Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Chronology Article 51 Published 8/17/21; US Wave 5 Continues; 37.7 Million Americans Infected with China Flu and 639K Dead; US Southern and Coastal States Smacked by India B1617 Variant (Delta); Back-to-School; Booster Shots On Tap for US; US Hospitals Remain Challenged with Bed Shortages in Southern States; 209 Million People Infected with COVID-19 Worldwide with 4.4 Million Dead; Texas Governor Abbott Tests Positive for COVID-19; President Biden Orders Boosters for Nursing Homes and Declares the United States the "Arsenal of Vaccines"; Monoclonal Antibody Treatments; Ivermectin; 1,000 Americans Dying Per Day; Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam, Japan, Australia, Iran, Guatemala and Mexico Report Most Daily Cases Ever; 13 US Troops Die in Suicide Bombing During Afghanistan Evacuation Debacle; OVER 650K AMERICANS DEAD FROM CHINA FLU; Russia, Malaysia and Iran Report Deadliest Days Ever

By K E Stone (Keystone)

News reports say the Biden administration is expected to suggest booster shots for Americans that received the Pfizer/BioNTech or Moderna mRNA vaccines. The booster shots will be advised for those fully-vaccinated people that received their second shot 8 months prior.

The vaccination program ramped-up in January first targeting the elderly, those in nursing homes and the doctors, nurses and healthcare workers. Thus, counting 8 months forward is September when the boosters will likely begin. One would think the vaccines should receive official full approval rather than remain under emergency-use before the third shots occur but they are already underway.

Third shots are available for the immunocompromised folks. This group was thought to be 3 million people but the guidelines are wide-reaching and encompass about 7 million people. Cancer patients, HIV folks and people taking other medications, such as steroids, did not receive adequate antibody protection from COVID-19 so hopefully the third shot will boost their resistance. Studies show that the efficacy of the mRNA vaccines wanes over time. Israel is providing booster shots to citizens over 50 years old and 5 months beyond their second shot.

There is a 3-week waiting period between the first and second shots for the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine and 4 weeks for Moderna. Studies have shown that the most ideal waiting time between the two shots is 10 weeks. This information is ignored by the Whitehouse, CDC and other medical professionals since it does not fit the narrative and game plan. Inquiring minds want to know if the second mRNA shot is taken 10 weeks after the first, would a booster shot still be required after 8 months, or after 5 months in the case of Israel? Channeling Yul Brynner, the medical folks decree that you shut up, get the first shot, then the second shot within a month, then return in 8 months for the booster shot. So let it be written, so let it be done.

The US daily new cases chart is shown above. The US wave 5 continues. The peak in daily new cases occurs on Friday, 8/13/21, at 158K cases. Saturday is 136K cases, Sunday 107K cases and yesterday, Monday, 8/16/21, is 104K cases, a nice trend lower. A weekday number below a weekend number is a fantastic sight. The 3-day and 7-day moving averages, however, which are smoothing mechanisms that show the trend, continue higher. The moving averages must roll over to paint a brighter picture ahead.

A glimmer of hope will not be official until the 3-day MA comes down to print a lower low. The 7-day MA is trying to flatten and peak-out, as the blue arrow shows, but the jury remains out and this week’s numbers will tell the tale forward.

The US active cases chart is shown above. The active cases chart is the “flatten the curve” chart that needs to form the coveted bell shape that verifies the virus is being defeated. The peak in the active cases represents the maximum strain on the medical system and healthcare workers. The active cases should peak out on or before 9/10/21 as long as the daily new cases do not exceed 145K as per the Keystone Model described below (158K is the maximum daily cases for wave 5 thus far and 8% less would be 145K so the peak in daily cases are in as long as 145K is not exceeded).

The delta wave is characterized as a fast-moving wave from its behavior in the UK, Spain, Netherlands and elsewhere. It smacks hard and fast but then the cases tend to quickly peak and pull back creating an inverted V pattern. Hopefully, the US is very near, or now creating, the inverted V pattern that will lead to happier days ahead.

The US deaths chart is shown above. 308 Americans croak on Monday from the Wuhan Virus. On a positive note, the 7-day MA is curling over to the downside by a hair. The 7-day MA was 594 deaths on Friday and drops to an average of 577 deaths yesterday. The daily deaths must stay below 577 and dropping to pull the 7-day MA lower. All deaths are sad and will change families forever but deaths remain below the levels of wave 4 and far below the peak deaths in January during the horrendous wave 3.

The decoupling of daily cases and deaths started during wave 4 with daily cases jumping higher but deaths remaining flat and even trailing off lower. Wave 5 sees deaths ramping higher over the last month but with fingers crossed, this may be the worst of it.

Worldometer’s US death count is at 638,798. Johns-Hopkins is622,321 deaths. The CDC is at 619,564 deaths. The Institute for Health Metricsand Evaluation (IHME) is at 618K deaths. Worldometer is always the most up to date coronavirus data.

The Missouri daily new cases chart is shown above. The blue lines show the inverted V pattern that will hopefully continue playing-out. Missouri reports 4.5K daily new cases on 8/4/21 which is the peak in daily cases to date. The Keystone Model uses the 4.2K daily new cases on 8/11/21 as the peak date since it was within 8% of the top. Adding 28 days is a projected flattening of the Missouri active cases curve by 9/8/21.

The 7-day MA trend line for Missouri’s daily new cases has rolled over but there is a hitch higher over the last day. The downtrend needs to continue to create the inverted V pattern. The 3-day MA prints a lower low and lower high and now drops for hopefully a lower low again. If so, the V pattern is firmly in play and Missouri cases should continue falling. If not, and the daily cases this week creep higher again, and the 3-day MA fails to print a lower low, that will hint at a sideways malaise ahead with cases not increasing, but not decreasing either.

Missouri can throw confetti if the 3-day MA prints a lower low and the inverted V pattern should form. The active cases curve, however, will likely continue rising for another week or two before flattening and potentially rolling over. In other words, Missouri healthcare workers will continue being busier than a one-armed wallpaper hanger for another couple weeks before a break is seen. Hang in there, nurses and doctors in Missouri, you can see light at the end of the covid tunnel and it is daylight not an oncoming freight train.

The Alabama daily new cases chart is shown above similar to the Missouri chart. Alabama daily new cases peak on 8/10/21 and have been lower for almost a week. The 7-day MA rolls over but like Missouri, it has a hitch higher over the last day. The 3-day MA prints a lower high, and a lower low, so when it goes back up over the next couple-three days it needs to make another lower high to prove that things are going in the right direction and the inverted V pattern will become reality. Time will tell. Missouri and Alabama will hopefully become the poster children for the India B1617 variant (delta) inverted V pattern for daily new cases that the other states will follow their lead. Will it happen?

Missouri and Alabama are the happy talk as Florida, Texas and other states remain sad talk. The Florida daily new cases chart is shown above. Democrat President Biden and republican Governor DeSantis continue playing their baby political games while people suffer. Florida parents are suing DeSantis over his decree to not allow schools to set mask mandates. Florida updates its data sporadically these days. Yesterday is 17.2K daily new cases an encouraging number albeit remaining high.

Florida daily new cases peak on Friday the 13th at 26.0K the highest ever for the pandemic. Saturday is 22.4K cases, Sunday 16.5K cases and yesterday 17.2K. The cases are lower off the peak Friday top, a positive, but disappointing that the Monday number does not continue the daily cases downtrend. The 7-day MA peaks-out and rolls over slightly which is great news should it hold. The 3-day MA is coming down so it would be key that it prints a lower low to place the downward trend change firmly on the table.

Florida appears far more hopeful now than a week or two ago even though the daily cases remain elevated. It would be great news if the cases keep sliding lower forming the inverted V pattern that is a characteristic of the fast-moving delta wave.

The Texas daily new cases chart is shown above. Despite the southern border crisis with migrants bringing COVID-19 into Texas, the daily new cases may be settling down. Texas reports 8K daily new cases yesterday below the peak days at near 18K cases on 8/10/21 and 8/13/21. The 3-day MA prints a lower low and the 7-day MA curls over to the downside which are positive developments.

The doom and gloom, political bickering and vaccinated people’s ignorant behavior towards the unvaccinated folks, increases when cases increase. If conditions improve, people’s bad attitudes and baby behavior should improve. From the charts above, there is lots to be hopeful about and if the US wave 5 rolls over it may be the last big wave of the pandemic followed only by pockets of community spread in the future.

The Texas hospitalizations chart is shown above to illustrate the big difference in rate of infection of the India B1617 variant (delta) versus the prior large wave at the start of the year which was mainly the standard D614G COVID-19 strain. Texas hospitalizations ran higher from 3.2K to 10.0K from 10/3/20 through 12/22/20 (red arrow) which is a rise in cases of 6.8K or 6,800 cases. The same move from 3.2K cases to 10.0K cases for the current wave (red arrow) occurs from 7/21/21 to 8/11/21; only 21 days. Wow. The current rate of hospitalizations is 4 times faster than the prior rate (21 days compared to 80 days).

Another way, 6,800 cases occur in 80 days for a rate of 85 patients per day (6,800/80). For the current wave, for 6,800 patients in only 21 days, it is a rate of 323 patients per day which is 3.8 times faster than the prior hospitalization rate (323/85). This is only dire news if the hospitalizations continue higher at this rate but the chart shows the numbers dropping off rapidly and the 7-day MA peaking and dropping. This is a happy development. Thus, the hospitalization rate is horrific at 4 times the prior rates but there may be light at the end of the tunnel. Also, the current Texas hospitalizations remain at about 75% of the all-time peak in January.

Hospital admissions are dipping lower for the US and for the individual states again showing light at the end of the covid tunnel since admissions reinforce a drop in hospitalizations. There are more hospital admissions for young people up to 49 years old than any prior wave. The admissions are lower for folks over 50 years old. The hospital admissions for folks over 70 are not even one-half the prior peak.

The older folks have either died-off from covid, or become vaccinated, or had the illness and survived. That is why, proportionally, statistics show that more young people are admitted to hospitals these days. Also, the children under 12 years old are not approved for vaccination and the 12 to 18 years old age group is only about one-third vaccinated.

The United States continues to make headway withvaccinations. 169 million Americans are fully-vaccinated and 199 million, almost 200 million, are vaccinated with at least one dose; 60% of the population. 72% of US adults (over 18 years old) are vaccinated with at least one shot.

The US vaccination rate is holding steady at about 600Kdoses per day and the Whitehouse and CDC should be happy with the data. The vaccination enthusiasm hit a low around the July 4th holiday at about 440K doses per day on average.

60% or more of Americans will be fully-vaccinated over the next month. 10% to 30% of Americans had covid and have natural antibody protection. Combining the two is 70% to 90% of Americans protected by vaccines or natural immunity which is an attractive herd immunity number. Fauci said for months that 70% to 85% herd immunity would make great strides at defeating the virus. We are there.

The new twist to the pandemic game, however, is the Delta variant which has over 1,000 times the viral load so coronavirus particles are shed at a far higher rate increasing the chance that someone, typically an unvaccinated person, will become infected. We will likely also discover over time that far more vaccinated people are acting as virus carriers than anyone realizes.

On the world stage, there are also encouraging signs. The world’s daily new cases chart is shown above. It is disappointing that the daily cases tagged 724K on 8/13/21 the highest of the current wave but subsequent days are lower. Also, the 7-day MA trend line is topping-out and curling over. The purple boxes in the chart highlight the fractal from the springtime where a slightly higher high was printed with the daily cases and that is when the wave rolled over. Hopefully, this fractal behavior will repeat.

The world’s daily deaths chart is shown above. The brown arrow indicates how the deaths are lining out sideways with a downward bias which is a positive development. The world needs both the daily cases and deaths charts to roll over and die. The planet is in the fifth wave of the pandemic.

Note the decoupling of cases and deaths in the charts. During wave 1, the cases increase and deaths increase. Ditto wave 2. Wave 2 deaths are slightly below wave 1 but that is because the first wave of China Flu went through the world like a buzzsaw killing the elderly and those with pre-existing health conditions especially obesity, lung and heart issues and diabetes, or ‘tha suga’ as Lavell Crawford calls it. For wave 3, the cases rise greatly and so do the deaths (red arrow). This was a dark time for the pandemic.

For the world’s wave 4, a decoupling occurs (green arrow). The daily cases jump higher in the springtime as the India B1617 variant, later named delta by the WHO’s asinine Greek lettering name changes, wreaks havoc in Southeast Asia. The cases jump higher but note that the deaths are lower in wave 4. The daily cases decouple from deaths and the world is grateful. The vaccinations are kicking in and doing their job of taking severe illness and deaths off the table. For the current wave 5, cases have not reached the wave 4 peak and ditto deaths.

The key future turning point for the worldwide pandemic will be when the daily new cases and deaths for the planet take out the wave 3 and wave 4 troughs (orange lines). Only then will the globe return to normalcy, whatever that is after a once in a century pandemic negatively impacts every human on earth.

Canada’s daily new cases chart is shown above. O Canada is Oh! Canada! What is going on there? Canada reports 4K daily new cases yesterday the highest of the current wave. The Canucks will have to buckle down and try to nip the trouble in the bud before it gets out of hand. Rising cases in Canada spell trouble for Michigan and other northern border states. Cases rise in Canada despite limiting airline travel to the vaccinated people but perhaps these are the folks carrying virus, asymptomatically, to every corner of the country.

Mexico’s daily new cases chart is shown above. Mexico reports 25K daily new cases on 8/13/21 the highest ever. Cases are lower the last 3 days but that trend will need to continue. The high case count in Mexico is negatively impacting the southern US border states.

Thailand’s daily new cases chart is shown above. Thailand reports 22.4K daily new cases on 8/13/21 the highest ever. Cases are moving lower into today but remain above 21K. The 7-day MA travels higher but if the cases continue lower, the trend line will roll over lower which will be a welcome sight for the Thai that are suffering daily. Interestingly, Thailand’s active cases chat is topped-out (not shown) on 8/8/21 which verifies a problem in the data. Thailand is likely concerned about its tourism industry and is probably underreporting the daily cases.

Israel’s daily new cases chart is shown above. Boom. Covid punches Israel in the face. Israel reports 8.7K daily new cases the highest of the current wave. Cases were improving then whammo, a big spike higher. Israel is providing booster shots for those over 50 years old that are fully-vaccinated but this is not going to help in real-time as cases jump higher. 46 Israeli’s die on Sunday over double recent daily numbers. Israel is battling COVID-19. Start using the monoclonal antibody treatments on the sick folks, Israel, and save lives.

