Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Keybot the Quant Turns Bearish but then Whipsaws Bullish Late Day

Keystone's proprietary algorithm, Keybot the Quant, flips to the bear side at SPX 1399 today. Volatility has jumped higher and semiconductors are weak.  Utilities, UTIL, dropped under 467.35 ushering in more market negativity but has sinice recovered. If UTIL drops back under 467.35, that will seal the deal for the market bears. More details are on Keybot's site;


Note Added 9/4/12 at 3:15 PM:  Keybot whipsaws. The saga continues. All the parameters from this morning reversed back to the long side. Markets end up where they started today.  Keybot the Quant flipped back to the long side at SPX 1402 at 2:13 PM EST.


  1. Wow! That's amazing KS! Never seen Keybot whipsaw within the same day (intraday). When was the last time this happened? Guess that Bernanke and Merkel put is stronger than we think. I am still net short this market. Thanks again for your wonderful and informative blog.



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