Sunday, August 27, 2023

COVID-19 Endemic Phase Update 8/27/23; Covid Cases Decreasing as 2-Week Old CDC Data Shows a Rise in Hospital Admissions and Hospitalizations; COVID-19 is an Endemic of the Old and Obese

He's baaaaccckkk. Just like a class B horror flick where the monster jumps up one last time for a final scare, Keystone is back with a COVID-19 update. The media is in a tizzy over the latest rise in COVID-19 infections but as usual, Keystone must step in and tell you the truth about what is happening.

K E Stone (Keystone) is the authority in chronicling the 3-year COVID-19 pandemic having posted 103 articles (one new article every 10 days for 3 years) including 900 covid charts and over 1.2 million words. In addition, each article was updated daily to chronicle the latest news then after 10 days another new article would be posted with new charts. The Coronavirus Chronology is the most valuable COVID-19 resource available. There was enough new daily covid information for Keystone to write the equivalent of one new book every 3 months during the pandemic.

Keystone never set out to chronical the entire COVID-19 pandemic; it was quite a labor requiring several hours of writing every day for 3 years but to paraphrase Trotsky's comments on war, 'Keystone was not interested in chronicling the COVID-19 pandemic, but the pandemic was interested in him'. Perhaps for Keystone's 15 minutes of Andy Warhol fame, he will be known as the Father of Technical Analysis for Epidemiology and Virology. Then again, perhaps not.

Keystone predicted and forecasted how long the infection waves would last in the United States and for every country on Earth during the 3-years of misery; hence nearly 1,000 charts sit in the archives. Comically, Keystone, siting on a lawn chair in the Appalachian Mountains, warned many global leaders of impending infection waves and others that their waves would subside despite their political messages. The Coronavirus Chronology is the China Virus Bible and anyone that wants to learn about what exactly happened every step of the way during the pandemic needs to use it as their first and primary source.

The last article is Coronavirus Chronology Article 103 published on Valentines Day, 2/14/23, and linked here. That will get you started on how the articles are set up and how it would be easy for you to archive prior articles to find out the details of what actually happened during the pandemic in real-time (not made-up history after the fact).

For now, the Coronavirus Chronology only exists on line at The Keystone Speculator's blog site where it can be accessed for free. If you want to know any aspect of the pandemic, no matter what it is or when it occurred, this is the source you need to look at. Perhaps you want to know what Fauci said in November of 2021. Simply go to the right margin of The Keystone Speculator blog site and scroll down to year 2021, then November, and then find the Coronavirus Chronology article that will explain everything that happened with the pandemic back then in exact detail. The important quotes and actions by all individuals are recorded in the Coronavirus Chronology. There could not have been two worst presidents during a once in a century pandemic than Trump and Biden; Tweedledumb and Tweedledumber.

Keystone plans on formally publishing the entire Coronavirus Chronology work of over 1.2 million words and 900 covid charts in the future but obviously this is a formidable task. The first book will be a simple aggregation of all 103 article titles and that should be available in a month. This book will be a key publication for the COVID-19 pandemic since the titles of each article highlight all the important events that happened during the 3 years of misery and will serve as the go-to timeline for the entire pandemic so look for that on Amazon soon (Keystone's goofing-off time is more important currently than publishing a book).

Anyhoo, that brings us to the present. What is happening now considering all the fear-mongering in the US media mainly from the democrat-controlled press (CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, NPR, New York Times, Washington Post, etc...)? It is doom and gloom time again since the new COVID-19 booster shots will be available in 3 or 4 weeks. Get the people scared so they run to the local pharmacy to roll up their sleeves and make Pfizer, Moderna, and the politicians, richer.

The republican-controlled media (Fox News, Newsmax, OANN, Breitbart News, AM talk radio, New York Post, etc...) takes the opposite side of the recent covid fear-mongering and warns the public to not get fooled again, as Daltry would sing.

The Worldometer data was far superior to other sources during the pandemic. The presentation of the data is much clearer and concise and their charts are excellent. Starting there, the COVID-19 daily new cases are decreasing not increasing. The covid cases peaked on 8/16/23 at 15575 and are at 7292 yesterday, 8/26/23. It is good news that the peak in cases was 10 days ago since it hints that the latest infection wave may be a pig in a poke.

Shamefully, the incompetent CDC data is 2 weeks old. Yes, pitiful, isn't it? American mediocrity is on full display daily. The cable and broadcast news outlets are spouting this 2-week old data as if it is happening in real-time. The CDC says there is a +22% increase in hospital admissions using the total data and a move from 0.45 to 0.54. There is only a rise of +16% in covid hospitalizations so the corrupt press does not mention this number instead loosely touts the +22% increase making people think this is the increase in infections and cases that the daily new cases chart above debunks. The crony capitalism system has made all institutions untrustworthy.

Some *sshole schools and colleges are reinstating masks and other covid regulations. What morons. These are supposed to be education centers but they have learned nothing from the pandemic or the numerous studies that say the mouth diapers are worthless and may actually cause more overall harm. Folks, sometimes you just cannot fix stupid. If you want to wear a mask, wear one, wear 10 masks, that is cool, but do not ask others to wear one. Grow up.

The authorities will be fear-mongering, and using the democrat media as their surrogates, to create angst and encourage people to take the new COVID-19 vaccine. The XBB variants are at play now as covid is in the endemic phase like the regular flu. The new infections are dominated by EG5 (Eris) followed by FL151 (Formax) and then a far smaller number of BA286 infections (Pirola). The daily new cases chart says there is nothing of great concern occurring but you will have to wait 2 weeks to see if the CDC gets around to updating their charts.

On the CDC hospital admissions charts, it is easy to see that the latest infections, as would be expected, are targeting the old folks, especially old and fat folks, and double-especially old and fat folks with other ongoing health issues. This has been true during the entire pandemic. Note that for all the age groups, the hospital admissions dropped off this year except for the most elderly. The covid endemic is an endemic of the old and obese.

As a society, we need to protect folks over 60 years old and especially those that are overweight, obese, and/or suffering from other health ailments. They are the most vulnerable. Most everyone else can get on with life even though the US authorities will tell you otherwise. Hurry-up and read the article above before it is shadow-banned and Keystone is cancelled again as is the case over the last 3-1/2 years.

Remember that your most valuable source for correct information on the COVID-19 pandemic is available, in detail, by simply locating the pertinent Coronavirus Chronology article in the right-hand margin (archives) of The Keystone Speculator blog site.

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