a lot of sideways slop and chop ahead. The monthly chart, sorry to say for AI fanboys, is busted for NVDA. Based on the charts now, the path forward will be choppy sideways slop with a consistent downward bias probably through spring and summer into Fall. Thus, the death cross will probably maintain itself for a while.

The AI hype is rampant with daily promises of grandeur and yet no delivery of firm hard solid goods and examples exactly detailing how much money was saved. AI is keeping the softward engineers employed, at least for now. AI will allow call centers to can more employees and make your telephone experience even worse.

Will the billions in investment in AI chips and manhours prove worthwhile, or will companies be left holding the AI chip bag, only left to fry eggs on the overheating chips? The new chip will be called rubin after the scientist but what do you think of when you hear rubin? Of course, a reuben sandwich. Yuck. Nasty. It is an acquired taste. Some folks will crawl over crushed glass for a reuben sandwich but Keystone will pass on that and go with a BLT instead. Concerning the new reuben, er, rubin chip, people may take it or leave it like the sammich.

Keystone is not trading NVDA long or short currently. There is not much of a trade there long or short right now. Perhaps wait for the daily chart to move higher and form neggie d and that would be a potential area for a short; use the 2-hour to enter that if it becomes available. This information is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Do not invest based on anything you read or view here. Consult your financial advisor before making any investment decision.

Thursday, March 20, 2025

US COVID-19 Infection Waves (New Cases Per Day) -- Content Sample of Soon-To-Be Published "Coronavirus Chronology" Books

Everyone is glad the COVID-19 pandemic is in the rearview mirror. Keystone continues preparing the Coronavirus Chronology books for publication. Writing the Coronavirus Chronology was a labor of love and done as a service to the United States of America. Keystone wrote for 4 to 6 hours per day, 7 days per week, for 3 years (2020-2023) chronicling each day of the COVID-19 pandemic. Paraphrasing Trotsky, Keystone was not interested in chronicling the pandemic, but the pandemic was interested in him.

The text is 1.2 million words the size of two War and Peace novels. In addition, Keystone provided nearly 1,000 COVID-19 infection charts for all the US states and countries around the world typically during the worst times of their infection waves. The Coronavirus Chronology will serve as the official historical document of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Any research on the pandemic or deep dive into details about the coronavirus saga should begin with the Coronavirus Chronology. The following books will probably be published this year;

Coronavirus Chronology Volume 1 Waves 1 through 4; Coronavirus Chronology Volume 2 Waves 5 and 6; Coronavirus Chronology Volume 3 Waves 7a, 7b and 8; Coronavirus Chronology Overview; Coronavirus Chronology Conclusions; Coronavirus Chronology Endemic Phase February 2023 to 2025; Coronavirus Chronology Timeline 2019 through 2025.

The infection wave chart above for the US daily new cases shows the 8 pandemic waves with wave 6 the worst. The world's daily new cases chart displays 10 waves during the pandemic. It is quite a saga and the only place where the whole sordid tale exists is the Coronavirus Chronology.

Keystone wrote 104 articles during the pandemic spaced at 10-day intervals. After each article was published on The Keystone Speculator blog, updates were provided for each day between each article. You have to be crazy to dedicate 3 years to such a task but Keystone knew it was important work that no one else would do, so he did it, and a little Asperger's high-concentration helps, too.

The chart above is posted to show that the Coronavirus Chronology is unmatched as the official document of the COVID-19 pandemic. It is especially impressive since Keystone had to number the infection waves as they occurred in real-time.

If anyone is currently researching anything concerning the COVID-19 pandemic, and you know what date the event or research item occurred, simply look it up at The Keystone Speculator blog in the archives in the right margin. For example, if you want to know what Dr Fauci said in a speech in May 2021, simply go back in the archives and find that Coronavirus Chronology article in that time frame and it will tell you everything you need to know about what Fauci said and then your research can branch out from there.

Keystone is reading through the entire saga and is about at the halfway point. It is amazing how much you can forget about the heinous pandemic; maybe we do not want to remember.

But there are plenty of funny anecdotal stories, too. For example, when the new Botswana/South Africa B11529 variant was identified as extremely serious, and the WHO needed to give it one of their asinine Greek letter names, the next in line was 'nu' pronounced 'new'. The WHO likely thought that designation would be ridiculed as the "new nu variant" so they went to the next letter that was 'xi'. That was funny because it is dirtbag Dictator Xi's name (communist China) and the WHO did not want to use that letter. So what was the next Greek letter that the WHO chose to call the Botswana/South Africa B11529 variant? Omicron.