The USA has the greatest number of total coronavirus cases in the world at 37.7 million. India is next with 32.3 million total virus cases. Brazil, Russia, France, UK, Turkey, Argentina, Colombia and Spain round out the top ten.

China Flu has infected 208.7 million people worldwide. 4.4 million people have died from COVID-19. Fortunately, 187.1 million global citizens have recovered from coronavirus. 90% (187.1/208.7) of the people that become infected with COVID-19 recover in a reasonable time frame. This percentage had improved by about 7 points during May and June but now drops off from the 92% level to 90% over the last 2 months. The 91% to 92% area is a ceiling for the global recovery percentage.

Worldwide, 2.1% (4.4/208.7) of the people that are infected with covid die. This number has sat at 2.1%-2.2% for many months. 1 in every 47 people that are infected with China Flu around the world will die, and this number does not budge week after week month after month. It is always 2.1%-2.2% and will not change even with vaccinations available for a half year. The global mortality rate is at an impasse for months. It will be a great day if it ever decreases.

2.7% (208.7/7670) of the world’s population of 7.67 billion people have been infected with coronavirus; 1 in every 37 people on earth. The Wuhan Virus has negatively impacted everyone on the planet.

In the United States, 37.7 million people are infected with covid. 638,798 Americans are dead. 30.2 million Americans have recovered from coronavirus. This equates to 80% (30.2/37.7) of US citizens recovering after becoming infected with COVID-19. The number increases by about 6 percentage points during May and June but drops 4 percentage points over the last 2 months. Like the world’s recovery rate above, the US recovery rate may have met its ceiling at about 84%. The US recovery rate is lower than the world’s, 80% versus 90%, because of America’s obesity problem; at least the herd is getting trimmed.

In the US, 1.7% (639/37700) of the people infected with COVID-19 die. This number remains sticky for many months at 1.8% so it is great that it drops to 1.7. Perhaps the vaccinations are helping. The 1.7% equates to 1 in every 59 US citizens that are infected with coronavirus dying. The death rate is at 2.1% globally which is higher than the US reflecting the lower vaccination rates, less medical equipment such as ventilators and oxygen tanks, less hospitals, and less medical folks to work at the facilities. Poorer nations also battle subpar environmental and living conditions.

11.4% (37.7/330) of the American population of 330 million people have been infected with covid a jump of +0.4% over the last 11 days. 1 in every 9 Americans have been stricken with coronavirus which worsens slightly over the last week. The minority communities are impacted disproportionately. The 11.4% solidly contributes towards herd immunity (the number is likely far larger by the CDC’s  own admission).

The United States has 18.0% (37.7/208.7) of the COVID-19 cases in the world. 1 in 5 people (5.5 to be exact which is 2 in 11) that become infected with covid on planet earth are Americans. The US vaccination program is making a difference. This percentage was 22% about 5 months ago so the drop is great news for the US but bad news for other nations since their infection numbers are higher.

The US accounts for 14.5% (639/4400) of the China Flu deaths in the world. The trend lower improves by 0.2% over the last 11 days. 1 in 7 people that die from COVID-19 around the world are Americans. 4 months ago, it was 1 in 5. The numbers are going in the right direction for the US but that means proportionally more people are dying in Southeast Asia, Africa and Central America.

The Keystone Speculator Coronavirus Infection Rate Model, the Keystone Model for short, is a simple model that predicts when the active cases chart curves will flatten-out and roll-over lower. The active cases chart is the ‘flatten the curve’ chart that represents the maximum stress and strain on the medical system and healthcare workers. Once the active cases chart rolls over forming the bell shape, the virus will be defeated and healthcare workers can breathe easier.

The Keystone Model uses the peak in the daily new cases to forecast the peak and flattening of the active cases curve. The ‘flattening of the curve’ only pertains to the active cases chart. For communist nations where the populations must do what they are told or they receive a bullet in their heads (China), and for smaller authoritarian nations (Eastern European countries, Africa and Middle East nations), and many Asian nations where citizens follow government rules without questioning authority (South Korea, Japan, Singapore, Australia), the active cases curve will peak, on average, 11 days after the peak in daily new cases.

For the Western countries, such as the US and European nations, the so-called free societies, the active cases curve will peak, on average, 28 days after the peak in new cases (it takes about 2 weeks longer, for a free society to tamp down a virus wave than a communist or authoritarian state mainly because lockdowns cannot be enforced as easily).

During the last few months, the 11 and 28-day timeframes compress slightly since more is known about handling coronavirus. Thus, a couple days can be shaved off the current target dates. Further, the Delta wave is playing out as a fast-moving inverted V pattern that may appear and finish faster than the allotted days in the model.

Also, now that the pandemic is 18 months along, there is data from the prior waves available which could be averaged to provide a number of days between the peak in daily new cases and when the active cases chart rolls over. For the US, the distance between the peak in daily cases and the peak in active cases for the four waves are; 45 days, 40 days, 16 days and 5 days all over the map. The average of the four is 27 days. Waves 3 and 4 were tighter and the most recent so the days between the peaks for the US charts is likely in the 11 to 27-day range.

All projections below for countries and the US states continue to use the 11 and 28-day periods for forecasting for consistency. When the peak in daily new cases occurs, if a subsequent day is within 8% of that peak top, it is identified as the peak in daily new cases day.

The peak in the daily new cases is easily seen on the bar charts provided by Worldometer, the CDC and Johns-Hopkins. The daily new cases bar charts are shown on television news channels with a 7-day moving average (MA) line which is a smoothing mechanism that helps identify the trend.

An update for The Keystone Model is provided since another 10-day period passes and more data and information become available to push the COVID-19 story forward. The Coronavirus Chronology identifies the real-time hotspots occurring around the world and within the United States. The chronology serves as a historical document that will be referenced for decades to come by those that want to experience the entire pandemic as it unfolds in real-time.

The Coronavirus Chronology compilation of articles will be published in the future by Amazon and distributed internationally. This is Article 51 in the Coronavirus Chronology that provides real-time information for historians, teachers, students, journalists, economists, market participants, corporate executives, financial managers, Wall Street, doctors, nurses, medical personnel, first responders, researchers, public officials, news organizations, traders, investors and politicians studying the COVID-19 pandemic both domestically (USA) and internationally. This fifty-first article, the 51st, is published on Tuesday, 8/17/21.

The coronavirus series of articles are the only real-time source of information available continuously chronicling the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic during 2020 and 2021. Readers live and breathe the pandemic, the worst in a century, as it occurs in real-time, experiencing the daily virus zeitgeist, good or bad, devoid of political correctness. This is not revisionist history-telling. It is the raw pandemic truth and human emotion occurring, recorded and chronicled in real time, without any allegiance to political parties or media sources. The information is direct and unapologetic.

All 51 Coronavirus Chronology articles are archived on The Keystone Speculator blog. The last couple articles are linked below if you want to come up to speed with the COVID-19 saga.

The forty-ninth article is the Coronavirus (COVID-19)Chronology Article 49 Published 7/27/21; US Wave 5 in Progress; CommunityTransmission Continues in Most US States; 627K Americans Dead from China Flu;CDC Reverses Course Reimposing Indoor Mask Mandate on Vaccinated People thatMay Be Spreading Virus; Over 195 Million People Infected with China FluWorldwide with 4.2 Million Deaths; Worst Trouble Spots Include Southeast Asia,Central America and Mexico, Middle East, Russia and Kazakhstan, and NorthernAfrica; Tokyo Olympics; Big US Tech Companies Mandate Vaccines; President BidenMandates Vaccines for Federal Employees and Offers $100 for Vaccinations;Florida Governor DeSantis Denounces “Faucian Dystopia”; CDC Proclaims “The WarHas Changed”; Lollapalooza; Sturgis Motorcycle Rally; Indonesia, Malaysia,Thailand and Bangladesh Report Deadliest Days Ever; Biden Achieves Goal of 70%of US Adults Vaccinated; Over 200 Million Worldwide Sickened by Wuhan Virus; USExceeds 36 Million Total Cases and 630K Deaths; US Wave 5 Exceeding 100K CasesPer Day

The fiftieth article is the Coronavirus (COVID-19)Chronology Article 50 Published 8/7/21; US Wave 5 Worsening Due to DeltaVariant; Conditions Deteriorating Quickly Across America; 46 US States ReportRising Daily and Active Cases; Florida and Louisiana at Record-SettingHospitalizations; US Reporting Over 130K Cases Per Day; Over 632K AmericansDead from China Flu; Sturgis Motorcycle Rally; Malaysia, Thailand, Iran, andRussia Report Deadliest Days Ever; 4.3 Million Dead Worldwide from COVID-19; USSchools Reopening n Mask Controversy; Breakthrough Cases; Former PresidentObama’s Maskless Soiree at Martha’s Vineyard; Mask Hypocrisy; Great Successwith Monoclonal Antibody Treatments Casirivimab-Imdevimab and Sotrovimab; Texasand Florida Hospitalization Rates Rapidly Rising; FDA Approves Booster Shotsfor Immunocompromised; Mexico Reports Highest Daily Cases Ever Infecting USSouthern States as Border Crisis Escalates; Florida, Texas, Alabama,Mississippi and Georgia Running Out of ICU Beds

The Worldometer web site tracks the coronavirus (COVID-19) around the world and its link is provided. Many charts in the coronavirus series of articles are provided courtesy of Worldometer and annotated by Keystone. The CDC COVID Data Tracker is another excellent source of information. The Worldometer, Johns-Hopkins and CDC data track each other well with the Worldometer data ahead of the Johns-Hopkins and CDC data by a few days. The Worldometer data is far superior for forecasting since it is updated more reliably in real-time.

The countries with rising active cases charts are highlighted below with the worst nations at the bottom. Sadly, the United States is back on the bad list below. The peaks in daily new cases are shown and the projected peaks for active cases are based on the Keystone Model. The peak and flattening of the active cases curve represent the maximum stress on healthcare workers and then the caseload improves as the active cases curve drops.

The pandemic is not under control until the active cases curve flattens and rolls over forming the bell shape. It will take longer for the active cases chart to roll over to form the bell shape for those troubled nations at the bottom of the list (they are still experiencing highs and peaks in their daily new cases).

DRC-Congo (Third Wave)
6/19/21 New Case Peak Date (highest new cases ever)
7/17/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date (based on 28 days) (chart continues higher)
UK (Fourth Wave)
7/17/21 New Case Peak Date (highest cases for wave 4)
8/14/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date (based on 28 days) (chart is trying to flatten and roll over)
Russia (Third Wave)
7/25/21 New Case Peak Date (highest new cases of wave 3 occur in early July)
8/5/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date (based on 11 days) (curve continues higher)
Algeria (Fifth Wave)
7/28/21 New Case Peak Date (highest new cases ever)
8/8/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date (based on 11 days) (trying to roll over now)
Honduras (Continuous Wave Higher)
7/31/21 New Case Peak Date (highest cases ever)
8/28/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date (based on 28 days)
Libya (Fifth Wave)
8/1/21 New Case Peak Date (highest new cases ever)
8/12/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date (based on 11 days) (chart continues higher)
Pakistan (Fourth Wave)
8/5/21 New Case Peak Date (highest new cases for wave 4)
8/16/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date (based on 11 days) (chart continues higher)
Guinea (Fourth Wave)
8/7/21 New Case Peak Date (highest new cases ever)
8/18/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date (based on 11 days)
Cuba (Fourth Wave)
8/8/21 New Case Peak Date
8/19/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date (based on 11 days)
Greece (Fifth Wave)
8/10/21 New Case Peak Date
8/21/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date (based on 11 days) (flattening, trying to roll over)
South Korea (Third Wave)
8/11/21 New Case Peak Date (highest new cases ever)
8/22/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date (based on 11 days)
Turkey (Fourth Wave)
8/11/21 New Case Peak Date (highest new cases for wave 4)
8/22/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date (based on 11 days)
Guatemala (Fifth Wave)
8/11/21 New Case Peak Date (highest new cases ever)
8/22/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date (based on 11 days)
France (Fifth Wave)
8/11/21 New Case Peak Date (highest cases for wave 5)
9/8/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date (based on 28 days)
Germany (Fourth Wave)
8/13/21 New Case Peak Date
8/24/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date (based on 11 days)
United States (Fifth Wave)
8/13/21 New Case Peak Date (highest cases for wave 5)
9/10/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date (based on 28 days)
Ireland (Fourth Wave)
8/14/21 New Case Peak Date (highest cases for wave 4)
8/25/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date (based on 11 days)
Italy (Fifth Wave)
8/14/21 New Case Peak Date
8/25/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date (based on 11 days)
Japan (Fifth Wave)
8/14/21 New Case Peak Date (highest new cases ever as Olympics ends)
8/25/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date (based on 11 days)
Vietnam (Fourth Wave)
8/15/21 New Case Peak Date (highest daily cases ever occurring in August)
8/26/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date (based on 11 days)
Thailand (Fourth Wave) (data is suspect; daily cases may be underreported)
8/15/21 New Case Peak Date (highest cases ever)
8/26/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date (based on 11 days)
Malaysia (Fifth Wave)
8/15/21 New Case Peak Date (highest cases ever occur over last few days)
8/26/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date (based on 11 days)
Mexico (Third Wave)
8/15/21 New Case Peak Date (highest cases ever 8/13 and 8/15/21)
9/12/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date (based on 28 days)
Philippines (Fifth Wave)
8/16/21 New Case Peak Date (highest cases for wave 5)
8/27/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date (based on 11 days)
Canada (Fourth Wave)
8/16/21 New Case Peak Date
8/27/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date (based on 11 days)
Australia (Fifth Wave)
8/16/21 New Case Peak Date
8/27/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date (based on 11 days)
Switzerland (Fifth Wave)
8/16/21 New Case Peak Date (highest cases for wave 5)
8/27/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date (based on 11 days)
Sweden (Fifth Wave)
8/16/21 New Case Peak Date (highest cases for wave 5)
8/27/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date (based on 11 days)
Serbia (Fifth Wave)
8/16/21 New Case Peak Date (highest cases for wave 5)
8/27/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date (based on 11 days)
Israel (Fifth Wave)
8/16/21 New Case Peak Date (highest new cases for wave 5)
8/27/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date (based on 11 days)
Iran (Sixth Wave)
8/16/21 New Case Peak Date (highest new cases ever 8/11 and 8/16/21)
8/27/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date (based on 11 days)
Kazakhstan (Seventh Wave)
8/16/21 New Case Peak Date (highest new cases ever over last 2 weeks)
8/27/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date (based on 11 days)

Spain is taken off the bad list as its active cases chart rolls over to the downside. Ditto Iraq, Iceland and Morocco. These nations remain challenged but they are on the mend. Switzerland is added to the bad list above. Ditto Sweden, Serbia and Guinea.

