Tuesday, September 24, 2024

DJT Trump Media & Technology Group Daily and Weekly Charts; Historic -85% Crash in 5 Months

King Donnie Trump, the orange-headed bloviating carnival clown, thought it would be a great idea to go public with a stock offering using his initials for the ticker symbol; DJT. Narcissistic Trump is a business idiot and grifter taking advantage of inexperienced people that bot that piece of crap DJT and have now lost their shirt, and their pants.

The lock-up period is expiring for the stock so Donnie can sell DJT shares without restrictions. When the stock was at 80, he was Mister Happy figuring he could cash-out and stash a bunch of dough, but alas, by the time the lock-up period expired, price is now down to 12. Of course, now the bloviating circus clown says he plans on holding the turd.

DJT crashes from 80 to 12 in only 5 months a historic -85% collapse. Trump's legal problems had traders and investors selling the stock starting in April 2024. There was talk about Donnie cashing-out which helped create the nosedive. If the top honcho that should be gun-ho for the stock wants to cut and run, confidence is lost in the ticker as the chart clearly shows. Also, there were additional shares offered, dilution, which will drive price lower even though they try to not say they are issuing new shares with fancy legal and financial jargon no one understands.

Trump the grifter, that sells bibles, hats, NFT's, pictures of himself, cheap Christmas ornaments for $90 bucks, crypto promotions, etc..., thought he could make a bunch of quick easy money in the stock market. Wrong. There is a rumor that Donnie may sell a new round of bibles with a picture of Stormy Daniels in a bikini on the cover. That will be a big seller.

It is comical how millions of Americans think Donnie is a business genius, mostly because he keeps saying that he is; it is laughable and misguided. Remember when he said he was worth over $10 billion a few years back; he wanted to be in double-digits. Keystone told you it was a lie and it was. Donnie's daddy gave him a half a billion dollars ($460 million to be exact) and 40 years later he has $1 to $3 billion. That, my friends, is a business idiot.

People assume that the Trump name on buildings means he owns the place; far from it. He only takes naming rights. Donnie's game is cash flow. He generates enough cash each month to fund his jet, the fuel and maintenance, and whatever else he needs in his personal life, and brags that he is the richest man in the land, but it is mostly smoke and mirrors. This was evidenced by his difficulty in finding funds to pay court costs, fines and judgements. Also, his presidential election bid needs money so why isn't the braggard telling America that he is putting in millions of his own vast wealth? Because he is not as rich as he proclaims. He is an orange-headed bloviating carnival clown.

It will be fascinating if Trump wins reelection. That will likely result in massive riots the following day, not because Donnie won but for the looting; he will serve as the catalyst. Trump will be used as an excuse, like George Floyd, for tens of thousands of people to take to the streets in medium and large-sized cities and loot every store front. Some folks will plan on making $10 grand the day after the election if Trump is elected. Lots of young men will be walking around in brand new red Nike tennis shoes that they did not buy. Welcome to the new America.

People say they want to know more about policies. Policies, schmolicies. Sure, people will answer polls and questionnaires checking boxes saying they care about inflation or abortion or immigration, but when it comes down to the vote for POTUS, you know what the basis is for their decision. Yes, if you like Trump, you will vote for him, if you can't stand the dufus, you will vote for Harris, or not vote for the presidential ticket. It is that simple. Policies, schmolicies. The election is a referendum on the orange head.

It does not matter who wins the presidency since America's crony capitalism system is in its last throes and the winner will be labeled as the modern-day Herbert Hoover as the next couple years play out. All the politicians are criminals; don't you idiots understand this yet? The system is corrupt to the core. You are spending time out of your day to vote for demopublican and republocrat criminals. Go for it if it makes you feel good.

The November match-up, only 6 weeks away, 42 days, is King Donnie Trump, the orange-headed grifter, with sidekick Childless Cat Lady Vance, versus Cackling Kamala Harris, the wannabe commie, with her right-hand man Tampon Timmy AWOLz. That is hilarious. Good luck with that crew.