The Coronavirus Chronology is the China Virus Bible. It chronicled all the information that you forgot. The Coronavirus Chronology allows you to relive the pandemic from start to finish, if you dare.

The chart above is posted so anyone involved in COVID-19 research can start calling out the 8 infection waves by the same numbers since it all matches the text of the soon-to-be published Coronavirus Chronology.

With a little luck, the first 3 volumes and the 1,000 covid infection charts will likely be published in May, maybe June. Keystone has been retired for a couple of decades and does not want the work to cut into his goof-off time especially since he already dedicated 3 years of his life to properly chronicle the COVID-19 pandemic.

Keystone only wanted the United States to have a proper historical record of the once in a century covid pandemic so he did it himself. Hundreds of thousands of international readers followed the Coronavirus Chronology during the pandemic that is, until Keystone was blacklisted and censored, which is all part of the saga as well.

Monday, March 17, 2025

Keybot the Quant Turns Bullish

Keystone's proprietary trading algo, Keybot the Quant, flips to the bull side today at SPX 5667. Commodities jump into the bull camp and the cyclical bull/bear lines in the sand, NYA 19295 and SPX 5666, are taken out to the upside by the bulls that give strength to the relief rally. Chairman Powell is on deck for hump day afternoon so the markets are theatrics until the Fed tells everyone how to trade.

Watch VIX 16.89. If stocks rally, but the VIX cannot fall below 16.89, the rally is garbage and will roll over and die. If VIX drops below 16.89, the relief rally in stocks is locked-in and headed higher. Powell is picking up his dovish wings at the cleaners tonight and also his necktie from the last meeting that had a jelly stain from the free buffet.

Keybot the Quant

Sunday, March 16, 2025

SPX S&P 500 Weekly Chart

It is comical and standard fare. All the jackasses that did not call the top in the stock market are now calling the bottom--every day. People lost their money because their financial manager did not see the top, but the same fools call the same managers asking them what to do next. The dip-buyers are rabid willing to bet their home on a new rally.

The euphoric bullishness remains off the charts and is especially noticeable since everyone says it is not occurring. Folks may diss the market, but 10 minutes later they are buying stocks. Doesn't any of these idiots look at charts? No, they don't.

The red lines show the Keystone top call. It is nothing fancy or hard to do. Price kept making higher highs but ALL the indicators ran out of gas and began sloping down as price made the new highs. This is called negative divergence and is how you call the tops. Once the neggie d forms, there will be a neggie d spankdown in that timeframe. This is a weekly chart so a multi-week down move was forecasted and occurs.

The selloff is 4 weeks along and again, everybody and his bro are buying the dips, one moron after the other wanting to be the hero. Jesse Livermore they ain't. Look at the chart. What do you see? Nasty. The RSI moves below 50% into bear territory and is weak and bleak. Ditto the stochastics. The MACD, histogram and money flow are also weak and bleak. Sure, stocks are set-up for a relief rally in the very short-term looking at the daily chart, but the weekly chart above tells you that many weeks of weakness remain ahead.

Price has stabbed through the lower standard deviation band so a move back up to the middle band at 5953 is on the table going forward. The selling volume is massive and it is had to imagine how this would ever be overtaken by buying volume in the future. Institutions are locking in profits and leave Joe Sixpack and Carmelita Sucka holding the bag of excrement at the top. Just think of all the television hype since the Fall with one commentator after another pumping and dumping telling you to, "buy, buy, buy!" Well, anyone that chased stocks above 5800 on the hype, and took the shares that the smart money was distributing, got, "hosed, hosed, hosed."

The pink ADX box shows that the strong trend higher in the stock market ended at the end of last summer around Labor Day. That is another tell of a top. The strong trend higher is gone but the index keeps making higher highs; you know something is amiss.

The Aroon red line is humorous. Another reason for the top, Keystone discussed all this in prior charts when he was calling the top, was that all the bears were 100% bullish on stocks just like the bulls. That was funny. Now the red line spikes to 100% so all the bears are finally bearish again. Equally funny, is the Aroon green line that shows the bulls have not budged an inch. As discussed at the start or this post, the bulls remain super bullish even though the stock market is off about -7% from the record high. The bulls still need taught a lesson because there is no fear in the market. Stocks need to be bludgeoned until the bulls panic so the beatings will continue until moral improves.