Greece continues to struggle. Italy is trying its best to hold coronavirus at bay. Greece, Italy, Spain and Portugal are the four vacation destinations for fun in the sun. Spain and Portugal are on the mend beating back covid as they try to salvage the tourist season. Ditto Italy. Greece may have the least effective mitigation guidelines, or people are simply not following protocols, since they are in the worst shape of the four.

Most countries above are showing cases come off the top over the last few days which is an encouraging sign. Southeast Asia nations remain in trouble but the charts do appear to be peaking. The Philippines is descending into covid Hell.

Japan extends its state emergency through 9/12/21. The Paralympic Games are 8/24/21 through 9/5/21 in Tokyo. The Paralympics will not have spectators due to coronavirus.  The China outbreak continues but information is limited and controlled from the communist nation. New Zealand identifies one case and goes into national lockdown. New Zealand, Australia and China are following the zero-covid edict but, like mice and cockroaches, you may only see one but there are many more.

Central America remains a hot zone with Guatemala in the covid soup. Costa Rica is getting reinfected and may end up on the bad list next time.

The next list is the US states struggling with coronavirus with the worst states listed at the bottom. The peak in daily new cases and projections for the peaks in active cases are provided as per the Keystone Model. The flattening and roll over of the active cases curve forming the bell shape indicates the virus is being defeated and the caseload on healthcare workers will quickly improve.

The southern and coastal states are slapped around the hardest. Several southern hospitals are at capacity. Louisiana and Mississippi are erecting field hospitals. Patients are being treated inside parking garages turned into makeshift wards. The migrant crisis is making the US wave 5 worse. Those poor souls are looking for a better life but many are bringing covid along.

Missouri is ground zero for the Delta variant but it and Alabama may be improving and producing an inverted V pattern reflecting a fast-moving virus with cases catapulting higher but then retreating at nearly the same pace (see inverted V-shaped charts above). It would be fantastic news if Missouri and Sweet Home Alabama continue improving this week.

Maine (Second Wave/Continuous)
8/10/21 New Case Peak Date
9/7/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date
Alabama (Fifth Wave)
8/10/21 New Case Peak Date
9/7/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date
Iowa (Fifth Wave) (data not updating)
8/10/21 New Case Peak Date
9/7/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date
Minnesota (Fifth Wave)
8/11/21 New Case Peak Date
9/8/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date
Missouri (Fifth Wave)
8/11/21 New Case Peak Date
9/8/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date
South Dakota (Fourth Wave)
8/11/21 New Case Peak Date
9/8/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date
Nebraska (Fifth Wave)
8/11/21 New Case Peak Date
9/8/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date
New Mexico (Fifth Wave)
8/12/21 New Case Peak Date
9/9/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date
New Hampshire (Fifth Wave)
8/12/21 New Case Peak Date
9/9/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date
Pennsylvania (Fifth Wave)
8/12/21 New Case Peak Date
9/9/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date
Oregon (Fifth Wave)
8/12/21 New Case Peak Date
9/9/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date
Utah (Fifth Wave)
8/12/21 New Case Peak Date
9/9/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date
Ohio (Fifth Wave)
8/12/21 New Case Peak Date
9/9/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date
Washington (Fifth Wave/Continuous)
8/12/21 New Case Peak Date
9/9/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date
Colorado (Fifth Wave)
8/12/21 New Case Peak Date
9/9/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date
Indiana (Fifth Wave)
8/12/21 New Case Peak Date
9/9/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date
Rhode Island (Fourth Wave/Continuous)
8/13/21 New Case Peak Date
9/10/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date
Kentucky (Continuous Wave)
8/13/21 New Case Peak Date
9/10/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date
Mississippi (Fifth Wave)
8/13/21 New Case Peak Date (highest cases for wave 5)
9/10/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date
Louisiana (Fourth Wave)
8/13/21 New Case Peak Date
9/10/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date
Wisconsin (Fifth Wave)
8/13/21 New Case Peak Date
9/10/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date
Vermont (Fifth Wave)
8/13/21 New Case Peak Date
9/10/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date
Nevada (Fourth Wave)
8/13/21 New Case Peak Date
9/10/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date
California (Fourth Wave)
8/13/21 New Case Peak Date
9/10/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date
Texas (Fourth Wave)
8/13/21 New Case Peak Date
9/10/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date
Florida (Fifth Wave)
8/13/21 New Case Peak Date (highest cases ever)
9/10/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date
Arkansas (Fifth Wave)
8/13/21 New Case Peak Date
9/10/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date
Kansas (Fifth Wave)
8/13/21 New Case Peak Date
9/10/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date
Oklahoma (Fifth Wave)
8/13/21 New Case Peak Date
9/10/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date
Hawaii (Fifth Wave/Continuous)
8/13/21 New Case Peak Date
9/10/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date
North Carolina (Fourth Wave)
8/13/21 New Case Peak Date
9/10/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date
South Carolina (Fifth Wave)
8/13/21 New Case Peak Date
9/10/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date
Michigan (Fifth Wave)
8/13/21 New Case Peak Date
9/10/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date
New York (Fourth Wave)
8/13/21 New Case Peak Date
9/10/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date
Massachusetts (Fourth Wave)
8/13/21 New Case Peak Date
9/10/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date
New Jersey (Fourth Wave)
8/14/21 New Case Peak Date
9/11/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date
North Dakota (Fourth Wave)
8/14/21 New Case Peak Date
9/11/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date
Tennessee (Fifth Wave)
8/14/21 New Case Peak Date
9/11/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date
Virginia (Continuous Wave)
8/14/21 New Case Peak Date
9/11/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date
Maryland (Continuous Wave)
8/14/21 New Case Peak Date
9/11/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date
Delaware (Fifth Wave)
8/14/21 New Case Peak Date
9/11/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date
Georgia (Fifth Wave)
8/14/21 New Case Peak Date
9/11/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date
Illinois (Fifth Wave)
8/14/21 New Case Peak Date
9/11/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date
West Virginia (Fifth Wave)
8/14/21 New Case Peak Date
9/11/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date
Alaska (Fifth Wave)
8/15/21 New Case Peak Date
9/12/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date
Arizona (Fourth Wave)
8/15/21 New Case Peak Date
9/12/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date
Wyoming (Fifth Wave)
8/16/21 New Case Peak Date
9/13/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date
Connecticut (Fourth Wave)
8/16/21 New Case Peak Date
9/13/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date
Montana (Fifth Wave)
8/16/21 New Case Peak Date
9/13/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date
Idaho (Fourth Wave/Continuous)
8/16/21 New Case Peak Date
9/11/21 Projected Active Case Peak Date

All 50 states are on the bad list above with active cases curves rising (more healthcare workers are needed daily). Most of the US states display near-term tops in the daily new cases on Friday the 13th. The question is if those peaks in daily new cases on 8/13/21 will hold. Keystone is rubbing a rabbit’s foot for good luck (at the Playboy mansion).

For the prior waves, the Monday daily cases would usually be higher than the Saturday and Sunday numbers so it is encouraging that many states above show docile Monday data. Keep the fingers and toes crossed that last Friday’s highs in daily cases are the highs. Even so, it will take 2 or 3 weeks for the active cases curves to flatten-out, roll-over and give the healthcare folks a break.

The Sturgis Motorcycle Rally ends and the bikers return to their home states. South Dakota’s chart is very tame and perhaps the least bad state. The monocycle rally was probably not a superspreader event although like the Obama soiree, it will likely be a spreader event. So far the rally is not a big deal covid-wise. There are many large events occurring in the United States such as concerts, sporting events and rallies, in the middle of the delta wave 5, and the track record is good. It bodes well for the US especially if wave 5 rolls over and dies.

In Florida, 5,600 kids are quarantined due to exposure to another student that tested positive. The return of children and young people to schools and universities, while governors fight over mask and vaccine mandates, creates a major headache and worry, but all in all, the situation does not appear too bad. Flat or lower daily cases today and through Friday will create a far brighter picture ahead for the US.

Pennsylvania has 80% of its population vaccinated with one dose. That ought to mean something. Add in the people with natural immunity and the Keystone State may serve as a firewall to stop the virus spread. Cases creep higher in Pennsylvania but nothing dramatic.

The democrat media continues to fear-monger trying to push people to get vaccinated. The campaign does bear fruit over the last month with the vaccination rate stabilizing with an upward bias. Incentives may also be helping. The fear campaign is stressing the plight of the sick kids that will always tug at anyone’s heartstrings.

A smart and pretty 13-year old girl dies from China Flu in Mississippi so the pleas go out to get vaccinated to protect children. A dozen young blacks murder each other each weekend in Chicago and no one bats an eyelash.

Even if someone takes a vaccine now, there is a 3 to 4 week period between shots, and then another 2-week period after the second shot, 6 weeks in all from the first shot, when you would be fully protected by the vaccine. By then, the Delta variant will hopefully be waving bye-bye.

The monoclonal antibody treatments are receiving greater attention that they deserve. For anyone unvaccinated, if you contract COVID-19, call your doctor immediately so you can set up the intravenous antibody treatment that is showing great success in helping people recover quickly.

President Biden’s head is spinning these days handling many plates in the air like the Delta variant, the Afghanistan debacle, and the southern border mess. Add another spinning plate next Tuesday, 8/24/21. Do you know what it is? Yes, it is the due date of the 90-day report that Biden ordered looking into the coronavirus origin theories; the animal to animal to human concept and the Wuhan Lab leak which is the most obvious conclusion.

Communist China refuses to cooperate with any investigation into the origin of coronavirus because they know it came from the laboratory and do not want to pay the world reparations or admit to its incompetence and ineptitude. The lab leak drama will heat up next week. Fauci and Collins may feel some of that heat. Senator Rand Paul will also want to offer his two cents on the lab leak theory.

It is interesting how COVID-19 came back to get the countries that did so well at combatting the virus last year such as China, Australia, South Korea, Singapore and Japan. China Flu continues finding the unvaccinated folks, people without natural immunity or people inoculated with inferior vaccines. Best wishes to New Zealand that is trying to hold the covid-zero line, but the Wuhan Virus is knocking at the door wanting to get in to taste all that fresh human meat.

Today’s (Tuesday) daily new cases for the US states are important since the Monday case numbers were subdued, many below the weekend numbers. If the Tuesday numbers are subdued, it will immediately paint a brighter picture forward for America, but if today’s case numbers spike higher across the board taking out the weekend highs and higher, the US wave 5 stink will linger like garbage in the hot summer sun.

Watch Missouri, or Missourah as they call it on the western side of the state, and Alabama to see if their daily new cases charts can form the inverted V pattern and lead the other states, and America, out of the delta darkness into a new and bright Delta Dawn.

Note Added 7:38 PM EST: Late breaking news. You cannot make the stuff up. Republican Governor Abbott, that vehemently fights against masks, tests positive for COVID-19. Abbott is fully vaccinated and asymptomatic. Texas, like Florida and a few other states, have launched monoclonal antibody infusion centers around the state. Abbott, who is confined to a wheelchair, will be first in line tomorrow morning. He should recover quickly once they shoot the monoclonal antibodies into his arm. Since the Delta variant wave is washing over America right now, in real-time, the hero of this outbreak may not be vaccinations, since it will take 6 weeks to achieve full immunity, but instead monoclonal antibody treatments. It is great that the treatments will help patients recover quickly across the South, as well as save lots of lives, and data can be gathered and analyzed. The Whitehouse and CDC have always had all their eggs only in the vaccination basket. It is best to spread the love around. Other COVID-19 treatments should be considered and given the respect they deserve such as monoclonal antibody treatments (but they will not because the way emergency authorization is justified for vaccines is because no other treatments exist).

Note Added Wednesday Morning, 8/18/21, at 4:00 AM EST: The US reports 137.3K daily new cases a pop higher but not overly so. The cases remain below the key 145K level which will spell trouble. Obviously, today's (hump day) daily new cases now takes on huge importance. A number below 137K would be joyous. 873 Americans die yesterday the most since April. This is a terrible number. A radio report says 1,000 Americans die but it does not reference the source. Nearly 900 is bad enough. The US government is derelict in its duty for not pushing the monoclonal antibody treatments harder for the southern states. Get moving! Get the treatments into Mississippi and Louisiana. Texas and Florida have monoclonal antibody units operating and saving lives. Vaccinations will not help the sick folks in the South now; shoot the monoclonal antibodies to them and save their lives! Oh no. Texas reports 20.2K daily new cases a big spike higher the most of the current wave and cases not seen since January and early February. "Houston, we have a problem," as the Apollo 13 astronauts said. Governor Abbott is being treated with monoclonal antibodies and is in isolation. His wife tested negative. Texas is smacked with cases due to the southern border crisis and the infection wave from Central America moving into Mexico and now into the US southern states. Missouri and Alabama cases remain subdued which is good news and perhaps these two states will show us how to create the inverted V pattern for daily new cases; the trademark of the India B1617 variant (delta). Many states are reporting subdued case numbers but there are a few bad apples in the bunch. Oregon reports 2.9K daily new cases a bigtime spike higher the most cases ever. 15 die in Oregon over the last day double recent numbers. Washington state and California do not see the big jump that is occurring in Oregon so the jump in cases may be specific to that state perhaps its ports are high transmission zones.  Minnesota reports over 3K daily new cases a huge jump higher the most cases since January. What happened? Canada cases are increasing. On the East Coast, North and South Carolina report subdued cases which is good news. Connecticut, a democrat-leaning state, says masks will be required for all schools K through 12. The TSA (Transportation Security Administration) extends the mask mandate through 1/18/22.

Note Added Wednesday Morning, 8/18/21, at 5:00 AM EST: Iran is in covid Hell reporting over 50K daily new cases yesterday a big spike higher and most ever. Iranians are dropping like flies at a pace of over 600 per day for 3 days running. Germany is keeping the covid would at bay but daily cases are wanting to move higher. Germany has to redouble efforts over the coming days to make sure cases do not climb. Greece reports 4.2K daily new cases the most ever except for 2 days in the spring. Tourists are having fun on the Greek Islands. The ladies play in their colorful bikinis and men suffer eye strain. COVID-19 loves to comingle among the happy tourists, vacationers and the people that serve them. Vietnam remains a tragic mess. Israel's daily cases remain over 8K per day for 2 days running.

Note Added Wednesday Morning, 8/18/21, at 10:00 AM EST: The Whitehouse says booster shots are coming for everyone (citing troubling CDC data showing waning vaccine efficacy) but the CDC says it is not yet determined that booster shots are needed. The pandemic rages on for 1-1/2 years and the left hand still does not know what the right hand is doing. The Whitehouse pressures the FDA and CDC into action.

