Tuesday, July 16, 2024

SPX S&P 500 Weekly Chart Displays the 666 Bottom in March 2009 and Potential 5666 Top in July 2024?

The United States stock market, the S&P 500, SPX, places the bottom at 666 in March 2009 and interestingly, may top out at 5666 in July 2024? Over the last 15 years, the Federal Reserve's money printing has created vast wealth for the privileged elite and the upper middle class sycophants that service the wealthy; the have's. Crony capitalism gone amuck.

One-half of Americans, the have-not's, do not own a single share of stock. Capitalism does not exist. If you accept this fact, everything will make a lot more sense to you. The have's continue spending their obscene stock market gains keeping the overall US economy out of recession while common Americans suffer each day to make ends meet and many cannot pay their bills while working two jobs. Welcome to crony America. Time will tell if the mark of the beast is having mischievous fun. It's a Long Way to the Top. We need some bagpipe. This information is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Do not invest based on anything you read or view here. Consult your financial advisor before making any investment decision.

Note Added Wednesday Morning, 7/17/24, at 5:43 AM EST: The bulls push above 5666 in the final few minutes of trading on Tuesday. The SPX prints a new closing high at 5667.20 and new all-time high at 5669.67. Comically, the 0.67 cents portion is rounded up from 0.666. The beast remains mischievous.

Note Added Sunday Morning, 7/21/24: The SPX topped out at that 5670 last Tuesday so 0.666 marks the top. The SPX is at 5505 losing 165 points, -3%, in only 3 days. The S&P 500 drops more than -1% for each of the two days after the all-time historic high at 5670 is printed. This behavior has never happened before in stock market history.

Note Added Wednesday Afternoon, 7/24/24, at 5:10 PM EST: The US stock market sh*t the bed today. The SPX mini-crashes 129 points, -2.3%, to 5427. The Dow collapses 504 points, -1.3%, to 39854 below 40K. The Nazzy mini-crashes 655 points, -3.6%, to 17342. .

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