The CPC put/call verifies the ongoing uber bullishness in the stock market despite the collapse in equity prices. The CPCE, however, did spike into panic and fear, for one day, creating the runway for the Friday stock market orgy, but is now down in complacent territory again. There are many metrics verifying that the bulls simply remain too bullish so additional spanks, smacks, and slaps are needed on the weekly basis.

The daily chart is set-up with some positive divergence and stocks need at least a dead-cat bounce to catch their breath. The fall from grace has been impressive. Fed Chairman Powell speaks on Wednesday so stocks will likely be in a holding pattern until he flaps either his dovish or hawkish wings and dictates how traders should trade. Typically, stocks are up 80% of the time on Tuesday and Wednesday into the Fed drama.

Happy St Patty's Day. It is springtime so Keystone is letting that famous Irishman, Pat-i-o Furniture, out of the shed. This information is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Do not invest based on anything you read or view here. Consult your financial advisor before making any investment decision.

Note Added Saturday, 3/22/25: The SPX 50-week MA is the 5665 palindrome and the critical SPX 12-month MA, that separates a cyclical bull market from a cyclical bear market, is the ominous 5666. Monday above, Tuesday below, Wednesday above, Thursday below, Thursday above, Thursday below, Friday above. The week ends at SPX 5668.The stock market is spinning round like Natalie singing Hey Jack Kerouac. In the last minute of trading for the week, the market makers push the S&P 500 up over the major 5665-5666 demarcation line parking it there for the weekend. Of course they do. The saga will continue next week. This was the action all week long and yet not one talking head on the internet or television highlighted this drama. They simply do not know what to watch. If you are long the market, and the SPX slips back below 5665 and trends lower, you will lose a lot of money as the cyclical bear growls.

Saturday, March 15, 2025

SPX S&P 500 Daily Chart; 150-Day MA Potentially Rolling Over to Usher-In a Cyclical Bear Market

One of the key stock market indicators for a cyclical bull market versus a cyclical bear market is the slope of the SPX 150-day MA. If the 150-day is sloping higher, it is a cyclical bull market, like now, and if the moving average slopes lower, it is a a cyclical bear market. Last week, the 150-day MA is starting to flatten in preparation of rolling over.

By definition, the 150-day MA cannot slope lower unless price is below the moving average pulling it lower like a lead anchor. That is happening now. Price is down at 5639 way below the 150-day MA at 5839, two hundo points below, so it continues to pull and tug the 150 lower.

Thus, the stock market remains in a cyclical bull market as per the slope of the SPX 150-day MA but watch it like a hawk since the 150-day MA may roll over and start sloping lower which would usher-in a cyclical bear market.

The critical SPX 12-mth MA cross and NYA 40-wk MA cross metrics have both failed ushering in a cyclical bear market. The slope of the 150-day MA does not yet join the party. Come on, little girl, have some fun with the bears. So Caught Up In You, little girl.

Thus, mathematicians say thus a lot, that is why we are never invited to parties, you can verify if the stock market has fallen into a cyclical bear market pattern by following the 3 metrics mentioned. If the SPX-12-mth MA cross and NYA 40-wk MA cross turn bullish reversing the cyclical bear back into a cyclical bull market and join the 150-day MA that starts sloping higher again, the future is bright for stocks that will rally to new highs. Bulls will be saved. It seems like a stretch.

If the SPX 12-mth MA cross and NYA 40-wk MA cross remain in the cyclical bear market pattern (see the other charts), and the 150-day MA shown above rolls over lower, it is all over but the crying. The cyclical bear market will be confirmed going forward and the carnage will deepen on Wall Street. It looks like the easier path, but Fed Chairman Powell speaks Wednesday so anything can happen.

If you are a bull long the stock market, you need to get on your knees and pray for the SPX to run above 5839 and the SPX 150-day MA to start sloping higher to give you salvation and save your sorry arse. If you are long, and the SPX 150-day MA flattens (like now) and rolls over lower, to join the already negative SPX 12-mth MA cross and NYA 40-wk MA cross, you are going to lose boatloads of money.