Note Added Wednesday Morning, 8/18/21, at 11:00 AM EST: HHS (US Department of Health and Human Services) is next to step-up to the podium as the 'everyone is in charge but no one is in charge' pandemic continues. HHS says booster shots will begin on 9/20/21, only 33 days away, for Americans that had their second shots 8 months ago. The boosters will focus on the elderly, nursing home patients and healthcare workers. The folks that received the J&J vaccine are also included in the booster plan. Here's the catch. HHS says the booster plan is subject to the FDA evaluating the safety of a booster shot. Say what? This is no way to run a pandemic putting the cart before the horse. The HHS proclaims that booster shots will begin on 9/20/21 but they may not begin then. The shots are expected to be free. HHS cites the Delta variant as the reason to go forward with boosters. CDC Director Walensky, Fauci and Surgeon General Murthy are singing from the same hymn sheet. As Article 51 explains above, conditions may improve over the next couple weeks in America. People are gulping down handfuls of fear, choking and gasping for breath, hyperventilating from the covid angst, and perhaps panicking and worrying too much. Sit back. Relax.

Note Added Wednesday Afternoon, 8/18/21, at 4:30 PM EST: President Biden provides an update on the pandemic trying to steer eyes away from the Afghanistan debacle that is worse than Saigon in '75. Biden says there are "still 85 million Americans eligible to be vaccinated." He stresses that the majority of people in hospitals are unvaccinated. A couple weeks ago, it was 99.9% of the people in hospitals are unvaccinated, then last week it was 99%, now commentators are saying 95%. In reality, anecdotal data on the ground from Florida to Texas and states in between indicate from 10% to 20% of hospital patients are vaccinated (breakthrough cases). This is likely what is scaring the Whitehouse and forcing them to force boosters into the human pincushions. Biden says the unvaccinated people in highly vaccinated states are not at less risk and need to get vaccinated. It is the same-o talking points trying to convince people, that do not give a sh*t, to get vaccinated. The president says there are two ways to protect yourself; vaccines and masks. He says for children under 12 years old, masks are the best protection. Sleepy Joe talks about the mandates that ban masks in some republican states but he does not mention any governor's names or state names. Biden repeats a declaration from a couple weeks ago aimed at the republican governors such as DeSantis (Florida) and Abbott (Texas) declaring that if you do not want to help, "get out of the way." King Biden proclaims that nursing home workers must get vaccinated. He decrees that shots are required "if you visit, work or live in a nursing home." This sounds stupid. As many as 40% of nursing home workers are unvaccinated. These are the folks that clean the sh*t out of the bedpan, turn the soiled sheets and deal with misery and sickness daily for $11 bucks an hour. Many may quit which will only hurt the nursing home patients and staff. If they have to get vaccinated, why not flip burgers instead for $15 or more an hour and ditch the bedpan? The control freak philosophy around getting everyone vaccinated is sickening. Every control freak action has unintended consequences. The republocrat and demopublican dolts never learn. Biden says AT&T, Amtrak and McDonalds are mandating vaccines. Kaiser Permanente and other healthcare facilities are mandating shots. Universities and colleges are mandating vaccines. "All this makes a difference." Biden says governors and mayors all over the US are announcing vaccination requirements. The president says, "Eight months after your second shot, get your booster shot. It is free. Show your vaccination card and you get the booster." Show your papers, please. The WHO, that lays in bed with the CCP, says the US should not distribute booster shots until people in other nations (at least about 10%) have at least one shot. Biden responds to this comment that is repeated a lot these days. "We can take care of Americans and help the world at the same time." He says the US has donated more vaccine doses to the world than all other countries combined. "We will be the arsenal of vaccines." He says, "The threat of Delta virus remain real" and "vaccinations are the best way to protect ourselves from new variants." Biden finishes the speech and makes a rush for the exit avoiding reporter's shouting questions about the ongoing Afghanistan debacle. Biden is dangling his shiny car keys in front of the American adult babies to divert their attention away from Afghanistan and towards his shiny covid bobbles. It is not cool that Biden did not mention monoclonal antibody treatments. For anyone becoming sick, if caught within the first 10 days, the monoclonal antibody treatments are showing 70% to 80% success at helping very sick patients recover quickly and preventing deaths. Successful COVID-19 treatments go against issuing emergency use approval for vaccines creating a conundrum for the Whitehouse. Some television commentators try to downplay the monoclonal antibody treatments scoffing at the cost but isn't it wiser to spend $1,500 on the treatment and the person may walk out of the hospital in a couple days instead of keeping them in there for a couple weeks at $100K or $200K and they may end up dying? A television doctor is asked about monoclonal antibodies and he says there is no shortage of supply of these treatments but rather staff to administer the IV's. Then staff-up, jackass. For someone sick in the hospital now, a vaccine is not on the table; give the person a chance with the monoclonal antibodies instead of letting them suffer or die. The monoclonal antibody treatments do not fit with the 'get vaccinated' narrative so folks will likely die in Mississippi, Louisiana and elsewhere needlessly. Their corpses will be paraded across television screens with a message about 'getting vaccinated or this can happen to you'. Texas and Florida have active monoclonal antibody units in operation. Regeneron saved former President Trump's life. Eli Lily and others have effective treatments; the UPMC doctors in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, are experiencing great success with their monoclonal antibody treatments. Their use is picking up quickly in the South over the last couple days which is a good thing. If you or a loved one is sick, look into monoclonal antibodies to save their lives and do not take no for an answer. Vaccinations and monoclonal antibody treatments can work hand and hand to fight the China Flu. Vaccinations are great at preventing serious illness and death and monoclonal antibodies will help people recover faster and prevent deaths if they become sick. It is a complementary match; a win-win as the clichĆ© goes.

Note Added Thursday Morning, 8/19/21, at 5:00 AM EST: The US reports 158.1K daily new cases for Wednesday a somber number. Data is constantly updating due to the fast-moving delta wave. Last Friday, 8/13/21, remains the peak in daily cases at 163.1K cases. The 158.1K number is terrible since the Keystone Model will now project 9/14/21, or sooner, as when the US active cases curve flattens and rolls over lower to begin forming the bell shape (see chart above). The bad news is the US healthcare workers will not see relief until mid-September so another 3, maybe 4 weeks, of misery is ahead. Hang in there, Nurse Goodbody. And this is if no other highs occur in the US daily cases this week. The Friday data is usually the highest so today (Thursday) and tomorrow will have to play out. If either day spikes above 163.1K cases, there will be Hell to pay. 1,055 Americans die yesterday so the death count moves above 1K for the first time since 3/31/21 (March). This is a sad development since many disadvantaged and poor folks are dying across the South. Tuesday's deaths are revised higher to 945 souls. Texas crosses above 3.4 million total COVID-19 infections more than most countries. 188 die in Texas yesterday the deadliest day since mid-March. Florida exceeds 3.0 million total covid cases. Florida deaths have dropped dramatically from a peak of 129 souls 2 weeks ago to only a handful now. Are the monoclonal antibody treatments saving lives? Probably, yes. Some of the bumps higher in daily cases in many states, that are still not exceeding the highs for the current wave, may be due to the many crowded events occurring across the US. People are getting infected from the big events and perhaps weekend parties and barbecues but it may simply be a temporary blip and not result in anything excessive. Indiana reports 3.5K cases the most since January. Cases inch higher in Massachusetts. Ditto Virginia and Kansas. West Virginia cases pop higher. Pennsylvania reports 2.7K daily cases the highest of the current wave so the Delta variant continues attacking anywhere it sees vulnerabilities. Nevada cases pop higher the most since January so what goes on in Vegas is a lot of coronavirus spread on the blankets. Louisiana remains a mess with 209 people dying over the last couple days; no wonder the US death count spikes. Ditto Mississippi losing over 100 citizens in the last 2 days. GET THOSE MONOCLONAL ANTIBODY TREATMENTS INTO LOUISIANA AND MISSISSIPPI PRONTO. Or "STAT" as they say in the emergency rooms. Save those people's lives. Do not let them die just because they did not get vaccinated. Missouri is behaving itself with daily cases continuing to subside. The Missouri healthcare workers are battered and beaten to a pulp but hang in there since conditions should improve dramatically in a week or two (as long as the daily cases do not spike higher again). Ditto Alabama so it and Missouri may be the poster children on how the India B1617 variant (delta) wave plays out and other states will follow their lead (the inverted V pattern). South Dakota cases pop to nearly 400 for 2 days running so the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally is generating some virus spread. That means 10's of thousands of bikers return to their home states potentially carrying virus. Sturgis is a spreader event but more days need to play out before it may be deemed a superspreader. The over 1,000 Americans dying yesterday is a punch in the face as well as the disappointing case spikes in the states mentioned above, but interestingly, the picture in the US for the current wave 5 may not be as dire as professed by television pundits and internet Hemingway's. The hot zone remains from Florida to Texas and states in between and also the virus is spreading into the states of Indiana, West Virginia and Pennsylvania, but not excessively, so the jury is out if the conditions will worsen. The Friday numbers are key since it is typically the highest data (worst) of the week. If the many US states remain in check with daily cases through today's and Friday's data, the picture will brighten.

Note Added Thursday Morning, 8/19/21, at 6:00 AM EST: The UK reports 33.9K daily new cases the most in a month. Germany reports a big spike in cases to 9K yesterday the most since May. Singapore is opening up travel between itself and Germany so it may import infections in the coming days and weeks. Australia reports nearly 700 cases yesterday a big jump higher rivaling the highest numbers of the pandemic. Iran remains a mess on the verge of 100K total deaths. Malaysia cannot catch a break reporting 22.2K daily new cases. Malaysians must be trying to carry on with their daily lives but it is resulting in non-stop virus spread. Indonesia is clearly on the rebound which is good news so perhaps they can send help and supplies to Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam. People never forget you in life and always remain grateful if you help them in their desperate time of need. Mexico deaths exceed 250K for the pandemic; a quarter of a million souls. Guatemala reports 4.7K daily new cases the highest ever so the Central America and Mexico coronavirus hot spot remains in play.

Note Added Thursday Afternoon, 8/19/21: Three politicians test positive for coronavirus despite being vaccinated; Mississippi republican Senator Wicker, Maine independent Senator King and Colorado democrat Senator Hickenlooper. Texas republican Governor Abbott tested positive this week and South Carolina republican Senator Lindsey Graham a couple weeks before that. The senators must be licking door knobs. Oregon and Washington state mandate vaccinations for school staff and faculties. Fauci agrees with the decree. Child hospitalizations are the highest ever in the US. Florida republican Governor DeSantis continues touting his mask banning mandate. He wants parents to decide if their kids should wear masks at school but five counties defy his edict and impose masks on students. Fauci is selling the booster shot decisions saying it is a pre-emptive strike against the Delta variant. Israel typically leads the US and they are in trouble now so America is forging ahead with boosters fearing what may be coming. People scare easy nowadays. Fauci says the vaccinations wane after a few months so infections may increase but the shots continue protecting against severe illness and death. Lord Fauci repeats King Biden's decree that the United States can provide booster shots to citizens at the same time helping the world. The WHO keeps pushing for more shots for foreign nations. The US has already provided more vaccine than all other countries combined helping over 40 nations. The US should not apologize or bow to anyone let alone the WHO that sleeps with the CCP each evening. CDC Director Walensky says a third shot should provide sufficient protection from coronavirus and yearly covid shots may not be needed. The operative word is 'may'. You may go to the store this evening, or lay on the couch. The same folks told everyone that boosters are not needed a few months ago when most Americans expected they were, and they are needed. The pandemic remains a chaotic and confusing mess with everybody in charge but no one in charge. Some people will hear Walensky's statement and believe its confirmation that COVID-19 booster shots will be needed year after year. The truth is that no one knows.

Note Added Friday Morning, 8/20/21, at 4:00 AM EST: The US reports 155K daily new cases yesterday. The peak last Friday is 163.2K cases. Wednesday is 162.2K cases and Thursday 155.0K. These numbers dictate that healthcare workers, especially in the South, will continue to be overworked for the next 2 to 4 weeks. Even though the three numbers are dreadfully elevated, it is encouraging that the cases are leveling-off and trying to top-out. The fly in the ointment, however, is that today is Friday, typically the highest cases day of each week. A lot is riding on today's data. If daily cases are over 163K, which would be the educated guess, Uncle Sam will take a covid shiv to the ribs. The 3-day MA trend line prints a higher high at 154.2K cases versus the prior high on 8/13/21 at 154.0K which is bad news since it forecasts that the uptrend will continue and the expectation that today's daily cases will be above 163K. On the positive side, if today's daily cases remain in check (below 163K), America can roll the wave 5 daily cases over to the downside in the week ahead. 967 Americans die yesterday from the China Flu. On average, 1,012 Americans die from COVID-19 per day for 3 consecutive days. Florida continues improving with daily cases remaining below the 8/13/21 peak at 26K cases. If the trend continues, Florida healthcare workers will see relief by 9/10/21 so hang in there for another couple weeks or so and you will notice a dramatic improvement (if daily cases remain below the peak). Oregon is a mess reporting 3K daily new cases yesterday the most ever. Washington state reports 4K daily new cases the highest since early January. No wonder the two states are imposing mask mandates and other draconian measures. It's the ports. Ports around the world are huge transmission zones. Mitigating virus spread at the world's ports should be a major focus of planning for future pandemics. Idaho and Wyoming are experiencing a rise in cases and deaths as the virus spreads east from Oregon and Washington (probably sick people moving goods from the ports to points east). Alaska is also smacked hard with a big spike in daily cases the virus likely entering via the ports. Many states, such as California, report elevated cases but they remain below the peaks over the prior days a good thing. Texas cases pull back for a couple days. Daily cases in Florida, Missouri and Alabama continue to trail lower off the peaks. Even Louisiana and Mississippi show daily cases below the peaks a few days ago but both states remain challenged. Cases are higher in Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky, Indiana, West Virginia, Ohio and Pennsylvania with Kentucky on the verge of the most cases ever. New York reports a small bump higher in daily cases the most of the current wave. Ditto North Carolina at 7K daily new cases yesterday the most since January. The Delta variant spreads northward from the southern states and also eastward from the West Coast. The Mid-Atlantic states have to be on guard (West Virginia, Pennsylvania, New York) for the delta storm coming over the horizon. College students are returning to campus and schools are reopening creating new cases.