For the DJT daily chart, the green falling wedge is bullish. Price fell through the lower standard deviation line so a move back to the middle band, that is also the 20-day MA, at 17.43, and falling, is on the table. The stochastics and RSI are oversold agreeable to a bounce. The green lines for the chart indicators show positive divergence as price collapses so DJT is ready to bounce in the daily time frame. The RSI is sketchy since it may be printing a hair lower value which may delay the bottom for 2 days until a jog move in price can make the RSI firmly possie d. So the bottom is likely in for DJT, on the daily basis, this week.

The weekly chart is not so rosy. The chart clearly displays what a piece of sh*t this stock is crashing -85% from the high at 80 to 12 in only about 20 weeks. The rats are leaving the sinking Ship Donnie. The green lines show that the histogram, MACD over the last year, stochastics and money flow are positively diverged agreeable to the happy set-up on the daily chart wanting to see price rally from here. The RSI, however, and MACD over the last month, are weak and bleak wanting to see further lows in price on the weekly basis.

Thus, DJT should bottom this week and begin rallying on the daily basis back towards 17. The recovery in the days ahead will likely be modest since the weekly chart wants to extract more pain. DJT may bounce this week into next, then roll over again for a week coming back down to 12-ish maybe a touch lower, and then when the RSI and MACD turn possie d on the weekly chart (in a couple weeks), that will be a firm bottom and beginning of a multi-week recovery that should rally back to 17 or so. This positive move should send the stock higher into election day.

Anyone playing DJT on the long side now is gambling at the casino. These traders are hoping for a Donnie win on November 5th, and a huge bump higher in the stock price, which will likely occur. But hope is not a trading strategy. Only an idiot becomes involved with King Donnie whose legacy from his four years in office is a whining, cry-baby, sore-loser. King Cry Baby.

If you got caught up in the King Donnie hype, and got fleeced by DJT stock, you may as well ride it out to the election now. Is there much difference in your projected loss if DJT goes bankrupt? You are already hosed with price down to 12. As explained, in a couple weeks, DJT will be set-up for a sustainable multi-week move higher into the election. If 12 is lost, however, the door is open to 10 and even an 8 handle, but again, the stock would simply begin its multi-week up move from these low levels. DJT will likely hold on until the election that will decide the fate of the POS.

Keystone has never played DJT long or short and does not plan to going forward; people seem to regret getting involved with Trump. The sucka's that bot at 80 do. If you want to play it, wait and watch that weekly chart to make sure the RSI and MACD set up with possie d which should be in a week or two. You can then time your long entry using the daily and 2-hour charts. DJT will likely rally early October into the November 5th election with the biggest gains probably the second week of October and price may flatten out at Halloween into the election when the fate of DJT will be decided. This information is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Do not invest based on anything you read or view here. Consult your financial advisor before making any investment decision.

Note Added Thursday, 9/26/24, at 8:19 PM EST: A huge Trump Media investor, United Atlantic Ventures (UAV), ditches over 7.5 million shares of DJT stock. They are gittin' while the gittin' is good. More rats jumping off Ship Trump that is hung-up and taking on water on the jagged reef. It is getting to the place where the only people that own the DJT turd stock are King Donnie and his duped sucka sycophants. That'll teach them. DJT ends the week at 14.75 receiving the possie d pop the last 4 days as Keystone forecasted above. This stock totally depends on Trump winning the election, even so, maybe it struggles back to 30-32 if sucker investors are lucky. If Trump loses to the potentially first woman president Harris, DJT will likely go bankrupt.

Note Added Saturday, 10/5/24: DJT 16.50. As discussed above, DJT receives some lift off the bottom. The turd will float in the toilet bowl until the election on November 5th. DJT is in a world of Hurt, as Johnny sings the 9 Inch Nails tune.

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