After all these many months, the bulls may finally be breaking down. Foggy Mountain Breakdown with humble Master Scruggs holding court. This information is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Do not invest based on anything you read or view here. Consult your financial advisor before making any investment decision.

Note Added Saturday, 3/22/25: The SPX 50-week MA is the 5665 palindrome and the critical SPX 12-month MA, that separates a cyclical bull market from a cyclical bear market, is the ominous 5666Monday above, Tuesday below, Wednesday above, Thursday below, Thursday above, Thursday below, Friday above. The week ends at SPX 5668.The stock market is spinning round like Natalie singing Hey Jack KerouacIn the last minute of trading for the week, the market makers push the S&P 500 up over the major 5665-5666 demarcation line parking it there for the weekend. Of course they do. The saga will continue next week. This was the action all week long and yet not one talking head on the internet or television highlighted this drama. They simply do not know what to watch. If you are long the market, and the SPX slips back below 5665 and trends lower, you will lose a lot of money as the cyclical bear growls. The 150-day MA at 5848 continues sloping slightly higher but the longer that price remains below 5848, it will pull the 150-day MA down and likely flatten it, and roll it over to the downside, creating cyclical bear market pain going forward. Keep watching it.

SPX S&P 500 Monthly Chart; 12-Mth MA Fails Ushering-In Cyclical Bear Market


One of the key stock market indicators for a cyclical bull market versus a cyclical bear market is the SPX 12-month MA cross. Last week, the SPX collapses through the 12-month MA at 5663 to a low at 5504 and price ended the week at 5639, below the 12-mth MA, ushering-in a cyclical bear market.

If you are a bull long the stock market, you need to get on your knees and pray for SPX 5663 and higher to give you salvation and save your sorry arse. If you are long, and the SPX remains below 5663 trending lower, you are going to lose a lot of money.

After all these many months, the bears tell the bulls Goodbye to You. This information is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Do not invest based on anything you read or view here. Consult your financial advisor before making any investment decision.

Note Added Saturday, 3/22/25: The SPX 50-week MA is the 5665 palindrome and the critical SPX 12-month MA, that separates a cyclical bull market from a cyclical bear market, is the ominous 5666Monday above, Tuesday below, Wednesday above, Thursday below, Thursday above, Thursday below, Friday above. The week ends at SPX 5668.The stock market is spinning round like Natalie singing Hey Jack KerouacIn the last minute of trading for the week, the market makers push the S&P 500 up over the major 5665-5666 demarcation line parking it there for the weekend. Of course they do. The saga will continue next week. This was the action all week long and yet not one talking head on the internet or television highlighted this drama. They simply do not know what to watch. If you are long the market, and the SPX slips back below 5665 and trends lower, you will lose a lot of money as the cyclical bear growls.

NYA NYSE Composite Weekly Chart; 40-Wk MA Fails Ushering-in Cyclical Bear Market

One of the key stock market indicators for a cyclical bull market versus a cyclical bear market is the NYA 40-week MA cross. Last week, the NYA collapses through the 40-week MA at 19259 to a low at 18818 and price ended the week at 19231, below the 40-wk MA, ushering-in a cyclical bear market.

If you are a bull long the stock market, you need to get on your knees and pray for NYA 19259 and higher to give you salvation and save your sorry arse. If you are long, and the NYA remains below 19259 trending lower, you are going to lose a lot of money.

After all these many months since the October 2023 bottom, it is time for Deliverance. This information is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Do not invest based on anything you read or view here. Consult your financial advisor before making any investment decision.

Note Added Saturday, 3/22/25: The NYA remains above the critical 40-wk MA at 19300 that separates a cyclical bull market from a cyclical bear market. The bulls are Stayin' Alive. Great walking music for the NYC streets as you ponder the fate of the markets.

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

UTIL Utilities Weekly Chart; Utes Testing the 50-Wk MA Trap-Door at 986

The bulls are standing over the trap-door at the gallows once again. The UTIL 50-wk MA at 985.68 is a key metric for the stock market; call it 985.50-985.70. If price fails at this level, the trap-door opens and the US stock market falls into Hades. Since it has been teasing the trap-door open and shut in recent days, if it fails, it may lock itself into the downside this time.

The fate of the stock market is in the hands of the utes. If UTIL can bounce from here and stay away from the trap-door, and begin to trend higher, the stock market pullback is a run of the mill pullback and should not be a big deal. It does not mean a relief rally will start immediately, just that the rally is on the come and the dire scenario of Armageddon will be avoided.