Note Added Friday Morning, 8/20/21, at 5:00 AM EST: Russia reports 800 deaths per day on average for the last 6 weeks; that is over 33K Ruskies dying over the last few weeks. The world is unaware of what is going in Russia since dirtbag Dictator Putin controls the media. Greece remains challenged with daily cases remaining at record levels. Israel continues struggling to get a handle on the elevated daily new cases. Japan becomes a Wuhan Virus nightmare reporting over 24K daily new cases the highest ever. It sucks because the Tokyo Paralympic Games begin Tuesday. Also, the automobile industry. Toyota slashes vehicle production 40% because of chip (semiconductor) shortages due to the pandemic as well as the dramatic jump in daily cases. Australia reports 747 daily new cases the most ever of the pandemic an unwelcome palindrome. Australia's zero-covid policy is crumbling. The lockdowns are extended into September but the Aussie's are getting restless. New Zealand extends its lockdown for 4 more days as it pursues the zero-covid strategy. Vietnam reports nearly 11K daily new cases the most ever. The Vietnamese cannot catch a break. Isn't it something? Corporations flock to Vietnam to take advantage of the slave labor but the same nations do not extend as much of a helping hand to them as the country becomes sicker. Humans care about money; nothing else. Malaysia and South Korea remain a mess. Malaysia names a new prime minister. It is difficult for Malaysia to get a handle on the pandemic when the leadership changes every few months.

Note Added Friday Afternoon, 8/20/21: Regeneron stock, REGN, pops +2% higher in Friday trading as the monoclonal antibody treatment is used in Florida and elsewhere. There are several different antibody treatments such as Eli Lilly, and AstraZeneca announces an antibody cocktail that is nearly 80% effective in preventing COVID-19 patients from getting severely ill or dying. GlaxoSmithKline is also developing an antibody treatment in partnership with Vir Biotechnology. VIR stock gains +3%. The concern increases over myocarditis (heart inflammation) in young people that receive the Moderna vaccine. A study cites a 2.5 times greater chance of myocarditis occurring in people under 30 years of age. MRNA stock drops -3% but recovers into the closing bell.

Note Added Friday Evening, 8/20/21: The New York Times (democrat media) reports that the FDA may provide full approval for the Pfizer vaccine by Monday. The Whitehouse wants the official approval hoping it will boost vaccinations and at the same time direct attention away from the ongoing Afghanistan debacle. The misinformation and battle between the two corrupt political tribes continues. On MSNBC, Rachel Maddow, a liberal, denigrates alternate treatments for COVID-19 and only cheerleads vaccinations since she is democrat media. She cites a few cases of idiots ingesting animal-grade ivermectin, landing them in the hospital, so she stupidly concludes that ivermectin is harmful. Not only that, but she bashes hydroxychloroquine as well. For the umpteenth time, the medical studies show that HCQ is an effective preventive and early stage treatment for coronavirus but it is useless once the disease escalates. The corrupt democrat media (CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, NPR, Bloomberg (that provides financial support to Johns-Hopkins), Washington Post (King Bezos), New York Times), such as Maddow, ignores HCQ's usefulness and instead focuses on the fact that it is not effective as people become very sick. Conversely, the corrupt republican media (Fox News, Newsmax, Breitbart, AM talk radio, New York Post) will tout HCQ as the greatest thing since sliced bread ignoring its ineffectiveness if the disease progresses. The two corrupt tribes cheerlead their corrupt agendas and narratives ahead of what is good for the nation and there is no fixing it. The US will have to go through a decade or so transition like the 1960's and 1970's. 'History rhymes' as Samuel Clemens said. Maddow should perform research into the South America outbreaks. How do you think those people survive the pandemic without vaccine available? They were not waiting on the curb for the vaccination truck to drive up. Japan also has success with Ivermectin. It is saving countless lives daily around the world but like all other treatments you must discuss it with your doctor to see if it is applicable to your health situation. MSNBC falls down on the job because after the misinformation is spewed, Maddow does not provide the most important piece of advice; 'see your doctor'. Further illustrating corrupt crony America, during the Q&A at President Biden's press conference on the Afghanistan debacle this afternoon, he calls on reporters from Bloomberg, NPR, PBS and ABC. What does that tell you (all democrat media)? Are you starting to understand the American mess? Young people are since nearly half are registering independent not wanting anything to do with either corrupt political party.

Note Added Saturday Morning, 8/21/21, at 3:30 AM EST: The US reports 151.1K daily new cases an elevated number but thankfully not a blow-out and it remains below the peak daily case numbers the last few days. It is good news. The worry is that US cases will jump above the two 163K peak days and then on to 200K cases per day. The Friday data is usually the highest numbers so the 151K number is encouraging. 1,059 Americans die yesterday, however, so this continues the streak of over 1,000 people dying per day, on average, over the last 4 days. Texas reports 23K daily new cases the highest since January. South Carolina reports 5.2K daily new cases the most since January. People are vacationing on the beaches and some are getting sick. California ekes out a slightly higher high in daily new cases at 16.3K. Mississippi is in terrible shape.

Note Added Saturday Morning, 8/21/21, at 4:00 AM EST: In Australia, daily new cases are averaging above 700 cases per day for 3 days running. Thousands of Aussie protesters in several cities clash with police. Japan reports 2 days of cases over 24K the most ever. Malaysia reports 24K daily new cases the most ever.

Note Added Saturday Afternoon, 8/21/21: The CDC says several COVID-19 outbreaks are occurring on the cruise ships. Instead of vomit (Norovirus; Norwalk) cruises, now they are covid cruises. The CDC advises travelers to not go on a cruise if not fully vaccinated or if they are in the at-risk groups regardless of vaccination status. Royal Caribbean, Carnival and Norwegian just took the CDC off their Christmas card list. The RCL, CCL and NCLH stocks are thrown overboard in late Friday trading each losing between -2% and 3%. The pro-vaccine FDA jumps on the MSNBC bandwagon denigrating ivermectin childishly tweeting; "You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously, y'all. Stop it." The tweet makes reference to some stupid folks seeking help from the poison center after ingesting too much animal-grade ivermectin. It is a deworming medicine for horses. Ivermectin is effective in fighting COVID-19 and proven worldwide, but you need to consult your doctor for the correct product, dosage and use. It is sick that the media narratives always take precedence over real substantive news and information. People professing to help the public's health denigrate HCQ and ivermectin when the studies, and especially real-life use data, show the drugs to be helpful in fighting coronavirus. Instead, the adult babies in charge employ emotional words and phrases proclaiming that people are getting sick off of an 'animal parasite elixir' to paint a negative connotation in minds. Did it work on you?

Note Added Sunday Morning, 8/22/21, at 3:00 AM EST: The revisions come in for Friday's numbers and disappointingly it is 176.5 daily new cases the highest of wave 5; bad news. The news was more hopeful yesterday. For Saturday, cases drop to 91K about one-half of the Friday peak but it is a weekend number. The Friday number is bad because adding 28 days as per the Keystone Model is 9/17/21 as the target date for when the US active cases chart will flatten and roll over, or sooner. Remember, the delta wave should be fast-moving so the healthcare workers, especially in the southern states, will likely not catch a break until the second or third week of September. 517 Americans die yesterday coming off the 4-day average of over 1,000 deaths per day. Missouri daily new cases peaked on 8/4/21 and 8/11/21 and continue dropping so 9/8/21 is targeted for the flattening and roll over of the Missouri active cases curve. Missouri hospitals will remains swamped with patients likely increasing for a couple more days or so, then the caseload will likely level-off as the month ends, and then conditions dramatically improve during the first week of September. It was hoped that Missouri and Alabama would serve as the poster children for the Delta variant wave. Missouri is on target to improve in a couple weeks so they can see light at the end of the tunnel but Alabama is hit with a new peak in daily cases on 8/17/21, last Tuesday, so trouble for the Alabama healthcare workers will remain into mid-September. Sadly, Alabama crosses the 12K total deaths grim milestone. America continues riding the pesky and unpredictable wave 5. Illinois, Georgia, the Carolina's, New Jersey, Michigan, Tennessee, Indiana, Virginia, Kentucky, Washington, Oregon, Alaska, Wyoming, Nebraska, New Mexico, Idaho, West Virginia, Delaware, New Hampshire and Vermont, 21 states, are the most concerning going forward where cases are ramping or spiking higher leading to trouble over the next 2 to 5 weeks. Bear in mind the numbers are small in some states such as Vermont that are highly vaccinated so the spikes in cases may be a flash in the pan for several of the states listed. States such as Missouri, Louisiana, Alabama, Florida, Texas, Arizona and California continue to fight their current outbreaks but they are a few weeks into the trouble with potential improvement coming whereas some of the states in the list may worsen considerably in the coming days. You can see from the list of states how the virus moves north and northeast out of the South to the mid-Atlantic states and also how the coastal states are smacked hard due to vacationers frolicking on the beaches. The lovely ladies in their colorful swimwear are an attractive sight so the crowds, and cases, grow larger. Kentucky is on the verge of reporting the most daily new cases ever. Tennessee is smacked with storms and catastrophic flooding which spreads virus due to people seeking rescue and shelter. Nebraska reports 737 daily new cases for Saturday; a spike higher on a weekend day is not good. Hurricanes are hitting the East Coast and smacking Florida and the South with torrential rains all of which spreads virus as people seek help. South Dakota daily new cases are running above 300 per day, on average, for 3 days so Sturgis may be a spreader event but does not appear to be a superspreader. 10's of thousands of biker's return to their home states, however, so some of the spikes in cases in states may be short-lived. Other ongoing large events are more localized so you can see an impact on that individual state but the Sturgis Rally receives several hundred thousand people from every state, and after a week or two of partying, return home. The pop in Montana cases may be short-lived and due to a bunch of sick bikers. Labor Day is only 2 weeks away and large concerts and events are planned all over the United States. The huge Bonnaroo Music Festival in Tennessee is 9/2/21 through 9/5/21 only 11 days away. The US wave 5, the Delta variant wave (India B1617), is a tricky one that keeps juking when you expect a jive. The highly vaccinated states are putting up a fight keeping the virus somewhat at bay. Cases move higher incrementally in these states while in the less-vaccinated states the daily cases are ramping higher faster.

Note Added Sunday Morning, 8/22/21, at 4:00 AM EST: The mask mandates, and no mandates, and mass mask confusion continues. Republican Governors DeSantis and Abbott remain steadfast on not allowing schools to mandate masks but some schools are defying the decrees. The courts will fight over the situation and the lawyers will make a lot of money. Cases are jumping in the US in large part to young folks and kids returning to universities and schools. Masks are controversial since there is no way to accurately test their usefulness. People walk around with their noses sticking out of the mask. Most people cannot breathe with a tight-fitting mask so they ae worn loosely which diminishes their usefulness. Social distancing is key. Stay away from people and you will not get sick. Reverend Jesse Jackson and his wife have COVID-19. Both were vaccinated with the Pfizer/BioNTech shots in January. Jackson is 79 years old (he doesn't look a day over 90) and his wife 77. With the three vaccinated lawmakers becoming sick a few days ago, and celebrities starting to test positive that have been vaccinated, it appears the vaccinations provide great protection for about 7 months. Conservative talk show host Phil Valentine, that was skeptical about vaccinations, dies in the hospital from COVID-19. As he first became sick, Valentine remained skeptical thinking he would recover quickly but as his condition worsened, he jumped on the pro-vaccine bandwagon telling folks to get the shot but it was too late to do him any good. There are no atheists in fox holes. If you live by the sword, you must be willing to die by the sword.

Note Added Sunday Morning, 8/22/21, at 5:00 AM EST: 800 Ruskies die per day for 6 weeks running. Dictator Putin must be willing to let them die since that will be less of a burden on the government. The UK better keep its guard up as daily cases rise in August. The Brit's may have a false sense of security throwing caution to the wind when they need to remain vigilant. Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam, Japan, Australia, Iran, Guatemala and Mexico are reporting the most cases ever over the last few days. South Korea is unable to bring its current outbreak under control. Costa Rica (Central America) is descending back into covid trouble again. Coronavirus does not have a give-up bone in its body; it is relentless. On a happy note, Colombia was an epic tragedy, that no one cared about, from March through July, but fantastically, the daily new cases collapse rapidly and are printing at lows not seen since the start of the pandemic. That is the hope. That as bad as the India B1617 variant (delta) is, once the daily cases peak, they come off the top rapidly dropping like a rock. Israel remains in trouble with the current outbreak averaging over 8K cases per day over the last 6 days. Israel's booster shot program continues but the prior vaccinations did not halt the current wave. The vaccines appear to last about 6 to 8 months so keep rolling up the sleeve at that interval of time until further notice. New Zealand reports only 24 daily cases yesterday but in a country with a zero-covid policy, even this low number is not acceptable. New Zealand remains in lockdown for a few extra days as authorities try to track and trace the infected.

Note Added Sunday Morning, 8/22/21, at 6:00 AM EST: Former President Trump speaks last evening in Alabama seeking adoration fuel for his ego. Trump finally tells the adoring and worshipping crowd to get vaccinated, sort of. In true Trump fashion, once he heard boos from the audience after telling the crowd to get vaccinated, he immediately downplays the statement. Trump does not want to alienate his voting base many of which are unvaccinated folks. It is reminiscent of when Trump told the country to use masks but in the next sentence he said he does not plan to wear a mask and after that hinting that a man is effeminate if he wears a mask. That's our Donnie. 

Note Added Sunday Morning, 8/22/21, at 11:00 AM EST: Doctors are starting to admit that there are far more breakthrough cases occurring than reported in the media. One doctor says he has seen more breakthrough cases in the last 3 or 4 weeks than all the months prior. Of course, much of the current US wave 5 is due to unvaccinated folks infecting each other but the media does not tell the public that there are vaccinated people carrying the virus that are infecting the unvaccinated. The Sunday morning political talk shows in the United States focus on the Afghanistan debacle with the pandemic taking a back seat. US hospital admissions remain stubbornly high with record highs in the age groups from 0 to 49 years old (the younger folks are sicker during the current India B1617 variant (delta) wave 5). Delta is a contagious bastard. The democrat media continues criticizing ivermectin asking leading questions to the television doctors and talking heads swaying them towards dissing the deworming drug that is proven effective in treating COVID-19. Humorously, doctors are smart and not taking the bait. Instead, they say 'ivermectin does not have the data to support it' or 'it needs to be in clinical trials'. The doctors are basically telling you that ivermectin works without blessing it since they want the public to remain focused on getting vaccinated and nothing else. Do you think the people cheerleading the vaccines own stock in PFE, BNTX and MRNA? Ivermectin is simply a treatment option that you can discuss with your own doctor that knows your specific medical issues. Democrat and republican media outlets push their sick political narratives instead of providing the public straight forward medical information.