If UTIL fails at 985.60-ish, it is over. The trap-door will fling open and the stock indexes will be hung, then tossed into Hades and then dragged through the firey pits. That does not sound pleasant. Stop Draggin' My Heart Around. If the trap-door opens, the stock market has a long way lower ahead.

Choose your poison. If you are one of the consensus, and continue to hold all your longs and proclaiming that stocks will recover, as you wipe beads of sweat off your forehead, and the trap-door opens, you are going to lose a lot of money. Bulls root for utilities. Bears root for utes to collapse. This information is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Do not invest based on anything you read or view here. Consult your financial advisor before making any investment decision.

Note Added Saturday, 3/15/25: UTIL teased failure at 986 but the bulls save the day and keep the trap-door shut, for now. UTIL runs higher to 1010. The broad stock market recovers on Friday. For the week ahead, bulls win bigtime with UTIL 1035.53, while bears will begin a new round of market carnage with UTIL 986. The market makers parked price exactly in the middle.

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

GOLD Weekly Chart; Overbot; Negative Divergence; Upper Band Violation; Price Extended; GOLD HITS ALL-TIME RECORD HIGH ABOVE 3,000

Gold is cooked. Stick a fork in it. Say what? The gold bugs scream, "Blasphemy!" How dare you say the yellow metal is topped out? You must be smoking Acapulco Gold. The yellow metal is everyone's fave. It only goes up, never down. Everybody and his bro, including the Uber driver and Betty, the lady in the purple hair net in the cafeteria, say gold is going to the moon and beyond. The chef and the servers in the cafeteria begin singing, "Gold." The cook is tappin' on the cans.

Everyone can continue fantasizing about gold but the weekly chart above is topped-out and should experience multiple weeks of downside ahead. The only thing that can save gold is positive news of some sort that would hit the wires out of the blue. Otherwise, she is going down.

Fundamental-wise, the global central bankers are hoarding gold and want it in their physical possession probably because they know a Great Depression Redux may be on the horizon. This rabid buying behavior by the world's central bankers has sent gold price skyward. How long can that last? There were many festivals in India in recent weeks and those folks love them some gold so perhaps that also accounts for recent gold buying enthusiasm. You have to keep honey happy with some gold.

Keystone last posted a gold chart to call the top in October. Back then, Fed Chairman Powell's comments created gold buying. That is when the news about central bankers buying pallets of gold bars started to become common knowledge. Gold received the neggie d spankdown in the Fall 2024 but recovered on the central banker gold-buying hype into this year's record top at 2974 only 26 bucks from 3K.

The screen printer already delivered the "GOLD 3K" hats to the exchanges but they are kept inside the cardboard boxes for now. Do you think they will be pulled-out anytime soon? Not for a couple months or so, says the peanut gallery.

All of you should know how to read the chart above by now, otherwise, Keystone has failed in his teachings. The red lines show price making higher or matching highs but the indicators went neggie d. She is out of gas and the last 1-1/2 weeks show a directionless gold price waiting for the shoe to drop (a neggie d smackdown).

The RSI, stochastics and money flow are coming off overbot levels agreeable to a pullback. Price is extended above the moving average ribbon so a mean reversion lower is desperately needed. Gold tags the upper standard deviation band so a move back to the middle band at 2758 and lower band at 2536 are on the table.

The orange circles show that the selling volume 3 weeks ago has outpaced all buying volume going back to the Fall. Price likely wants to come down to that orange area, say 2700-ish, to check that price level since that was the last week with strong buying volume.

The purple arrows show tight bands that forecast huge moves and the gold bulls kept winning the day. Well, the party is over now. Yeah, it's over now. Gold should decline for a few weeks so the remainder of March and into April. The 2600-2760 area may be the first stop and then reassess the charts.

If good news does occur and gold feels some love, like the ladies receiving the gold, price may remain buoyant for a few days or week or so, but the weak chart is not going away, and at that time, gold would be expected to roll over and die, on the weekly basis.

Looking at the gold daily chart, it topped-out on 2/25/25 and receives the neggie d slapdown. Gold stumbles sideways waiting for news. The daily chart is not telling you much, however, the 20-day MA is 2923 and price is 2921 back kissing the 20 from the underside. It is bounce or die time. Gold bulls win big above 2923. Gold bears win big below 2923.