Note Added Monday Morning, 8/23/21, at 3:00 AM EST: Medical officials are champing at the bit to receive the full FDA approval for the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine because they believe the vaccinations will increase. Businesses, companies, schools and universities are likely to mandate vaccines if official full approval is received rather than the ongoing emergency-use approval. Companies are starting to ask employees about their vaccination status spitting on HIPAA privacy laws. Fox News is forcing employees to disclose their vaccination status. Also pharmaceutical companies. When your boss asks for your vaccination status, ask him if he wants to see the wart on your ass as well. The Whitehouse touts the CDC data saying that 1 million vaccinations were given on Friday. Of course, the CDC COVID Data Tracker is not updated in real-time so the public is shown data several days old. The US vaccination rate is at 700K per day as per the 7-day average as of a week ago. With 1 million doses per day occurring, the vaccination rate should maintain an upward bias which is good news. In the coming days, the bar for Friday should be above the thin gray line at 1 million doses per day. Previously, the Whitehouse and CDC touted a high number for vaccinations for a specific day but the actual number was below the proclamation so it will be interesting to see if the 1 million doses per day shows up on the bar chart, or not. The third shots for the immunocompromised are helping to boost the vaccination rate. The FDA official approval for vaccine/s expected today will be big news for the pandemic. It is difficult to create credibility around a booster shot campaign if the vaccines are not officially approved. President Biden should be doing cartwheels in the Oval Office seeing the vax rate moving higher. The fear-mongering in the media works. Fear is a motivator. Just ask Mao, Lenin, Stalin and Hitler, or any Marxist. The Whitehouse should be especially thankful for the current vax rate since they are telling folks to get vaccinated because then they can continue wearing a mask, remain susceptible to becoming infected from an unvaccinated or other vaccinated person, and will likely need a booster shot 7 months after the second shot (the mRNA vaccines are a 3-shot regimen and perhaps will evolve into a yearly shot). The main selling point of vaccines are that they prevent infection and guard against serious illness or death. The effectiveness of the vaccines are waning so the preventing infection part is slipping away but the main reason to get a vaccine, to prevent serious illness and death, remains the key selling point for the jab. Jesse Jackson, and the three politicians that tested positive a few days ago, all vaccinated, can serve as test cases to see if the serious illness and death advantage still holds water. Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen announces, and receives, the Medigen Vaccine Biologics Corporation vaccine developed within the country. About 40% of Taiwan has one shot of either the Pfizer/BioNTech or Moderna vaccines but interestingly, only 5% are fully vaccinated. The Taiwanese must think they do not need the second shot which may come back to bite them but is it cool that Taiwan developed their own vaccine (working with the NIH). President Biden's approval rating drops below 50% as the Delta variant hits the US and the historic debacle continues in Afghanistan. Hunter Biden's paintings just dropped in price. 

Note Added Monday Morning, 8/23/21, at 3:30 AM EST: The US reports a nice low 31K daily new cases but it is the Sunday number which typically is the lowest of the week. One of the characteristics of the current wave 5 is the revisions to the daily cases. The prior waves saw little changes to the numbers but the fast-moving nature of the India B1617 variant creates the need for data revisions a day or two after the initial numbers are posted. The peak in US daily new cases remains at 177.2K cases on Friday, 8/20/21. Saturday is 84K cases and Sunday only 31K. Hopefully, the US can turn the corner with the delta wave daily new cases this week. Remember, hospital admissions and hospitalizations lag the daily new cases by a week or two and then deaths lag the hospitalizations by a week or two. It is imperative that the US daily cases top-out and roll over to paint a brighter picture ahead. Even so, hospitalizations will still increase for a few days or week or so after the daily cases peak. Missouri is ground zero for the delta wave and it is hoped that it can set the pattern for the other states in defeating the India B1617 variant. Bring up the CDC hospital admissions link and look at Missouri. There is a great roll over shown in the admissions and that needs to keep moving in the positive downward direction. Click through the age groups for Missouri admissions and interestingly, the roll over lower in admissions are consistent through all age groups except the 0 to 17 year old's and the 60 to 69 year old's. The young folks are getting sick at schools and crowded events while the people in their 60's remain active socially but are at-risk due their older age. The folks over 70 years old, that are less active in society, show a reduction in admissions in Missouri like other age groups. Missouri healthcare workers will finally catch a break going forward but it has to be disheartening seeing lots of young people and children admitted to the hospital. The US commits to buying 1.5 million doses of the Regeneron antibody treatment at $2,100 each. This adds to Trump's purchase of 300K doses last year at $1,500 each. Florida rolls-out the monoclonal antibody treatment units across the state. Anyone can receive the treatment, if they qualify, which is a positive covid test and if they are within the first 10 days of becoming sick. Governor DeSantis touts the medical literature that says Regeneron results in a 70% improvement in hospitalizations and deaths. Regeneron, and other monoclonal antibody treatments such as the Eli Lilly and AstraZeneca offerings, are great news providing more tools in the covid-fighting toolbox. 

Note Added Monday Morning, 8/23/21, at 4:00 AM EST: Tokyo may use the Olympic venues as COVID-19 hospitals. Japan crosses the 1.3 million total COVID-19 cases milestone and sadly reports over 26K daily cases another record for the pandemic. The Delta variant definitely attacks vulnerability and the unvaccinated are vulnerable. New Zealand, that managed to keep covid away for the last year, is sliding down the coronavirus rabbit hole. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern extends the lockdown until the end of the month. Adern is receiving criticism for not being more aggressive with the vaccination program. Only about 20% of New Zealanders are vaccinated. New Zealand reports 35 new cases the most in 16 months. Australia continues struggling at controlling the ongoing outbreak. China, the CCP, says it has controlled the recent outbreak and reports zero new cases if you can trust what a filthy communist says. The UK needs to stay on guard since the 3-day MA of daily new cases continues making higher highs and higher lows, and the 7-day MA continues higher, both hinting that the uptrend in daily cases over the last 3 weeks should continue. UK PM Johnson needs to tell the Brit's to be more careful and vigilant. The Philippines is in bad shape.

Note Added Monday Afternoon, 8/23/21, at 1:00 PM EST: The CNN anchors are full-on slamming and fear-mongering ivermectin calling it an "anti-parasite drug." CNN focuses on how a few idiots took animal-grade ivermectin and had to call the poison center. The democrat media takes that little news story and blows it up to completely denigrate and diss ivermectin even though it has saved lives and helped millions of people around the world especially in South America. Of course more studies are needed but ivermectin is prescribed by doctors for patients in the United States right now in real-time. CNN likely receives its orders from the Whitehouse (democrat media) and is told to cheerlead vaccinations and denigrate all other treatments. Comically, CNN runs a chyron, or red-head, the scrolling news text at the bottom of the television screen, all day long warning that ivermectin will cause all kinds of horrific outcomes in your life including nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, hypotension, allergic reactions, dizziness, balance problems, seizures, coma and yes, even death, and don't forget about bad breath, a stiff back and a desire to eat hay and sugar cubes. It makes you laugh out loud. It is misinformation. Of course you stay away from animal-grade ivermectin; unless you are stupid. Talk to your doctor to get set up properly.  

Note Added Monday Afternoon, 8/23/21, at 2:00 PM EST: The FDA provides official approval for the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine. The official approval is for fully vaccinated Americans 16 years old and older but not for the 12 to 15 year old's as yet. The scientists are still studying dosage amounts for the young kids. The Whitehouse is happy since it believes that businesses, corporations, the military, universities and schools will mandate vaccines and boost the participation numbers. PFE pops +3% and BNTX jumps +10% in today's trading. The wealthy dance with glee. Moderna is expected to receive full approval before the end of the year. MRNA stock pops another +8%. The privileged class enjoys watching their wealth increase exponentially from the 12 years of Federal Reserve money-printing and now the insider knowledge (non-public) on big pharma's ongoing projects. President Biden touts the full approval and tells everyone to "please get vaccinated now" for the umpteenth time. He says, "The majority of deaths and hospitalizations in the US due to the virus are among the unvaccinated" for the umpteenth time. Biden decrees, "Those who have been waiting for full approval should go get your shot now." Biden asks employers to "require your employees to get vaccinated or face strict requirements." That sounds like when the high school principle would tell Keystone, many decades ago, that his antics 'will go down on his permanent record'. America becomes sicker each day forcing people to kneel before their bosses. The president says mountains of data were studied for the FDA approval but he is not the one that should be describing the scientific process if he wants people to have confidence in the decision. Sleepy Joe is looking like damaged goods as the Afghanistan debacle continues; it is Biden's 'Jimmy Carter moment'. CDC Director Walensky weighs in on the FDA approval declaring, "They took their time but did it quickly and efficiently." It is a funny statement quickly taking one's time. Like "hurry up and wait" or what you tell your honey when you pull up to the convenience store, "Take your time, but hurry-up." The CDC and Whitehouse say that the vaccination rate is over 1 million shots per day for 3 consecutive days. It will be interesting to see if the full official approval results in more vaccine mandates and how society will react to those proclamations.

Note Added Monday Evening, 8/23/21, at 6:00 PM EST: NIH Director Collins comments on the ongoing Wuhan Lab leak and funding of gain of function research at communist labs controversies. Collins says the virus did come from an animal but it is possible that scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology were secretly researching the pathogen when it leaked from there. Collins likes to walk on both sides of the street. Collins and Fauci are up to their Adam's apples in the scandals. Fauci, and now Collins, try to make the case that the funding for the commie labs, orchestrated through the middle-man EcoHealth, that has WHO ties, was 'technically' not gain of function research. About a month ago, Fauci and Senator Rand Paul went at it over the gain of function topic at the hearings on Capitol Hill. Fauci and Collins are tap-dancing like mad rivaling Ginger and Fred. The rhetoric is heating up because President Biden called for a 90-day investigation into the origin of COVID-19 and the due date for the report is tomorrow. MSNBC (democrat media) is bashing ivermectin all day long like CNN spewing the same clap-trap. The network's commentator Charlie Sykes denigrates Fox News for discussing ivermectin and he jumps on the bandwagon that it is universally dangerous. He should perform more homework before he speaks on subjects.

Note Added Monday Evening, 8/23/21, at 10:00 PM EST: The democrat media keep beating the ivermectin horse. The beatings will continue until moral, and the vaccination rate, improves. The coordinated and orchestrated bashing and denigrating of ivermectin continues in the democrat media (CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, NPR, New York Times, Washington Post) with CNN and MSNBC calling out Fox News commentators Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham, and the republican media (Fox News, Newsmax, OANN, Breitbart, AM talk radio, New York Post) for touting ivermectin. The two corrupt political parties push and scuffle with one another, arms locked, their feet shuffling flat-footed back and forth, grinding the American flag into the dirt below. Humorously, everyone is calling out each other for misinformation. This is what it has come to; each political tribe decreeing that they are the sole and righteous power that will profess to the huddled masses how to live and breathe. It is remindful of the teenage years when two boys (democrat and republican), vying for the attention of a smart and pretty girl (America), are squabbling with each other both declaring that she is "my territory" while pointing their thumbs at their chests, that of course ends with the girl telling both idiots to get lost. The WHO has recommend for many months that clinical trials should continue with ivermectin even though they are at the same time limiting the scope of the research. The WHO excludes all research in using ivermectin as a preventive for COVID-19 even though the data indicates that it works. CNN continues the ivermectin bashing with Anderson Cooper unable to pronounce "ivermectina." Here's a tip; if you are on a campaign to denigrate something at least learn now to pronounce the associated words of the topic. CNN proclaims that people are taking "drugs for animals" instead of the vaccine. This is where the misinformation is extremely damaging to the public. The democrat media is trying to connect the ivermectin bashing to anti-vaxxer's. They would likely find that most people with an open mind to ivermectin are also in favor of vaccines and probably many are vaccinated. Perhaps people simply want to know all the treatment options and HCQ, ivermectin, monoclonal antibody treatments, and most of all vaccines, are all tools in the toolbox, and have different uses at different stages of the disease. The vaccines are shown to be safe thus far with side effects within statistical guidelines and the shots prevent serious illness and death. Why are humans incapable of simply stating the truth especially on health-related subjects? The media mouths should be telling people to discuss ivermectin with their doctors to see if that approach would be useful. The ivermectin carnival show continues. Chris Cuomo is back on the air at CNN so the network must consider his involvement in his brother's scandals as New York governor to be no biggie. Don Lemon yucks it up about ivermectin yelling that it is "drugs for animals!" (Ivermectin is a horse deworming drug but it is also approved for use in humans by the FDA for various afflictions; ask your doctor for information.) Cuomo exclaims, "Ivermectin? A dewormer? Really? They should be shamed!" Cuomo decrees shame upon anyone uttering the word ivermectin. You cannot make the stuff up. The level of imbecility is impressive. How do humans become that stupid? As the noted scholar Forrest Gump points out, "Stupid is as stupid does."

Note Added Monday Evening, 8/23/21, at 11:00 PM EST: Next up in tonight's three-ring coronavirus circus is Lord Fauci. A few hours ago, the guy that never saw a camera he did not love, decrees that 'the United States will not be in control of the pandemic until Fall 2022' casting gloom over the glorious FDA approval day. Not this Fall but next Fall. Then, Fauci appears on CNN with Anderson Cooper to perform a mea culpa; of course he does. Fauci proclaims that he "misspoke" and meant to say "ending in the Spring 2022" and not "Fall 2022." Sure. Everyone gets pumpkins, bare trees, leaves and frigid Fall mornings confused with lush green foliage, spring flowers and love in the air. Come on now. Hucksters blush watching such hapless backpedaling. Many Americans are skeptical of what they are told because so much of it sounds like made-up bull sh*t. Even spring, April, May, June, is a ways off, so Fauci is thinking 8 or 9 months more of the pandemic, and the caveat is if millions more people become vaccinated? People will need committed to the funny farm if that occurs. Fauci says 85% or 90% of the country needs vaccinated to stop the Delta variant. This is a lot different than the 70% to 85% herd immunity number he touted for a year which is a combination of vaccinations and natural immunity. He does not factor in the people that already contracted the India B1617 variant (delta) and have natural immunities. Considering the millions of children not approved for vaccinations, and the hesitant folks, 85% to 90% number appears unrealistic. As a scientist, he should know that when he says it. The pandemic remains without a centrally-controlled message. Doctors, commentators and pundits simply say whatever they want many times the information is contradictory. Fauci pumps the fear-mongering about future variants. The variants are the boogeymen hiding in the bedroom closet. Fauci says the Moderna and J&J vaccines may receive full approval within a month. The Whitehouse hopes the vaccination rate will continue higher after the FDA full approval for the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine but hesitant folks may cite the rushed nature of the approval. Biden was pushing the approval process along with his speeches. Also, the age split where the full approval is for people 16 years old and older and not the 12 to 15 year age group may create confusion and lingering vaccine hesitancy. The answer will be known in a few days.

Note Added Tuesday Morning, 8/24/21, at 4:00 AM EST: The US reports 38.8 million coronavirus infections and 646,667 deaths. Yesterday, America reports 111.1K daily new cases a hopeful number. The goal is to make sure the peak in daily cases is last Friday. 406 Americans die which is devastating for the families but a good number for a weekday well below the few days exceeding 1K per day. Florida reports 14.6K daily new cases continuing to drop off the 8/13/21 peak and below the weekend numbers which is a welcome sight. CNN is on a disinformation roll. The commentators tout that 'Florida is at record deaths for the pandemic'. Maybe they do not understand the chart they are looking at? Maybe they are looking at a cumulative death chart that will always move higher until it levels off (you cannot undo death)? Who knows? People are stupid nowadays. There are only 4 deaths reported in Florida on Sunday. The peak in Florida deaths is 242 dying on 8/5/20. It is sloppy reporting and simply not true that Florida is at record deaths; it is misinformation. An underling probably fed the erroneous information to the teleprompter writer and the talking idiots regurgitate the words a la Ron Burgundy. Missouri continues improving with daily new cases down to 1.4K yesterday. Ditto Alabama that sees a drastic drop in daily cases to 1.2K. Mississippi desperately needs a break and it may be coming as the daily cases for 3 days running are one-half of the peak last Friday. Conditions are improving around the world and in the US so this week may be a turning point for the nasty Delta variant wave.

Note Added Tuesday Afternoon, 8/24/21, at 2:00 PM EST: The Whitehouse COVID-9 Response Team (Zients, Fauci, Walensky, Murthy) conducts a press conference. Zients says 171 million Americans are vaccinated. The vaccination rate hit 1 million shots per day for 3 days in a row at the end of last week. Zients says, "In Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana and Mississippi, more people got their first shots in the last month than the last 2 months combined. This is important progress." Zients touts "vaccination requirements." Your papers, please. He touts the "vaccination requirements as the way to end the pandemic." Walensky highlights the rising cases, hospitalizations and deaths and shows a chart at how the delta wave is wiping out the unvaccinated while the vaccinated remain generally unscathed. "People that are unvaccinated are 5 times more likely to get infected and about 29 times more likely to be hospitalized with covid compared with people that are vaccinated. If you are not vaccinated, you are among those at highest risk (said with a sympathetic tone)." Walensky says. "Vaccines are the best tool we have to take charge of the pandemic." Fauci is next. It is surprising, in a positive way, to see The Good Doctor, as dubbed by In Style magazine last year, present a PowerPoint slide show titled; "Monoclonal Antibodies for the Treatment and Prevention of SARS-CoV-2 Infection and COVID-19 Disease." The democrat media and television talking heads have been playing down or outright dissing alternative coronavirus treatments so good on Dr Fauci for providing information on the mAb treatments. Fauci lists 3 monoclonal antibody treatments that have emergency use authorization from the FDA. First, is the Eli Lilly mAb treatment with bamlanivimab plus etesevimab. Second, is the Regernron treatment with casirivimab plus imdevimab, also known with the trademark name REGEN-COV. Third, is the GlaxoSmithKline and Vir Biotechnology mAb treatment with sotrovimab formerly VIR-7831. All three monoclonal antibody treatments target the nasty coronavirus spike protein. Next is the jaw-dropping slide in thepresentation which requires a sound effect. Fauci proclaims that clinical trials demonstrate that early treatment with monoclonal antibodies reduces the risk of COVID-19 hospitalization or death by 70 to 85%. Wow. Kudos to Fauci for telling everyone what is going on with the mAb treatments that must occur early on in the illness so if you are sick immediately track down these treatments to make yourself or a family member better faster. Fauci says the treatments will benefit many people with health problems including obesity and diabetes. What a breath of fresh air to hear other treatments discussed. People will understand that the monoclonal antibodies are not a panacea but simply another tool in the covid-fighting toolbox. Vaccines remain the best protection against hospitalization and death. Americans should be directed to Fauci's slide show and discussion on mAb treatments. In the C-SPAN video, Fauci begins the presentation after Walensky speaks at the 10:30 mark

Note Added Tuesday Afternoon, 8/24/21, at 5:00 PM EST: Nashville, Tennessee, is not singing a happy tune. 721 students in the region test positive for coronavirus and 4K are in quarantine. Most of the students were wearing masks. The Afghanistan debacle continues, call it Afghani-stain, and plans are being developed to vaccinate the refugees and Americans returning home from that nation in collapse and under Taliban control. 75 doctors walk out of Florida hospitals staging a protest against people that are unvaccinated. The healthcare workers say they are exhausted and need the public to get vaccinated. They say people with other afflictions may have to delay treatment due to unvaccinated people taking up beds. If you are unvaccinated, the 75 doctors want you to feel guilty to the point of immediately running out of your house, jogging to the nearest pharmacy, even though you have not jogged since high school, and rolling up your sleeve. It's silly. Staff-up. Pay people more if you need more help. Ask other states to send personnel. Any hospital typically has the space to place more beds. It is usually the staff that is hard to increase and hospitals will not go this route because that cuts into their profits. It is easier, and more fun, to grab a doughnut and stand in the parking lot for 5 minutes at the protest, denigrating and bashing the dirty and stupid unvaccinated huddled masses that (they think) need daily instructions on how to live their lives. Most of the outspoken people rabidly wanting everyone to get vaccinated are typically doing so because of their own self interests rather than sincere concern about the health of the unvaccinated person. The rich want their bedpan cleaners, burger flippers, sheet turners, toilet cleaners, flight attendants and waiters to get back to work serving their rich arses.

Note Added Tuesday Evening, 8/24/21, at 9:00 PM EST: The intelligence agencies provide a report to President Biden on the origin of COVID-19. To no surprise, it is inconclusive. 90 days ago, Biden proclaimed that he will calm the controversy around the Wuhan Lab leak theory versus the animal to human theory but nothing has changed. The most likely origin of coronavirus was a leak from the Wuhan Laboratories. The communist scientists, in conjunction with the Chinese military active at the labs, were probably developing viruses as potential bioweapons when things went awry. It is not science fiction. If you develop an effective killing virus, and the vaccine at the same time, you inoculate the population and then release the virus upon the world. This sick scenario is China's mindset. So 90 days later, after Biden's report, the US is in the same spot with the filthy CCP uncooperating with investigations into the origin of coronavirus. China is hiding the facts because it does not want to pay reparations to the entire world for the nefarious deed, but they will; all in due time. Perhaps the controversy will lead into WW III? Biden is the typical politician that felt heat about an issue (origin of covid), so he calls for an investigation to get to the bottom of it, fully knowing nothing will come of it, and 90 days later the country has moved on. Isn't the corrupt crony capitalism system sickening? The CDC and other doctors are moving towards requiring masks at crowded outdoor events due to the highly transmissible Delta variant. Requiring masks outdoors will go over like a lead balloon. The democrat media unfairly links vaccine hesitant folks to anti-mask folks. Is there overlap? Of course there is but many people choosing not to get vaccinated are religiously wearing their masks when they are out and about so it is unfair to lump people into petty political groups. Conversely, many people that got the shots refuse to wear masks even though current CDC guidelines require masks indoors in much of the US. The selling points for vaccinations keep slipping away. Now you can get the shots and continue wearing a mask indoors and outdoors. Oregon announces mask requirements for outdoor settings. Get the shot and then wear a mask. 

Note Added Wednesday Morning, 8/25/21, at 3:00 AM EST: The US reports 148K daily new cases the most since Friday's big 178K number but remaining well below. The 7-day MA for US daily new cases is at 149K daily cases still moving higher but trying to flatten-out. As long as the daily cases remain below 149K, they will pull the 7-day MA lower. The 3-day MA keeps printing higher highs and higher lows which forecasts that the current uptrend will continue. The 3-day MA is coming down now so perhaps it can make a lower low which would be a fantastic development. 1,134 Americans die yesterday. If you are sick with covid anywhere in the United States and early on in the disease, immediately contact a monoclonal antibody facility and get the IV. Ask your doctor for information. Every hour counts so do not sit around and think about it; do it now. Fauci endorses the monoclonal antibody treatments so get some help for yourself or your family member without delay so the US can bring down the mortality numbers. It is good news to see most states reporting daily new cases below their peak numbers for several days running. Ohio, however, reports the most cases since early February. The Ohio politicians are squabbling over mask requirements at schools as the population becomes sicker. Virginia also reports a new peak in daily cases. Ditto Wisconsin, Minnesota (big spike higher) and Montana. Georgia, Kentucky, Idaho, Oregon, Wyoming, Alaska, Maine, Massachusetts and New Hampshire report elevated cases but they remain below the peak. 100 National Guard troops are deployed in Georgia to help hospitals. Alabama crosses the 12K deaths grim milestone. Oh my. The Sturgis Motorcycle Rally was a superspreader event after all. South Dakota reports 784 daily new cases yesterday a big jump higher the most since mid-December. The Pusher man passing around those pills, lines of crack, crank, coke and meth, and doobies (marijuana cigarettes), spreads a lot of virus and the infected biker's ride home to every US state. North Dakota also reports a big spike in cases. Ohio, Virginia, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Montana and the Dakota's need to fine tune their hospital plans because admissions and hospitalizations will be on the rise in these states over the coming days. CNN reports that Mississippi reaches a new record for deaths. Wrong. Where are they getting their information? Or more correctly, their misinformation. The network is making routine mistakes with data. 41 Mississippians die yesterday an elevated number but well off the peak day for the current delta wave at 69 deaths and well below the 98 deaths all-time peak on 1/12/21. CNN needs to talk to their data crunchers and find out what is going wrong. Many Florida schools are defying Governor DeSantis's decree for not mandating masks in schools. He believes in free choice for masks. Polls show that the majority of Florida parents, about two-thirds, are more comfortable with their kids wearing masks at schools. People are going nuts over the issue. An anti-mask person rips a mask off a teacher at a teacher-greet event. Do not be that stupid. That is assault. After 20 months of pandemic, people are losing it. Some Americans are stressed-out, rabid and strung tighter than a snare drum.

Note Added Wednesday Morning, 8/25/21, at 4:00 AM EST: Cases are trying to flatten-out for the world and the WHO also provides the same observation. China opens its third largest port that was partially shutdown due to the recent outbreak if you trust what the filthy CCP says. Australia and New Zealand remain challenged by the ongoing outbreaks. Dirtbag Dictator Putin continues killing off his Ruskies at 800 per day for 7 weeks running. Germany reports a drop in cases below the troubling days late last week so the Deutschland may weather the covid storm. Canada is having trouble getting a handle on its ongoing outbreak and the infections may be migrating south to the US border states of Minnesota, North Dakota, Montana and Washington. Lump Wisconsin, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine into that group too. Of course, the Canucks will say they are getting infected from the Yanks. The Tokyo Paralympics are underway as Japan struggles with the most cases of the pandemic.

Note Added Wednesday Morning, 8/25/21, at 8:00 AM EST: The CDC predicts US hospitalizations to double in the weeks ahead. That is serious doom and gloom the CDC laying an egg in the morning Cheerio's. They are the experts but the charts and data do not agree with that dire outcome. Hospitalizations in the South will likely peak in the days ahead and fall back. Daily cases are trailing lower in most states as explained above. Missouri looks real good but remember hospitalizations lag cases by a week or two and deaths lag hospitalizations. On a positive note the hospitalizations and deaths have decoupled from cases so the numbers are not as huge as the prior waves but there is plenty of human misery to go around. Healthcare workers in the South are strung-out and burnt-out and need help. American Mediocrity is on full display since other states should be sending healthcare workers south to help handle the outbreak. Everyone is in charge but no one is in charge of the 20-month pandemic. The CDC releases information on healthcare workers that have been vaccinated. The vaccine efficacy was 91% from December to April but only 66% from April to August. Clearly the effectiveness of the shots wanes at 6 months, however, the flu shot each year is lucky to be 50% to 60% effective. Interestingly, the 2-shot mRNA vaccines have become a 3-shot regimen while the single-shot J&J vaccine is now a 2-shot regimen. Will they become a 4-shot and a 3-shot a half year down the road? J&J says its booster shot (second shot) creates a 9-fold increase in antibodies. At first there is confusion on whether the '9-fold' is referencing efficacy percentage but that does not make sense since the vaccine is about 65% effective after the first shot. The 65% efficacy is in the ballpark of the yearly flu shot. There has been several high-profile breakthrough cases that have occurred many with athletes, such as the New York Yankees and now football players, that chose the single-shot vaccine. J&J does not comment on the efficacy percentage after a second shot and does not provide clarity on the impact of the Delta variant. The '9-fold increase in antibodies', touted by Johnny John, sounds like a promotional gimmick to sell vaccine. Johnson & Johnson is new to the vaccine game.

Note Added Wednesday Morning, 8/25/21, at 9:00 AM EST: Sleepy Joe Biden is sleeping on the job as the Afghanistan debacle continues. Americans are also unhappy with the Delta variant wreaking havoc as parents try to get their kids back in school. Biden's approval rating went sub 50% last week and a new USA Today poll reports the president's approval circling the drain at 41%. Humorously, that is about where King Donnie was most of the time. 55% of Americans disapprove of Biden's job performance. The Afghanistan mess is smacking him hard. Emmy-award winning New York Governor Andrew Casanova Cuomo is no more. The Emmy award is stripped from the shamed governor that is up to his neck in the coronavirus nursing home and sex scandals. Cuomo is Branded and must perform the walk of shame. Snare drums please. The Cuomo name is branded. Damaging the governor further as he is kicked out the back door, the newly installed Governor Kathy Hochul says 12K coronavirus deaths across the state of New York were previously not made public. The skeletons are falling out of King Cuomo's closet. Pieces of paper with death numbers crossed-out are falling out of Cuomo's pockets. Add it to the list of scandals. Crooked demopublican and republocrat politicians play their games as crony capitalism crumbles.