Looking at the gold monthly chart, wow, booooiiiinnngg. It must be on that Viagra stuff. For the last year, gold is a moonshot. Anyone sitting in gold has zero to complain about. The monthly chart makes the higher price high and the chart indicators are neggie d sans the MACD line. Gold bulls rejoice!

Put it all together, remember, trading is playing multi-dimensional chess only time is the dimension not space. The daily chart is not tipping its hand except for the bounce or die coming from 2923. The daily chart was/is receiving a neggie d spankdown that morphed into sideways behavior due to the King Donnie drama. The weekly chart is toast. The monthly chart remains bullish because of the long and strong MACD.

Thus, gold is going to receive a multi-week down move maybe into the 2400-2700 area. You will have to watch the progress of the charts.

After the multi-week down move for gold, it will rebound again and come up for a new all-time record high. Keystone's 80/20 Rule says 8's lead to 2's on the way up and 2's lead to 8's on the way down. When gold breached 2800, that places 3200 on the table. The 2880 level leads to 2920 where price sits now. A move to 2980 will open the door to 3020. A move down to 2820 will open the door to 2780.

After the multi-week down move is over, sometime in April, and the rally starts due to possie d on the weekly chart, price will run higher probably to 3200-3240, on the monthly basis, and that may be a mother of a top since the monthly chart would probably top-out with neggie d in say, the May-June time frame. Gold would then be expected to move down for many months if not a couple years or more. But you do not have to think about that until the monthly chart tops-out with neggie d probably around May or June.

Thus, if you are long gold, you can clench your buttocks and ride the move lower now and for the next 3 to 6 weeks, and then back up again for a few weeks, or, you could sell now and reload long in April at the lower prices.

Keystone is not playing gold or its derivatives long or short currently but obviously he would be on the short side now into early April. Gold is at 2914 as this message is finished. Thus, a move below 2920 opens the door to 2880. The 20-day MA resistance ceiling holds for now. Gold on the Ceiling. Hurry-up, you are late for the Black Keys show. This information is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Do not invest based on anything you read or view here. Consult your financial advisor before making any investment decision.

Note Added Wednesday Evening, 3/12/25: Gold jumps 33 bucks to 2947 teasing towards the all-time highs. Nothing's changed. Simply watch the neggie d on the weekly. Traders think the Fed is more likely to cut rates sooner due to economic data so gold pops. The Fed meeting is next Wednesday when Pope Powell brings the tablets down from On High to tell everyone how to trade. The price action until then is somewhat meaningless. In 5 trading days, there will likely be wild moves in Treasuries, stocks, the dollar, gold, bitcoin, etc.... Powell is picking up his white dovish wings at the cleaners so he can wear them next week as he walks on stage for the Q&A. The crony capitalism markets have become a caricature of themselves.

Note Added Saturday, 3/15/25: A gold orgy occurs late in the week sending the yellow metal above 3K now at 3001. The news of a weaker economy and lower consumer sentiment creates angst in markets and recession worries and fears. Traders believe the Fed will have to cut rates sooner and faster due to the flailing economy so gold is bid higher tagging 3,000. Also, the Donnie Trump Trade and Tariff Wars heat-up with the orange head lashing out at everyone that does not bend the knee for thee. The chaos spooks investors so they seek gold as a haven. Central banks keep buying. All that said, nothing has changed. Price has momo due to the happy talk but should top out as described above over the coming days. The breach of 2980 hints that 3020 is on the come so a logical place for the top on the weekly basis, and beginning of the multi-week pullback, would be from 3020-3030 or lower. People may be starting to feel that nothing is worth investing in except gold and silver since they are tangible assets. The Federal Reserve is likely squeezed into a stagflation box. Inflation may not move strongly higher but it may not go down either, so the draining of people's funds continues indefinitely killing family budgets. If the economy weakens, the Fed will want to cut rates, hence that is why stocks and gold pop, but they cannot be too aggressive because they will be making inflation worse further smashing common Americans into dust. Chairman Powell has four days to decide who his master is; inflation or the economy. Sadly, it is probably heads you lose, tails you lose. Gold and stock market enthusiasts fully expect Powell to fly into the press room on Wednesday flapping white dove wings and will be aghast if he shows up with black hawk wings on his back. Hump day is the big day in the week ahead.