Note Added Wednesday Afternoon, 8/25/21: Chicago requires vaccinations for all city workers and public school employees following the lead of other major cities such as San Francisco and New York. If you want to work in the United States, get down on your knees, lick the boss's shoes, and roll up your sleeves. Does anyone think these edicts are helpful to society? If so, you are dumb. The Pentagon is forcing all active military personnel to take the Pfizer vaccine, that has just received official FDA approval, or face court martial. There is something sick about telling 800K men and women, willing to die for America, to get down on their knees, like a dog, and roll up their sleeves. Such is America in 2021. Investment bank Goldman Sachs joins the ranks of other Wall Street banks mandating vaccines for workers. Credit Suisse delays the opening of their offices. Delta Airlines executives must be smoking wacky-tobacky in the board room thinking it is a good idea to shaft their unvaccinated employees. Delta demands that all employees be vaccinated by 11/1/21 or pay a $200 per month surcharge (Delta plans to take $2,400 out of an unvaccinated worker's pay each year). That's sick and humorously, the idiots do not want to call it a vaccine mandate. Delta's headquarters, like CNN, is located in Atlanta, Georgia. There are about 75K Delta Airlines employees and about 75% are vaccinated. The CEO embellishes the number claiming over 80% of the workers are vaccinated to bolster his sick decision. 25% of 75K employees is about 19,000 workers that are unvaccinated (75,000x0.25). How stupid? Do you think a sabotage incident may occur in the future? Are you ready to fly Delta knowing that 25% of the employees are now disgruntled? The Ivy Leaguer's sitting in their leather seats in the board room are completely out of touch. When you screw people, they screw you back, and some of them will screw you many times back. Delta has succeeded in likely creating a hostile work environment. Congratulations, assholes. People in power are control freaks nowadays. Even if Delta backtracks on the decision to screw unvaccinated people out of $200 of pay each month, the damage is done. There will probably be a few thousand employees that never view their company the same again and will obviously care less about the work they perform. If you dock a worker 2 hundo a month, many will retaliate and screw the company out of $200 of work time, or more, or purposely break stuff, either parts or tools. Of course, there will be more negative talk about the company in the breakrooms and there will be tensions created between vaccinated and unvaccinated employees. Good luck with the mess you are creating, jackasses.

Note Added Thursday Morning, 8/26/21, at 4:00 AM EST: The US is about to cross the sad 650K deaths grim milestone. America reports 171.7K daily new cases yesterday an unwelcome number although it remains below the Friday peak at 181.6K cases. The elevated number will create some buoyancy in the moving averages which is not welcome. The daily case numbers for today and tomorrow (Friday) will write the story for the US going forward. America needs each day to be below 171K cases and preferably below the 7-day MA at 152K cases. 1,287 Americans die yesterday the most since March. There must be a lot of overweight and obese unvaccinated folks dropping like flies. People need to get educated on the monoclonal antibody treatments, now endorsed by Lord Fauci, and save lives, especially in Louisiana and Mississippi. Pennsylvania reports a spike in daily cases above 4K the most since April. Ohio, West Virginia and Virginia cases pop to new highs for the current waves clearly showing how the Delta variant is spreading north and northeast from the South. Maryland reports elevated cases and Baltimore County declares a state of emergency after cases pop higher. Tennessee crosses the 1 million total cases milestone. The daily cases continue trailing off for most of the southern states. The healthcare workers need to hang on because conditions will peak any day forward in most of the southern states and hospitalizations will begin flattening-out and rolling over. Georgia remains in big trouble reporting 10.7K daily new cases the most of the current wave and teasing all-time record levels from January.

Note Added Thursday Morning, 8/26/21, at 5:00 AM EST: Worldwide coronavirus cases appear to be peaking-out but deaths remain elevated. Japan cases remain elevated but below the peak high on Sunday, 8/22/21. Japan extends the state of emergencies and the Paralympics are underway. Japan halts the use of the Moderna vaccinations after bits of plastic are found in the vials. The UK daily new cases are developing a messy sideways to sideways higher bias. The Brit's need to refocus attention on the pandemic. Scotland is having a tough go with the First Minister Nicola Sturgeon proclaiming that the country is at a "fragile and pivotal moment" due to covid cases at record levels. New cases have doubled in Scotland over the last week. Israel remains in the covid soup reporting elevated cases after the big 10.1K daily new cases on Wednesday. Australia reports 978 daily cases yesterday, almost 1K, the most ever of the pandemic. New Zealand reports 63 daily new cases yesterday the most cases since the start of the pandemic early last year. Air Canada follows Delta Airlines mandating that employees become vaccinated or face termination or placed on unpaid leave. Even some of the even-tempered Canucks will be plotting retaliation against a company that demands the workers kneel before them and kiss the vaccination ring.

Note Added Thursday Morning, 8/26/21, at 6:00 AM EST: The democrat media are pumping, or pimping if you prefer, the 'young people in the hospital' narrative. It makes sense that more young people are infected since the older folks are vaccinated, had covid, or are dead. The older teens are the least likely to get vaccinated. Ahh, youth. When young, you are invincible thinking you have all the answers, but as you age, you realize how stupid you were never even knowing the questions to ask. It is the parent's job to educate the teen on vaccinations so they can make an intelligent decision. Bringing up the CDC COVID Data Tracker, and clicking 'Heath Care Settings' then 'Hospitalized Patients', the 7-day MA trend line for US hospitalizations continues higher but at a slower rate. Clicking the 'New Hospital Admissions' tab, the admissions are at record levels, above the January peaks, for the 0 to 49 years old age group. The admissions are less than January for everyone 50 years old and older. The CDC charts verify the news and media reports on how more young folks are in the hospital for the current US wave 5; the delta wave. It is true. Fortunately, the Delta variant does not appear to be causing more severe illness than the original virus. Children under 12 years old are not eligible for vaccinations. Many kids are infected by the parents that are either unvaccinated or vaccinated carriers. The HHS says the states with the most children hospitalized, as per their respective populations, are Louisiana, Kentucky, Oklahoma and Ohio. Only about one-third of the eligible teenagers from 12 to 18 years old are vaccinated. This says parents, that may be vaccinated or unvaccinated, are hesitant at having their kids take the shot perhaps because the mortality rate from COVID-19 is not an issue with children (they survive the disease well). It is important to know how many of the hospitalized kids are suffering from childhood obesity.

Note Added Thursday Morning, 8/26/21, at 9:50 AM EST: Boom! Explosion. Afghanistan. Massive human carnage at the gates of the Kabul airport where the chaotic evacuation continues. 11 US Marines and one Navy medic are killed. Another US soldier dies shortly after the blast for a total of 13. It is a terrible tragedy the most deaths in a decade in Afghanistan. An Islamic State Khorasan, known as ISIS-K, terrorist detonates a suicide bomb murdering the US service members and wounding 15 others. 90 Afghani's are murdered by the blast and over 150 wounded. Coronavirus news takes a back seat to the Afghanistan debacle. Biden's political foes proclaim, "Joe Biden has blood on his hands." The Whitehouse COVID-19 Task Force cancels a press conference that was set to begin in about an hour.

Note Added Thursday Afternoon, 8/26/21, at 2:00 PM EST: Texas Governor Abbott asks other states to send 2,500 more medical personnel to help handle the ongoing outbreak. There are over 8K healthcare workers from other states helping the Lonestar State. Louisiana and Mississippi need help from other states; maybe they are not talking to the right people. There are lots of doctors and nurses that would go South for a couple weeks to help handle some of the burden. Some of the states are enlisting medics as nurse's helpers. The medics can do a lot of nurse duties, but not all, so they can help free up time for the nurses to do more important things or to at least get short breaks during the physically, mentally and emotionally exhausting days. Every little bit helps when the chips are down. Many exhausted and burnt-out doctors and nurses in the South say they only have each other to rely on as conditions remain challenging and help is not on the way as Rise Against sings. The bayou (Louisiana) is burning; the cypress is dying. People should be told that if they are unvaccinated and become sick, immediately seek monoclonal antibody treatment without delay. The mAb folks, working with your doctor, will tell you if the treatment is right for you. Be proactive. Time is of the essence, don't play around. It may be the only way to save Aunt Tilly who says she is short of breath the last couple days or Uncle Johnny that has a dry cough and headache and cannot smell Mama's signature apple pie fresh from the oven. It is too late for vaccinations to help with wave 5. Help Is On The Way with monoclonal antibodies.

Note Added Thursday Afternoon, 8/26/21, at 4:00 PM EST: The Delta Airlines story, where the corporation is screwing unvaccinated employees (one-quarter of the workforce) out of $200 in wages each month, is receiving a lot of social media attention; on both sides of the issue. Generally, the elite privileged class, and the upper middle class sycophants that service the wealthy in the crony capitalism system, are telling Americans to kneel and receive the shot; there is money to be made and you dirty unvaccinated huddled masses need to get a shot and get back to work doing the menial labor. Those cheerleading the docking of unvaccinated people's pay justify their demand by citing how health insurance companies charge more to cover smoker's. Do these idiots really want to play this game? Okay, let's play. These dolts better think twice since most of them are fat. The US should levy surcharges and fees against the smoker's, unvaccinated and especially the overweight and obese. Isn't that a good idea? Those that are thin and in shape with normal or low BMI's should receive discounts on health insurance while everyone that is overweight, especially the obese, should pay far more of the health insurance costs since they are the burden on the system. That is a good idea to screw unvaccinated people after all since it will open the door to screw every citizen that is overweight and obese and the US can do it by the pound. 80% of the people dying from COVID-19 are either overweight or obese. Why not address the fat 900-pound gorilla eating bonbon's on the living room sofa instead of brow-beating unvaccinated folks 24/7? If your BMI is over 25, call your doctor and look into getting vaccinated. Plug your numbers into the CDC BMI calculator to see if you are a fatty with a BMI over 25. People do not think about unintended consequences of their actions. The rights of every American should be defended at all costs, especially the people you disagree with, because if you do not defend their rights, and they fall by the wayside, eventually the system will come for you, and when you cry out for help and for someone to defend you, no one will be there. America should hang together, otherwise everyone will hang separately.

Note Added Thursday Afternoon, 8/26/21, at 6:00 PM EST: President Biden speaks on the Afghanistan situation. He vows to "hunt down" the ISIS leaders that ordered the bombing at the Kabul airport that killed 12 Americans and "make them pay."

Note Added Friday Morning, 8/27/21, at 4:00 AM EST: The US blows through the 650K deaths grim milestone to 652K Americans dead. 39.3 million Americans have been infected with COVID-19 teasing towards the 40 million total cases milestone. The US reports 170K daily new cases for yesterday below the hump day number at 179K cases both below last Friday's 183K cases which is the current peak for the US wave 5. You have to take victories where you can get them and a lower daily cases number than the prior day is a welcome sight. Of course, the rubber meets the road today since the Friday numbers are typically the highest. It is all on the line today for forecasting the future path of US wave 5 and the numbers will be known within 24 hours. The 7-day MA trend line, that smoothes-out the daily data, is at 154K daily cases. Thus, if today's daily cases are sub 154K, for a Friday, there will be dancing in the streets. Between 154K and 183K cases will be ongoing noise and the daily coin-flip on forecasting wave 5 direction continues. If today's daily new cases exceed 183K, America (healthcare workers) is screwed for at least the next month. Florida's numbers are updated and the Wednesday, 8/25/21, daily cases are 26.4K eking out the 26.0K peak on 8/13/21 bad news for the Sunshine State and Governor DeSantis. Yesterday's cases are 21.1K. Florida's haphazard numbers reporting over the last month creates confusion. The news reports about Florida hitting record daily cases the last couple days are correct. However, the democrat media continues to get the story wrong with other statistics, such as deaths. MSNBC commentator Shepard Smith proclaims that Florida is at record levels with cases, hospitalizations, and deaths. Wrong. Does 2 out of 3 count? The cases, as explained, and the hospitalizations, are at record levels but not deaths. It is misinformation. Florida reports only 8 deaths yesterday and the 7-day MA is down to 53 deaths per day. Shep needs to brow-beat his teleprompter writer for making him speak falsehoods. Florida's peak in deaths are 242 souls on 8/5/20 which is a far way from 8. The 7-day MA for Florida deaths peaks at 227 souls on 8/6/20 far above the current 53. West Virginia cases spike to 1.4K a big number. Ditto Kentucky at 5.3K daily new cases the largest number ever except for 1/6/21. The US wave 5 progresses from the South moving north and northeast into Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, West Virginia, Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania. The Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, West Virginia pocket is in deep trouble now sinking into the covid ooze. Hospitals and healthcare workers in this pocket of states need to immediately put on their game faces; STAT!

Note Added Friday Morning, 8/27/21, at 5:00 AM EST: India is leveling-off and basing with daily new cases which is not a good sign. Russia crosses the 180K deaths grim milestone and reports 820 Russians dying from COVID-19 yesterday the deadliest day ever. Dictator Putin is not helping his citizens; it is as if he is lining the Ruskies up against the wall and shooting over 800 of them a day. How about that Sputnik V vaccine, Vlad? How's it going? Maybe it was just a shot of glucose and water? The Sputnik V vaccine is not helping Russia and only shows limited success in other nations. Countries that purchased the Sputnik V vaccine are looking elsewhere. Whoa. UK PM Johnson puckers his buttocks as the daily new cases hit 38.3K the most in over a month. The UK has a potential new wave underway as most Brit's believe the worst is over. The UK 3-day MA is printing higher highs and higher lows for the daily cases so Johnson needs to take the new outbreak seriously. The British Medical Journal publishes a paper, jointly authored by academics, hospital executives and researchers beholding to big pharma and the government, including Oxford University folks, that says more blood clots are caused by the COVID-19 disease than the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine. Who cares? The correct question should ask if the vaccine causes blood clots and if so, how many? Studies to date say yes, the vaccine may lead to blood clot situations and the occurrences are rare. Nowadays, everyone's excuse for bad behavior, or when they get their hand stuck in the cookie jar, is to say 'hey, look at them over there, they are worse, so no one should complain about me'. Isn't it sickening? It's humans. In the States, this behavior is displayed daily by the two corrupt political parties one side saying that their behavior is okay because the other side did something that is worse. It is a sign of the times, the bread and circus days, as a Kondratiev-style multi-decade cycle plays out. The medical journal article is likely released to help encourage vaccinations but most folks can smell the intent a mile away. People lose confidence in leaders, politicians and medical folks due to the blatant collusion occurring among organizations and the daily massaged messages and communications. Mexico's daily cases are improving (dropping) a welcome sight that will help the US southern border states. Dear Lord. Malaysia reports 24.6K daily new cases another record high. Don't Malaysians care about defeating the virus? It is obvious that the Malaysian leadership is out to lunch considering the non-stop rise in daily cases. Too bad for the citizens. 393 Malaysians die yesterday the deadliest day ever. Thailand improves with daily cases but deaths remain elevated. Vietnam remains challenged. Iran reports 700 deaths per day for 2 of the last 3 days the deadliest days ever. Guatemala remains a tragic mess.

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